
Summary: After constant arguing, the Loud siblings opt to spend the day at Dairyland .

With there being so many kids in the Loud family, it gets hard for the parents to keep track on where and when they are, one example being that one minute Lola and Lana are in their infamous squabbles, the next minute, Lisa nearly blows the house up as a result of another one of her rather extreme scientific experiments, took a lot of the family budget to fix the damages from the last time it happened. Doesn't help that the house didn't have enough space for all eleven of the kids to find some privacy, except when Lucy creeps inside the air vents. Luckily, the siblings have their Sibling Meetings to assist in that problem, established after Lynn's birth, the Sibling Meetings are a special time when the kids gather together in Lori and Leni's rooms to discuss what they all collectively discuss matters pertaining to the family. From trips to problems that need fixing or more regularly, what activity they should agree on that can satisfy everyone's needs.

In this instance, they were finishing up on old business.

"Thanks you again, Lisa, for that interesting seminar about not eating out an entire jar of peanut butter with a booger picking finger." Lori gestured to the child prodigy who looked mighty pleased with herself despite the look Lisa was sending her way. "Also, quick reminder, the next time it looks like there's only one pizza left, don't make a go for it. Apparently, it's good for another prank." she narrowed her eyes at Luan.

"I admit, it was kind of cheesy." Luan winked with a chuckle from her little brother.

Clearing her throat, Lori slammed her sandal down on a makeshift desk. "Alright then, with that out of the wat, I move to discuss new business and no, won't talk about investing in a lifetime supply of glitter products or sports equipment." Lynn and Lola crossed their amrs with pouty faces. "Now, I'm open to suggestions on how to spend the rest of the day."

Leni quickly raised her hand up. "Ooh! I know, we can all go to the mall!"

Rather than be met with aggregable sounds, a few of them groaned at that suggestion. "Leni, we already went to the mall before." Lily pointed out, with Lincoln sitting on her lap.

"But why can't we just go again?"

"Dude, we only agreed to that because the mall had a lot of stuff on sale that what we wanted." Luna reminded her older sister. "Why else would we have gone without even arguing?"

"Yeah, I needed to buy more food for Izzy." Lana said, stroking the head of her pet lizard tenderly.

"And the newest coffin model was being sold for just that one day." Lucy added.

Lisa then stood up and pulled down a chart and turned on an image projector to showcase her own suggestion. "Then let me propose the planetarium." she pointed to the location. "I guarantee that our expectations of a riveting period shall be met once we observe the collision of an asteroid on another asteroid, fit with a supernova as well." her idea was also shot down when most of them booed and threw stuff at the chart screen.

"Any other uber dork ideas? No, then it's my turn." Lynn tried to get them to go with her own suggestion. "Margo and Paula told me that since coach had to cancel tryouts for the football team, the field's free for anyone who wants to use it and I for one think that nothing beats a slow day like tossing the old pigskin around."

"But what about the Chortle Portal?" Luan reminded them. "They're allowing new acts and I'm telling ya, just one pun onstage wouldn't hurt and I'd definitely wouldn't videotape the whole thing." she gave a not-so subtle laugh.

"Just like how you definitely didn't sneak Hops inside my guitar for my band's practice last week?" Luna sourly recalled, having to postpone practice just at the last day before their big gig. "Chuck says that the karaoke club is open 24/7 this week, come on, I can't be the only one who wants to show off their pipes to crowds."

"You should know by now I prefer not to sing in public, let alone at all, Luna." Lucy told her with her arms crushed. "The only rhymes I wish to recite are the ones recorded in my journal at a poetry reading."

"No one's too old for some mud hole jumping." Lana boasted.

"You're head's full of mud if you think I'd ever do that with your ruffian friends." Lola scowled at her twin. At this point, the siblings got into a worded argument about their suggestions that would've predictably erupted into a full blown scuffle had it not been for Lori slamming her sandal down to stop halt them. All meetings were like this, the minute people start pinching in their own unique suggestions everyone would start fighting over which idea was the best and more fun.

