"Raven?" Agradd asks feeling movement in the bed.
Raven groans as she sits up and rubs her eyes. "I'm here. Is something the matter?"
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Agradd asks holding her still.
"No. I was about to get up anyway," Raven yawns a little before sitting up.
"Raven…why is your cloak green?" Agradd asks groggily.
Raven suddenly leans down and kisses him, making Agradd lay there, shock still.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Raven demands, looking to the rest of her emotions.
'Wait, wh…BRAVE!' Passion yells as Raven tried to regain control of her body as Brave snuggled into Agradd.
Agradd blinks as he looks up to the green-cloaked girl before she pulled back and smiles at him. Agradd gulps nervously until her cloak color turns a familiar blue. "R…Ra…Raven…?"
"I am so sorry," Raven apologizes. 'Brave, you are in so much trouble.'
'But it made you both think about it, didn't it?' Brave shot back as Raven can only see the shocked expression on Agradd.
'He hasn't let go miss bride,' Passion says.
Raven quickly gets off of him and steps a bit away. "Sorry…but…I have no excuses for that," Raven tries to explain. 'Other than kicking your ass Brave.'
"It's alright…I didn't mind it at all," Agradd informs.
Raven seemed generally surprised now. 'Woohoo! Score one for the girls!' Brave cheers.
'…you know, I wonder ho…we are so checking his memories to see if he has felt this way for a while,' Knowledge says.
'I agree with that motion,' Happy calls out excited.
"Raven…what time is it?" Agradd asks, still sounding tired.
Raven finally snaps out of her trance and looks to a nearby clock. "Its four…you should still get some rest," she says looking to his tired form before starting to turn and head for the door.
"Won't you stay?" Agradd asks.
Raven stops and slowly looks to him. "…are you sure…I mean…after that…?"
"Yeah. Your warmth really is helping me," Agradd says.
'HE'S SO CUTE!' Passion declares loudly to them.
'It must be his ice powers,' Knowledge says.
Raven slowly nods. "…of course…I can stay…but after what I did…"
"I don't mind," Agradd says wrapping his cloak around himself again.
Raven walks back over and climbs back into bed with him. "Only if you're sure."
"I am," Agradd says before wrapping the covers around the two of them and goes back to holding her.
'We really do need to take care of him,' Shy says happily.
Raven keeps looking to Agradd as he lays back down with her, noting how much he is smiling. 'Yes.'
'He is ours, after all,' Happy says.
Raven smiles more now, keeping an eye on Agradd as he slept.
"How is he?" Zatanna asks Raven who was meditating as Agradd took a shower.
"He has actually started to learn how to use ice magic. Using what information we were able to gather. And he is progressing at the same rate with water," Raven explains.
"And the need for heat?" Zatanna asks.
"Side effect of using ice," Raven dismisses.
"And have you been to see our 'guest'?" Zatanna asks.
"Not yet. Waiting for Agradd as she may be the last bit of family he has left," Raven answers.
"And here I have a pain spell ready to go," Zatanna jokes.
Raven says noting as she considers it.
"Any case, have him hurry up in there. He has to get things done," Zatanna reminds.
"Give him time. His body is still adjusting," Raven says.
'And we can watch it next time, we have to erase some memories,' Passion says.
Raven nods along as she kept revisiting the memory of him asleep and snuggling up against her.
"Alright, just make sure you get out sometime soon lovebird," Zatanna says.
Raven jumps a bit and blushes as Zatanna walks away. 'She knows,' Happy says ominously before giggling.
'We have been kinda obvious about it,' Passion informs.
Raven turns her gaze to Agradd as he floats a water ball in the bathtub that he has been freezing slowly as possible. But her eyes have been trailing over the rest of his body now.
'I wonder how it would feel if he started carrying us and taking us to bed?' Passion teases.
None of the emoticlones said nothing as they started to surround Passion.
'Come on. We have all been wondering,' Passion tries to pass off.
'Brave, I will forgive you if you lead this,' Raven thinks, making Brave smirk and crack her knuckles.
'Eh…come on girls…oh boy…' Passion mumbles as they all get closer.
"You warmed up?" Raven asks.
Agradd looks up at her and smiles before nodding. "I am."
"Good," Raven says putting her hand on his ice-white hair.
Agradd still smiles. "So what I do learn now?"
"Nothing for now. We are going to see our guest," Raven says.
Agradd nods. "Of course. I will follow."
"After getting dressed and out of your swim trunks?" Raven asks.
Agradd kept smiling and nods his head. "Yes," he says getting up and letting Raven get a good look at his body.
"The towel," Raven offers allowing herself to smile as she handed it to him.
'You have to admit…that's a good sight,' Passion groans in pain.
'He will be our husband after all,' Happy reminds.
'I wonder if we get this possessiveness from our demon side?' Knowledge questions.
They all look to Rage who just looks to them and then turns around and hides her blush.
'Rage, want to help me get Raven to spy on him changing?' Passion asks smirking.
Rage growls to herself. 'Only if it is worth the action.'
