-PLANET EARTH, NORTH CAROLINA; December 1, 2006, 06:48 Hours-

Six sat in silence as Clementine rested due to her passing out from exhaustion about 10 hours earlier. Six hadn't gone to sleep yet and was inspecting how much ammo he had left after dealing with the walkers.

He had realized that his maximum ammo capacity for all 3 of his weapons had increased to last him as long as about 4 months and 2 days if used in battle constantly from what he calculated. Still, though, for his DMR had lost 1 round due to it being used for a walker, the same one that almost bit Pete. His M6G had lost 5 rounds, leaving 2 rounds left in its clip.

Six looked at his Motion Sensor and saw that there were fewer Walkers than before outside the door, as well hearing the undead's moans, and groans outside the door, though less than when they first got in the small building, which turned out to be a shed that had a whiskey still complete with whiskey jars either filled or not filled.

It was dark out still, as they had been lying there for hours, setting up in here other than leaving earlier, when there were more walkers that he knew for sure Clementine might not have made out through.

But since there were finally fewer walkers; Six had figured now was a good time to get going to the cabin, he went over to Clementine, and shook her gently, to which she groaned in protest.

"Come on, it's almost time Clem." Six shook Clementine as she finally started getting up after hearing what he said.

She stretched, groaning again, before using her hand to get some crust out of her eyes, and then replying to him, "Fine.."

"Where are we going to go to..?" She asked slowly, due to her tiredness

"We're going to the cabin." Six marked where the Cabin would be as an objective, and his HUD showed him how far it was from their location.

Clementine got a confused look on her face. "How do you know we'll be going the right way..?"

"Trust me." Six simply told her, before looking to his M6G magnetized on his leg, before getting an Idea.

He took out his M6G and reloaded it. He looked at Clementine, holding his magnum in a way that suggests that he was going to lend her it. "You think you can handle this?"

She thought about it for a moment, before nodding. He handed it to her, to which he had to show her how to correctly hold an M6G before letting her use it. Six got out his DMR and signaled for Clementine to get ready. He then slowly pushed the crate blocking the entrance to the side, and slowly opened the door.

There were walkers either standing in place or walking in another direction. One walker saw him and started it to limp over to him, groaning hungrily while doing so. He killed it with a swift knife to the forehead, though the thud the body had made was loud enough for the other walkers to be alerted to their presence, and started following their now fully-dead comrade's steps, and all started limping to the shed.

"Now." Six said simply before he started running towards the direction the cabin was on his HUD, Clementine following behind, shooting any walkers that came near them, as well did Six.

A walker got ahold of Six for a moment, Six taking it with him to see how good of a hold, and bite a walker could have for future references as he ran. It had bit down onto his arm, though because of the force of the bite and the fact he was wearing armor that could block any physical human punch, bite and such without a scratch on it, it destroyed the walker's decaying teeth, it's now fragmented teeth stabbing its decayed gums.

Six promptly grabbed the walker's head with accuracy during his run and crushed it against his armored arm, its body going limp and falling off him, body hitting the forest floor, away from Clementine's path.

After minutes of running, Six and Clementine finally had come in view of the cabin, Six and Clementine slowed down right by the shed, and started walking towards the cabin

Just as they got to the door, it suddenly swung open, revealing Alvin, Luke, and Rookie with hunting rifles, other than Rookie who was holding his M7S; they were all surprised upon seeing the Spartan and Clementine suddenly in front of the door.

"Uh.." Luke scratched the back of his head nervously. "Hey there, Six..." Luke stammered to the Spartan, from inside the cabin, Rebecca's voice could be heard, asking the two men at the door. "Did you find them?"

She and Heather came from the living room, and upon seeing only Six and Clementine, their expression was at first, surprise, but Rebecca's eyes then narrowed and she got suspicious of the pair. Heather, on the other hand, looked worried for her son and brother. "Where's Pete and Nick..?" Heather asked Six with worry in her tone as she looked to him.

He loaded up a hologram showing what had happened to Pete and Nick, firstly showing the part from Six's perspective of shooting the walker that was about to bite Pete which had scared Heather upon seeing it almost get her brother, but then let out a sigh of relief when she had seen he was fine after showing Six shooting its head, then it had shown the walkers coming out nowhere from the surrounding forest, and cutting off Six and Clementine from Pete and Nick. It played up until Six and Clementine got away from the horde when Six stopped the playback.