"Listen, mom and dad rarely give us the day to do something on our own so wither we can agree on one thing for a change or lounge around the house, bored out of our minds." the eldest child presented her younger siblings with his ultimatum and knew that arguing won't make this day go by any quicker. But the Louds actually agreeing on something was a very tall order, they all had such diverse interests and qualities that you didn't need Lisa to tell you the low probability. Unfortunately, none seem to have managed to think of an activity where they would all equally enjoy together without so much as a minor hiccup among them.

As luck would have it, an idea came from their youngest.

"How about Dairyland?"

All the sisters looked to the precocious white haired toddler once he said his idea. "Dairyland?" Lori repeated, an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah!" Lincoln nodded with vigor. "We always have fun when we got to Dairyland, remember when we got on board the whirly hooves, Lana?"

"I nearly puked!" Lana laughed at the memory.

"We always have fun there, like last summer when Pop-Pop stayed with us for a while."

Now that was a fun time. When their beloved grandfather was planning on settling down in Royal Woods at the nursing home nearby, he wanted to celebrate one last day of freedom before the rules set by the head nurse would limit his ability to move about, due to his advancing age. His grandkids, daughter, and son-in-law invited him to Dairyland where they had a huge blast. One thing to make note of was that they didn't make a scene by starting a fight and getting kicked out in some instances. "Huh, that's actually not a bad idea, little buddy." Lynn complimented the kid with a hair tousling.

"Any objections?" Lori got no responses. "Then we are adjourned, I'll go start up Vanzilla." she spun the car keys before catching them.

Dairyland Amoosement Park.

One of Royal Woods more famous and well known landmarks. It's an amusement park unlike any other, mostly due to the fact that it's about the only one with a dairy theme spun into it. You got stuffed cows and cheese as prizes from the games and a mascot that was an actual cow that were enough of a tip off, and yet stood to be a particular favorite among the youth of Royal Woods, especially the kids. "Okay, I texted mom and dad that we'll be here for about 10 hours, and we'll be back home when our time us up."

"Got a out of ground to cover, sis." Luna remarked, noting the park's large space.

"Yeah, it would be udderly hard to choose which ride." Luan remarked.

"Which is why we should be in groups, each with an older kid to watch over them." Lori addressed and starting picking the groups and the sister that would watch over them. "Leni, you'll be Lynn and Lisa. Luna will take over the twins. Luan can handle Lily and Lucy while I'll take over watching Lincoln and remember everyone, 6 hours." she reminded them, not wanting to have take of whatever mess her sisters would find themselves in while having the time of their lives.

Lincoln waved at his older sisters, while holding his bigger sister's hand. "Have fun, everyone!"

Luna knelt down and hugged him. "Have a rockin' time, baby bro. Try not to give Lori too much trouble." she playfully winked.

"I'll try winning you a toy, Linky!" Leni promised.

Once the groups of siblings were away, Lori picked Lincoln up in her arms and walked towards the entrance to the park. "Hey Lori, how come you wanted us to spit up?" Lincoln asked, curiously. "Wouldn't we have more fun together?"

Sometimes, the naivete and optimism of her brother annoys her but here, she shook his head amusedly. "One thing you'll learn eventually Lincoln is that everyone needs some space to do their own things."

"But I thought we agreed to go to Dairyland because it was something we wanted to do together as a family?"

"We did." she reassured him. "It's a little too much to ask for everyone to stay as a group, they'd wanna try out different rides and play different games and more importantly, mom and dad know we're here. Now come on, day's still young."

The idea of coming to Dairyland turned to be a fruitful endeavor as each group of siblings found themselves entertained with several of the park's attractions to test out. "Ooh, take a look at this." Leni guided Lisa and Lynn to a game stand where there was an assortment of prizes waiting to be claimed by the lucky winner. One prize that caught the fashionably savvy sister's eye was the giant plush rabbit toy that was hung and remembered the promise she made to Lincoln after separating. "Linky would love to have that toy, it could be Bun-Bun's younger brother." she suggested, clapping her hands at the prospect.