'Why do that? If we do make him our husband, then one day we will see him naked whenever we want,' Rude says.
Raven sighs and facepalmed. "I am literally debating myself here."
'A new motion, what do you all think of the new look from his ice magic?' Brave interjects.
'If he wasn't sexy before, he is now,' Passion spoke up from the ground.
'You will not taint this pure side!' Happy yells.
'I'll make sureOW!" Passion yells in pain now.
'We think this one is purity?' Shy asks confused.
Raven sighs. 'Just resist. Just ignore.'
'Should we have her tell Agradd on what happened to his home?' Knowledge asks, stopping everything.
Raven thinks herself before frowning. 'We have to stop that.'
'Yeah…I don't think he can handle being told and those memories coming rushing all back at once,' Knowledge says as even Passion was silent on the matter.
'Which means we need to warn her first,' Raven mutters getting up.
"Raven?" Agradd asks walking out.
Raven stops before smiling and turning to him. "Yes?"
"I thought you were waiting for me," Agradd says pulling on his cloak.
Raven sighs. 'He isn't letting us slip by,' Passion points out.
'Is it because he wants to be with us?' Rage questions.
"I am. Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind. Are you ready?" Raven interrupts.
"Yes," Agradd says.
"Great. Before we go meet her, how about some food first?" Raven asks.
Agradd nods. "That would be nice."
"Alright, go to that restaurant and get us a table. I need to grab something and will be right there,' Raven says.
'Smooth,' Brave says.
"Okay. I will meet you there," Agradd agrees and walks off.
'Ok, work quick,' Raven thinks before moving to where Adash was being held.
Adash groans as she slowly opens her eyes before being blinded and sees Raven standing in her cell doorway. "What does the last of people stealer want?"
"I will bring Agradd to you very soon, but you can't tell him what happened to your people. He doesn't remember and if it's as bad as I think it is, then it could damage him greatly," Raven says standing in front of her now.
"Why should I not? He will learn soon," Adash points out.
"Do you want him to have a mental breakdown and truly be all alone?" Raven asks.
Adash stops at that and frowns while looking away.
"Do you agree?" Raven asks.
Adash scoffs. "Fine…"
"Now the second question, are you his family?" Raven asks seriously, making Adash smirk.
"No, but he was one of my potential partners," Adash informs.
'COMPETITION! Kill her! Kill her now!' Passion yells.
'She's a rival!' Brave yells.
'Quiet!' Raven yells before sighing outwardly. "Is that so?"
"Yes," Adash informs smirking, knowing she had struck a nerve.
Raven sighs and calms herself. "Do not tell him that either."
"Why not?" Adash says, slipping her hands out of the bindings.
Raven clams up for a moment. 'No. Don't tell her,' Rude warns.
'Isn't she free now?' Rage asks.
'No. She can not tell any of this to Agradd,' Rude refutes.
'No. I mean she slipped out of her bindings!' Brave yells.
Raven glares widely now as Adash rushes up to her with an ice spear covered hand and Raven immediately uses her magic and catches her foot. Adash blinks when she suddenly swipes and misses her, now heading for the floor. 'How the fuck…?'
Raven sighs in relief and covers her whole body now after she hit the floor hard. 'I am so glad Beast Boy has been pranking me all that much now.'
"You are better than I thought, but did you really think you captured me?" Adash asks.
'Honestly, we could kill her right now and no one would know,' Knowledge points out.
"Alright then, tell me what is going on. Why are the frost giants here?" Raven demands.
"The old accord was nullified when Avalon was destroyed so they are back to reclaim what is theirs," Adash informs.
"What do you mean by…why did they leave?" Raven asks.
"Humans and the rest of us came to an accord is all I know," Adash informs.
"And that accord is?" Raven presses further.
"Non-aggression I think. With humans getting to keep the planet in exchange for helping make our new homes," Adash says as the room starts to freeze over.
"Why are you helping them?" Raven asks, stopping the ice with her magic.
"So I will have protection from them," Adash says, sounding very scared now.
Raven frowns slightly, keeping an eye on her expression.
"Who are they? Something that we need protection from and an army of frost giants can give us. That is why I am helping them so that I can protect myself and now Agradd as well," Adash informs before Raven noticed her lower body was encased in ice.
Raven immediately starts to use her magic and heat up the room. "Enough."
"You won't stop me," Adash says using more magic.
"And you won't take the one I love away from me," Raven growls back as they entered a magic deadlock.
"Raven?" Agradd spoke up as he entered and saw them glaring at each other.
"Agradd!" both call before going back to glaring at each other.
"I thought we were going to eat?" Agradd asks.
Raven kept glaring down at Adash. "Agradd…in a bit. Just have to deal with something."
"Yeah. Him coming with me," Ahash informs.
"Why would I do that?" Agradd asks confused.
"Because you n…" Adash started before collapsing asleep.
"What is she talking about?" Agradd asks toward Raven.
"That isn't a concern right now," John says appearing before them.
Agradd looks to him very confused as to why this confrontation happened but doesn't say anything for now.