"I still don't get how you do that..." Alvin crossed his arms while he looked down.

Six thought about telling them all, and showing the videos he discovered that showed him dying right in front of the helmet's camera, but decided against it for now.

"Well, what are we doin' just standin' around?" Luke suddenly asked. "Let's go find 'em." He said as he brought up his hunting rifle.

"It still might not be safe." Six brought up another hologram, a picture-like one this time, showing the carnage at the lake. "Nick seems to think that this 'Carver' did this."

As Six said this, all their faces sank, Rebecca the most, with her looking like she wanted to puke.

"So if you wish to go find Pete and Nick, I advise caution, I'll accompany you if you wish me to." Six said, getting out his DMR, reloaded as he and Clementine had to during their run.

"I... I think that'd be safe if all of us go... Except for the children of course, and I think Rook over there should stay to keep watch on them, of course..." Luke had a conflicted emotion on his face as he wandered around saying this, arms crossed.

Clementine looked ready to complain about hearing Luke's sentence, but a look from Six stopped her.

"Kid, we're not taking you out there again." Six said this sternly to the young child, not going to take any convincing that she would throw at him.

She then pouted and crossed her arms. "Fine..."

Luke then walked towards the exit of the kitchen. "I'll go get the guns, Y'all just wait outside."

To that, the adults headed for the exit of the cabin, though before Carlos he left, he turned to Clementine. "Clementine, can you... can you please watch Sarah for me..? She's upstairs, just distract her from this, please. And don't tell her anything! She gets... Nervous at times..."

Clementine nodded to the man. "I'll take care of her, you can trust me. "

Carlos had a relieved look on his face. "Thank you... You'll be safe inside, just don't open the doors for anything. We'll try to be back soon, and again... thank you."

He headed back out towards the exit, while Luke had come down the stairs, holding a bag filled with hunting rifles. "Now Clem, we'll be back soon, just don't get into any trouble here, okay?" As he said this he turned to Clementine with a joking smile on his face.

She smiled back, still crossing her arms. "'Kay, I'll be sure to break everything."

He simply laughed and headed for the exit where the others were waiting.

As soon as he left, she sighed and headed for the stairs to the upstairs rooms, wherein the living room before the stairs slumped on the couch was Rookie, asleep with his arms limply crossed and head down as if he fell asleep while sitting on the couch.

She snickered slightly at this, knowing they left him like that instead of taking him. She headed up the stairs, careful not to make any noise to wake him.

As she went up the stairs, she noticed Sarah's room was cracked open slightly, so she pushed it, suddenly, Sarah shouted out to her, "Say 'Cheese'!" and suddenly a flash of light danced over her face as she made a yelp, and stepped back with a surprised expression on her face.

Sarah started to giggle, holding a camera in her hands that made the flash of light that blinded Clementine for a moment.

"I found this under the house!" Sarah said this excitedly as Clementine calmed down. "There were all kinds of old stuff down there!"

A picture started to come out of the device, and Sarah took it out shaking it slightly before giving it to Clementine to show her the photo.

"It's so cool!" Sarah was excited as Clementine examined the photo of her surprised reaction.

Sarah then got an idea. "Take one of me! Please?"

Clementine was thinking of telling her not to scare her like that again, but shook it away, nodded and smiled at the girl. "Sure."

Sarah gave the camera to Clementine. "Get me in a good pose, please!" Sarah then smiled and tilted her head, and through her teeth, she said, "Okay, I'm ready!"

A flash of light danced across Sarah's face as Clementine took the photo, but she seemed not to bother with it doing that.

Clementine took out the photo and shook it, producing a photo of a smiling Sarah.

Sarah then realized something. "Hey Clementine, where's my dad? He'd usually check on me by now."

Clementine got a somewhat sad look on her face, which prompted Sarah to ask with a worried expression on her face, "What's wrong Clementine? Is it about my dad?"

Clementine didn't want to break Carlos's promise she agreed to, so she assured Sarah by saying with a small smile on her face. "He'll be fine, I was just thinking something."

"Are you sure?" Sarah asked this, her worried face still plastered on.

Clementine's smile faded, and she looked away. It gave Sarah the answer she needed, and she promptly turned away for a moment, sobbed lightly and tried to compose herself.

Sarah turned back to Clementine. "Sorry, I- I just need to..." She then sat on the ground and crossed her arms over her legs and started to take deep breaths and count to ten while sniffling.