"Assuming we could even win it." Lisa cynically stated. "A percentage of individuals who make profit from employing attractions with the purpose of filling a sense of joy-street name, carny-tend to sabotage they're games taking advantage of the poor sucker's frustration and stubbornness to try again thus gaining them more money. That's how it tends to be."

"Maybe for those who suck at it." Lynn cracked her knuckles, always ready to accept any challenge presented to her.

"Sister, did you not just hear me? You're just proving them right."

"Put on a sock in it, egghead. Ain't never been game LJ's never beaten." she craned her neck to prepare herself and shouted to the person who was running the stand. "Hey, there anybody here?!"

"Keep your pants on!"

To the sisters' surprise, the owner of the stand turned out to be Flip, the proprietor of the local gas station shop. "Flip, what are you doing here?"

"Food N' Fuel is closed for the day thanks to some stuffy health inspector saying there were a lot of 'health code violations'." the notorious swindler informed using air quotes. "I'll be manning this here stand until tomorrow, so what do you want?"

"Despite my advisement, our primary objective is to claim one of your prizes as one of our own, specifically the stuffed lagomorph of unrealistic size for our male youngest sibling." Lisa pointed to the toy.

"And I'm the one that'll win it!" Lynn declared proudly.

Flip gained a sly smirk, the ones with the massive egos are the best ones to fleece. "Well, step right up, missy." he presented her a bowl of balls and showed her the moving targets of cow heads, though only a few were bulls. "It's simple, just hit the target that's a bull three times and you'll win, but you gotta really rely on your eyes, kid."

"Pfft, I could do this in my sleep."

Ever so confident, Lynn took a ball and did some breathing exercises along with some mental mantras that always helps put her head in the game and reaching her arm back, she threw the ball at the intended target...and tore through the back of the tent instead much to her outrage. "Wha….?!"

"Ooh, tough break." Flip feigned sympathy. "You can try again but that'll cost you another 5 dollars per try."

"Fine! I can make it this time." it was a futile effort. With every throw, the results were all the same, failure after failure with Flip gaining more money, and if there was one thing she resented more than a game being cancelled, it was losing even at something trivial. Leni grew concerned not just because her brother wouldn't get a gift for their brother but by how much this was affecting Lynn, she was boiling with frustration. For Lisa, she had expected such an outcome, though Lynn was athletically gifted, she was prone to stubborn impulses that lead to her own downfall.

Good thing she always has a fallback for any eventuality. "Lynn, given how its fairly obvious you'll go on for the entirety until our deadline, I feel I should let you know that I've devised a means of turning Flip's machinations against him. With it, it can guarantee you a swift victory."

"I didn't need dork words to win games before, Lisa and I don't need them now." Lynn denied stubbornly.

"Not even to get something Lincoln would want?" it was a dirty move, Lisa was willing to admit but it was necessary for nothing can make the sisters cave more than seeing their little brother happy. Smirking in satisfaction once seeing Lynn groan in conceding, she pulled her older sister in for a quiet conversation. "While you were playing Flip's game-both in the literal and metaphoric sense-I took the liberty in taking a peek in layman's terms." a bug landed on her palm, but look closely and it was revealed that it was a robot spy bug with a built-in camera that transmitted to her screen watch.

"Okay, I'll bite, the heck am I supposed to see?"

Lisa's screen showed the inner workings of the game which were wired to a hidden switch that would allow Flip to control it so that whoever plays always fail. "As I suspected, Flip has it all rigged for his own purposes, but I have a way to turn the tables as one could say." she whispered her plan into Lynn's ear and soon, she was ready to go again.

As Flip restarted the game, the con artist was unaware of Lisa's bug flying back in and started fiddling around. First chance she got, Lynn managed to land herself a target, much to Flip's shock. "Uh...flukes don't happen twice, you know."