"Raven, we will handle it from here. You can go to lunch now," John says and Raven wasted no time taking Agradd and left.
"Raven…is something the matter?" Agradd asks concerned to her.
"No. Nothing's the matter," Raven says, leading him on, making sure to keep him close.
"Raven…" Agradd could only say.
"Don't worry. She will be fine," Raven assures.
"But you are not," Agradd says bluntly.
"What do you mean?" Raven asks stopping.
Agradd holds up his arm which is being held tightly by her.
"Oh," Raven says as she loosens her grip.
Agradd looks her over now. "Are you okay?"
"She wants to take you away is all," Raven says before covering her mouth. 'HAPPY!'
"Why would she do that? I am content here with you," Agradd says, noticing her slightly angry expression. "Do you want me to talk with her?"
"No, I don't," Raven says before hugging Agradd.
Agradd stops and looks down to Raven before slowly hugging her back. "Are you okay…Raven?"
"I…don't want her to take you away," Raven says.
"Why is that?" Agradd asks, almost curiously.
Raven just holds him there and gives him time to think about it.
"…I…I see…you want me more," Agradd concludes.
"I want you to stay with me," Raven says.
"Oh Raven," Agradd mutters, leaning down and resting his head on her shoulder.
'He is not against it?' Happy questions, ultra-hyper excited.
'This…would be a step in the right direction,' Knowledge added.
'One more push and he is ours,' Passion says and, for once, the other emoticlones are listening to her.
'Quiet…let me enjoy this,' Raven reminds to them.
'Happy, it has come to pass,' Knowledge says.
Happy squeals happily as she jumps around excited.
'Rage, you doing alright over there?' Knowledge asks, looking over to her, still seemingly on fire from Adash incident.
'Fine…' Rage mutters enough so they can hear.
"You sure?" Agradd asks, appearing next to her.
Rage jumps surprised as they all slowly turn to look at him shocked.
'How long were you in here?' Timid asks.
"I love all of you too," Agradd answers.
Timid squeaks and faints as the rest of them blush in shock.
Agradd, seeing this, goes and hugs Rage, making her cool down quickly.
'How did he…?' Knowledge tries to ask.
"Agradd?" Raven asks, feeling him go slack in her arms.
'How did he figure out the magic?' Knowledge asks again.
"I am experimenting," Agradd says as they all started to realize Raven hadn't caught on that he was in here or he knew their hidden feelings now.
'You shouldn't be here…can I get some?' Happy asks, holding out her arms.
Agradd opens his right arm, inviting her and, a moment later, Happy was already taking the other side as Rage and Raven received the jolt of happiness and her eyes started to widen, putting together what had happened.
Happy hums happily as she snuggles into Agradd's side and Rage even lean more against him.
"AGRADD!" Raven yells, entering her mind trying to get mad, but failing.
Agradd slowly turns to her and hugs the two tighter. "I know. I shouldn't have used my power without asking your permission and I also know. Passion is a bit of a blabbermouth," Agradd lies making Rage smile.
'I love this mage,' Rage says.
"Passion," Raven growls, turning towards that emoticlone.
"I feel the same way though," Agradd says.
Raven stops and stays frozen in place as she heard this.
Agradd looks to the two he was holding and they let him go so he could walk up to Raven herself and holds her.
Raven stiffens up and slowly relaxes into the hug now and leans back into him.
"I have fallen in love with you. Demon side and all," Agradd says brushing her hair with his hand.
Raven gulps and blushes bright red now.
"I am not human either, according to her," Agradd says, laying his head onto her own.
"You are to me," Raven says quietly.
'Wait, if he is from Avalon…isn't he a fairy then?' Knowledge asks.
Passion smacks the back of her head as they kept watching.
"I don't care either way," Agradd says as he wraps their cloaks around each other.
Raven slowly closes her eyes and leans more against him. 'Please…'
"I love you, Rachel Roth," Agradd says.
Raven starts to shut her eyes close before crying now, trying to hide herself.
"No one can take that from either of us," Agradd says before kissing her forehead.
Passion starts to push everyone away as they all kept an eye on both of them while they disappear.
"How did you get in here without taking over my body anyway?" Raven asks after a long pause.
Agradd blinks as they come back into their real bodies again and Agradd looks to himself before noticing that he had his gloves on. He then looks up to her with a confused look on his head.
"Come back anytime," Raven says very peppy.
Agradd tilts his head now.
"Dang it Happy," Raven mutters looking down before Agradd kisses her forehead.
Raven became a little surprised as her blush returned.
"I stand by what I said," Agradd says holding her closer now before adding, "Master."
Raven slowly smiles. '…I can live with this.'
'Ah. Love…then marriage and soon little fairy, demon, human hybrids running around,' Passions says smirking before there was the sound of something crashing in Raven's head.
"Raven?" Agradd spoke up, feeling her tense up.
"Nothing to worry about," Raven says holding him before his stomach sounds off.
Agradd blinks and looks down to his stomach at that point before looking up to her.
"I will feed you. Come on," Raven says smiling.
Agradd nods and starts to follow her.