As Sarah was finishing up Clementine sat next to her and smiled softly, which made Sarah calm down and smile back.

"Want to see what I found?"

-PLANET EARTH, NORTH CAROLINA; December 1, 2006, 07:16 Hours-

Six and the Cabin survivors walked throughout the forest doing various small stops due to Rebecca's exhaustion dealing with pregnancy.

They came to a stop at the river where Six and the others had originally split up at. Walker corpses littered the area with the already present corpses now from when Six had last seen it, some of the corpses that were either a walker or a once-alive human seemed to be trampled on, getting some gruesome gore to come out of some bodies.

The shallow stream seemed to be picking up some blood that slowly came out of the bodies littering the river, making some of the streams be a faint pink in color.

"Holy shit..." Luke muttered this in surprise and horror.

The others let out their reactions, mostly in shock and horror at the site, Rebecca turned away from the sight to start throwing up what was her breakfast, with Alvin helping her out, patting her back and whispering sweet nothings to her.

"It was Carver alright... I don't know who else could be able to take out a group of people like that..." Carlos said in a sickened voice, crossing his arms, noting some bullet casings near some bodies.

Six nodded in acknowledgment. "Let's go now." He said simply in a monotone-like voice before he started moving forward through the stream going in the direction he saw Pete and Nick went, stepping past the bodies.

The others followed slowly in acknowledgment, trying not to step on any of the bodies. Heather was suddenly grabbed by a still-alive walker on the ground.

As it was about to bite down on her leg, Heather was about to let a scream escape her mouth before its head exploded in a gory mess as Six shot it with precision with his DMR.

It released it's grip on her as it finally was laid to rest, resulting in Heather falling on her bottom, letting out a yelp. Carlos and Luke quickly went to go help her up, Carlos making sure she wasn't bitten in the meanwhile.

When they were done Heather let out a sigh of relief, turning to Six. "T-Thank you for that..." She said, with a small grateful smile on her face.

"It was my pleasure, ma'am." Six stated simply, nodding along before moving forward back in the direction they were heading before the surprise, the others following suit.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, Rebecca sat down on a fallen tree, catching her breath as Alvin sat next to her, patting her back. Six stood watch, his DMR out looking for any threats in the area, meanwhile Luke, Carlos, and Heather were conversating about her son and brother, hoping they were alive.

"You okay, honey?" Alvin asked his wife, a concerned look on his face.

Rebecca smiled at him. "I-I'm fine, honey. I just need a moment to catch my breath, my feet are killing me..." She chuckled lightly afterward.

Six stood watch, he noticed Luke coming towards him and turned to face him. "You need something?" Six said to the man, his DMR lowered.

"I just wanna say thanks for all the help you've given us so far, even though we haven't treated you the best and such." Luke said with a small smile on his face.

"It's nothing, sir, I'm just doing my duty." Six said, nodding as he did so.

Luke was about to say more before Rebecca and Alvin got up. "She's ready to go now, Six." Alvin announced to him, his arm wrapped around her back. Six nodded and went in the direction, slowly getting closer from the tracks of walkers on the forest floor.

"How exactly are we going find them in this god-forsaken forest?" Rebecca said in an annoyed tone, about five minutes after they started moving once again, "My feet already feel even more swollen than they're supposed to be, AGAIN."

Alvin put a hand on his wife's shoulder with a concerned look. "Do you want to stop and rest again Honey?"

Rebecca replied to her husband with an annoyed but grateful expression on her face "Alvin, no, I'm fine."

"Bec, if you need to rest just tell me." Alvin looked at his wife in concern.

Rebecca then got annoyed, her glare settling on her husband. "I said I'm fine."

Before Alvin could say anything else, Six suddenly said, "I'm getting multiple motions of hostiles in the nearby area."

When Six finished up saying that, various hungry moans, as well as other unsavory sounds, could be heard just to the right of them all, not uncomfortably close, but enough to make most of the group of adults tense up as fear filled their gazes.

Six had taken out his M6G at the moment and had started towards the hostiles before Luke had silently yelled loud enough for Six to hear.

"Six, what are ya' doin'?! There's too many of them, we can't take 'em all on!"

Six smiled within the helmet he wore and merely said to the man; "I got this." Six didn't let Luke have a chance to talk once more and left, leaving the stunned Luke behind him.

He promptly thought of a quick plan that would work as he got closer to the herd, and finally settled on an effective plan in the time it took him to get to the herd.