"Maybe. Or..." two more throws and that was a three in a row, sealing the deal. "I'm just that good." Triumphantly, the sisters took the rabbit and moved along, leaving a miffed Flip.

"So what? Plenty more suckers out here." a creaking sound was heard and the game stand toppled, revealing his rigging for all to see.

"Hey, my son played for a toy!"

"I want my money back!"

Handling the twins was no easy feat, while sibling squabbles were common in the Loud house, Lola and Lana hold the record for having more arguments than all the sisters combined. Not that it isn't to be expected, a tomboy and a pageant princess aren't exactly a good mix up but each sibling and parent has their own way of keeping the younger ones in line for matters such as right now when the two were having a shouting match. "We always go on the whirly hooves first! I want to try the boat ride!" Lola whined

"Boat rides take too long, the hooves are way more fun than whatever boring idea you have!" Lana shot back.

"You only hate it because you're not allowed to swim in the water!"

"Why put water in if they don't want someone to take a dip?!"

"That's just stupid!"

"You would know! That tiara's makes me the smart twin!"

"Oh no, you did not just diss the tiara, frog lover!"

"Leave Hops out of this!"

Arguing will get the sisters booted from the place and Luna knew that which would also get her an earful from Lori over not being able to be the mediator between the two. She separated the two twins before they could make a dust fight cloud in public, this was one of the few times she didn't want all eyes on her. "Take a breather and chill for a sec, li'l dudettes. We're on the scene for a fun time, and we can't do that by tearing each other apart."

"But Lola keeps wanting to do dumb stuff!"

"Come on, Lans, you know we all dig your fun loving self. But Lola's got a point, maybe do something she wants to do for a change?" the rocker suggested. "Either that or having to deal with big sis yelling our ears off. Choice is all yours, bra."

The little greases monkey crossed her arms with a disappointed pout but relented nonetheless. "When this is over, I'm choosing the next ride." the ride Lola wished for them to go on was on a boat shaped like a loaf of cheese that floated through what was a strange concoction made to look like actual milk, some might thing it might actually be milk. If Lisa were here, she'd point out that both possibilities were 'statistically impossible', but that just made it more fun for them to try. As an added bonus, the health department checked it out okay, and while Lana was still dissatisfied, at least she and Lola stopped their bickering for once.

All three got on board the cheese boat and waited until it sailed off into the milky waters with Lola grinning in triumph and excitement, always preferring the slow and steady route into the tunnel. "You know Lana, if you just tried one go around, you might just like it." she told her twin as darkness overcame them.

"Please, what does this have that the whirly-"

Light sprang up all of a sudden. Animatronic cows and other farm animals were revealed with several instruments and did a little showtune that immediately caught the attention of both of the 6-year-olds. Luna smiled in satisfaction, she remembered how she used to sing along wo attractions like these before getting into rock and roll. As the song continued, her thoughts went to her little brother, she had faith that Lori was responsible enough to take care of the family's youngest but worrying about him is second nature.

Being around Luan was an easy way to get a headache.

Or headaches in Lucy and Lily's case.

Of all sisters that Lori could have left in charge of them, it just had to be the one who's default setting is spitting out corny puns that no one other than their father could take seriously. Times like this is what made Lily wonder why she didn't buy those noise cancelling ear buds from that commercial she watched a while ago. "Did you get a load of that kid who threw up on the milk shaker? His mom sure had a cow." the aspiring comedian remarked. "The clean-up crew would be udderly fed up with that. Hopefully, there weren't any accidents at the cheese boats, people are supposed to have a gouda time there."

"Lily. Do you suppose it's too late to reconsider spending the rest of the day here? Any more dairy-related puns and I'm obligated to form a bat colony here." Lucy said.

"At this point, it just might be." Lily made a move to stop Luan while she was still going. "Uh, hey Luan, don't you think we should pick a ride already? Feels like we've been walking around in circles."

"Then that makes us well-rounded. Get it?"