As he got closer to the hostiles; on his motion sensor, he saw about two friendlies surrounded by hostile targets from every direction.

He simply sighed and walked faster towards them.

He got into a clearing that was covered in walkers and a lonely delivery van that had words in gold paint saying; "RED GOLD" that was being banged on by various states of decaying and fresh walkers, none of which were familiar to him in any way.

Six pointed his M6G to the sky and fired off a loud shot that echoed within the clearing, and had made most of the walkers that surrounded the clearing look his way, and slowly limp his way, hungrier moans left all their decaying mouths.

He put his M6G away and replaced it with his combat knife. As one got close to Six he grabbed the walker by its neck and shoved the knife into its head, and as he pulled it out, a wet gruesome shlick could be heard as the knife pulled out of its head, bringing along with its blood and leftover brain.

But replacing their fallen comrade, two more went towards the lone wolf and being made quick work of after one getting its head punched through while the other was knifed in the forehead, the knifed one after getting the knife pulled out fell onto the ground, as Six pulled his now bloody fist out of the other.

Six felt something grab onto his right forearm and try to bite through his shields and titanium armor, and he looked and it was unsurprisingly a walker. He merely grabbed its head with his left hand and smashed it into this forearm, blood slightly covered his arm while completely cracking and denting its skull and destroying its brain.

He shook the now dead walker off of his forearm and started to eliminate the rest of the present walkers with various kills with his knife and fist.

Luke and the rest finally caught up with their rifles raised, expecting a fight, only to see a gruesome scene.

Various walkers were dead on the ground with knife holes or fist holes into their heads, and at the center of it all, a bloodied but undamaged Six stood there waiting for them all to catch up.

"H-How the hell..?" Carlos stammered with a shocked expression on his face, as did the other adults, they all had lowered their rifles at the sight.

"They're in there." Six said with no emotion in his voice as he walked over to the delivery van. The group of adults hurried to catch up with Six as he got to the van.

The group gathered up at the back of the delivery van as Six opened up it to reveal two scared familiars; Pete and Nick, both having their rifles out to use as a bat to protect themselves from the now-dead herd. They had fully relaxed upon seeing their savior and their group.

Later as they were walking back to the cabin, Pete turned to Six with a smile on his face. "Son, I don't know how you did it, all I heard was a gunshot from that magnum of yours, but you got us out of that herd. While you were doing it singlehandedly mind you. I just wanted to say thanks for saving me and my nephew."

Six nodded towards the man. "It's just my duty, Sir."

Pete chuckled and shook his head. "Don't call me 'Sir', please. It makes me feel old."

Six merely nodded again to the man, then focused on getting back to the cabin.

-PLANET EARTH, NORTH CAROLINA; December 1, 2006, 08:19 Hours-

They had finally made it back to the cabin, the door was slightly open with blood on the ground. Carlos gasped and ran towards the cabin, the others following suit quickly. Six made it there first, due to his augmentations, and quickly entered.

He looked around, the entrance seeming messier than the last time they were here, some slight splatters of blood could be seen on the ground, Six checked for anything on his motion sensor and saw three yellow blimps, and one white blimp.

Six made his way over, looking to see what had happened. A strange man was unconscious lying on the ground in the living room, his face bloodied and outfit bloodied like he was in a fight. Rookie stood over him, his M6C out pointed at the man with Sarah behind Rookie cowering. Clementine was by the man on the ground, looking at him with some hate in her eyes, looking slightly disheveled but upon seeing Six her face lit up slightly.

Clementine was about to say something before Carlos entered the room, a panicked look on his face. "What happened here-!" He said before seeing his daughter behind Rookie. "Sarah!" Carlos yelled out, and in response, she ran over to her father and hugged him tightly, tears slightly pouring down her face.

Luke and the rest followed in, looking around to see what had happened. "Is that..?" Luke said curiously. Suddenly his eyes widened in shock upon seeing the man. "Th.. That's..!"

Rebecca growled out in an icy tone enough to make most of the people in the room to shiver. "Carver."

~Author's Note - Hey guys! Long-time no see, eh? Sorry this took me so long to make, I've had to deal with a lot of things and almost forgot about this story during the summer, and I apologize for that, for now on expect at least a week and a half update schedule for this story, maybe two! If you want me to answer any questions, leave a review or a PM if you want! Have a great day if you're not and I'll see you all later! ~