Both younger sisters groaned, but then the gothic poet spotted an attraction that caught her kind of interest. "Girls, look." she pointed to a face painting stand but the styles were farm animals that were made to resemble that of zombies or a Franken-cow as such. "Haiku told me about this. Dairyland wants to try and be more than a dairy-themed park so they started including attractions such as this." though neither of her older sisters couldn't see it, Lucy felt quite the excitement in wanting to have her face painted like that. She was more partial to a vampire look, but she was willing to work with what she got in any instance.

"Hey, look there are more designs."

Monster animals weren't the only options available, there were also ways to make someone look like regular animals along with even a rodeo clown and the price wasn't something to worry about. Luan was able to pay for all three of them thanks to babysitting jobs and the last income from her Funny Business birthday party gigs. For Lucy, she resembled a zombie goat, while Lily was a standard sheep and almost predictably, she resembled a rodeo clown fit with the fake nose. "That sheep look really suits you, Lily, like a real baa-lerina and we better hope no one gets your goat, Lucy."

Both turned to each other and after a beat of silence, gave off light chuckles. "Okay, we walked right into those." Lily admitted.

Everything went off as Lori hoped.

She had been keeping up with what the others were doing through texting with the older sisters that were in charge of watching over the younger ones and from the looks of it, this day had remarkably went by without so much as a hitch. It was quite surprising really, not only did they go somewhere they all unanimously agreed with but they didn't get kicked out like the public pool not just in Royal Woods but also in those other towns. Mom and dad will certainly be happy to hear that there won't be any complaints.

"Hey, Lori!" she turned to her brother who ran up to her with a stick of cotton candy, or what was left of it. "Can I get more cotton candy?! This stick is a lucky winning wrapper and I can get a second one free this time!"

"Lincoln, you know how you get when you eat too much sugar." Lori chided him.

"But that's what mommy says about you and the girls when you all eat too much chocolate."

"Those bars were fair game without a note, dad should've know that!" clearing her throat, Lori gave her final answer. "Just make sure it's not too much, and don't even think about sneaking in more, Lana's nose is like a bloodhound." as the boy left, she was left alone sitting on a bench, it won't be long now until they have to go home and spent the rest of the time waiting until her phone vibrated. "Hello?"

"'Sup, babe?"

Gasping in delight, Lori gushed. "Bobby Boo-Boo Bear!"

"Sorry for not dropping you a holler sooner. Was too busy with my morning job at Burpin' Burger, you home right now?"

"Dairyland, actually." she corrected. "My siblings and I couldn't agree on where to go until Lincoln thought of Dairyland, everyone else are around the park while I'm watching him."

"How's the little Loud doing?"

"For the most part, pretty okay. But enough about that, did you manage to pick out the suit I told you about? It'll be a perfect match with my gown and presenting ourselves like that will make as a shoe-in for homecoming king and queen."

"Lori, I know winning that is important to you and I am behind you a hundred percent but couldn't we just have fun without worrying about who'll win?"

"We'll have plenty of time for that, but literally though, I've worked hard to make sure I win by a landslide."

"And it doesn't have anything to do with Carol Pingrey also running?"

His girlfriend scoffed. "As if. Listen, I gotta go, we'll have to go home pretty soon, skype you until then." she kissed him goodbye and what looked like an employee of the park. "Excuse me young lady, would that be your brother?" he pointed to a hyperactive child who was on top of Tippy the Cow's head.


Sighing, Lori went to get him off, such energy inside a little boy.

Time was up and the Louds reunited with each other just as planned. "Aw, what happened to Linky?" Leni pointed to the slumbering toddler who was in Lori's arms.

"He tuckered himself out, ate a lot of cotton candy."

"Give him here." Lori handed him to Luna who made sure to be gentle as she and the kids got inside Vanzilla and drove off home, Lori looked at the rearview mirror to see the pleased looks of all her siblings and smiled to herself.

All in all, it was not a bad day and Lincoln has a knack for good ideas, might be a useful skill in the future.