Aerys I – First Month, 259 AC

It's been a year since I was forcibly removed from my home at Los Angeles to one of the places that I'm thoroughly fascinated about yet one that I would not want to be reincarnated to the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. I'm not a religious person yet I still attend my weekly mass gathering because I tend to respect the religion that I was born into; that is Roman Christianity. I am what you would call an 'Agnostic Atheist' for while I don't believe in the notion of a 'Higher Being', I also can't disapprove of one.

That line of thinking quickly changed when I woke up into the body of one Aerys Targaryen, also known as the Mad King. My first instinct that day was to vomit but unexpectedly, I didn't. Turns out that while I was busy trying to wake up, the previous owner's mind merged with mine. Thus, resulting in an interesting personality. While I do recognize that the dominating personality was the one from Earth, my other personality took advantage of the situation to process the current situation and to acclimate the mind that came from Earth.

In short, Aerys and I merged minds, to create a new Aerys. One that would both make us proud.

And it was coming along quite nicely. I managed to fix my relationship with Rhaella, managed to influence Grandfather to not do stupid things that could hamper the Targaryen dynasty even more and introduce numerous things in Westeros. Bookkeeping is one of those, as well as bikes. I also managed to introduce some laws within King's Landing, one of which is making sure that the city doesn't smell anymore by placing fines on people that would throw their trashes and wastes near houses, the bay or the Rush.

Of course, many protested at this, with the people of Flea Bottom making their voices the loudest. I can't blame, seeing that the streets of Flea Bottom are mostly covered in piss and shit, coming from animals and sometimes, people. With its people barely having the money to fund themselves, I can't blame them for taking drastic measures when dealing with their normal routine.

It still doesn't change the fact that I'm not going to visit that street for a long while.

"Rhys, can you stop reading that book and help me." My lovely wife sweetly said as I quickly removed myself from the chair too quickly getting myself towards Rhaella.

Over the year since I've been transplanted and merged with, Rhaella has been a steadying influence in my life. Not only has she been the most delightful person I've ever meet (disregarding the fact that we're both siblings), Rhaella has also been most helpful in my endeavours to solidify my presence within King's Landing and the Seven Kingdoms. With Rhaella being more diplomatic than I've been during our trip, as ordained by grandfather, Rhaella has not only managed to foster a sense of loyalty between the numerous nobles that we've visited, Rhaella has also managed to charm numerous merchants and workers to live and invest near Dragonstone.

All in all, while I haven't managed to gain her trust, I've managed to gain her confidence.

"Can't we have a midwife to take care of them, if you're complaining that much," I whined while I carefully lifted one of the twins out of her hands. Yes, twins. I'm still in shock that Rhaella gave birth to twins instead of the baby that I'm expecting to come out of her. But I don't hate it I love it.

Rhaella named the girl Daenerys after the Dreamer, while I named the boy Gaemon after the second Targaryen rule during the Century of Blood. To see them coo and awe after Rhaella gave birth to them gave me immense joy. I didn't have a child in my old world, but my friends and family did. I always wondered what would it be like to have children, seeing that most of my friends said that it's the missing hole that you have on your life. And I guess that they were right because the moment I saw them being lovingly looked at by Rhaella is the moment that yes, I finally understood what my friends were saying.

"Hey there, bud. Come on, let's get you to sleep." I whispered as I slowly cradled Gaemon, who's bountiful energy is slowly fading away as I pampered him to sleep.

"I'm still baffled as to how you're so good at taking care of children, Rhys." Rhaella eventually said after we took the twins back to their cribs, which were only a foot away from us.

"It's because of my personality." I boasted while I slip my hands around her waist, causing her to roll her eyes at me.

"It's not your personality, husband of mine." Rhaella playfully retorted while she smoothly slipped away from my grasp.

"You wound my heart, my lovely wife." I mock gasped, dramatically clutching my chest.

"Don't start. Rhys." She flatly said, which I immediately complied. I feel like I'm getting whipped by her.

"So, what are you doing in your letters while I'm tending to our children?" Rhaella said as I moved back to my desk, which admittedly is filled with numerous letters and books. I should move my desk to my office.

"Well… For one, I'm keeping tabs at what's happening in Essos." I remarked as I handed her a letter detailing the recent reports that I've received.

"Essos? Did Grandfather appointed you as the new Master of whisperers?" Rhaella asked an eyebrow raised.

"No, I'm coordinating my efforts with Lord Greyjoy to cause a ruckus amongst the Band of Nine ever since they conquered Myr and Tyrosh," I remarked, my eyes narrowing at the thought of the Nine becoming more and more threatening. Although our efforts had hampered the Nine's efforts on the sea, with the Old Mother being killed three moons later under the hands of Quellon Greyjoy and his Iron Fleet rendering the Nine's fleet in the Narrow Sea nearly removed, it still doesn't change the fact that they've managed to conquer the Disputed Lands and securing the Free Cities of Tyrosh and Myr, with Alequo Adarys ruthlessly oppressing the Archon of Tyrosh and its city while Liomond Lashare ensnares the Magisters of Myr by playing them towards each other.

With the two Free Cities being secured, Pentos, Lys and Volantis have formed a coalition to counter the Nine's effort in conquering the entirety of Southwestern Essos. With the East locked out, the next logical step to conquer new lands are the Stepstones and eventually, Westeros with the Golden Company taking the brunt of the damages at each encounter they made with the armies of Essos.

The speed at which the Nine have conquered both Tyrosh and Myr has raised hackles amongst the nobles of Westeros with Lord Baratheon and the Princess of Dorne demanding a pre-emptive invasion of the Stepstones. While Lord Greyjoy had done its job at preventing a military campaign at the Stepstones, sooner or later, most of them would demand that we should take the fight to them.

I broke out of my musing when I felt a pair of hands slipping within my shoulders.

"Rhys… I know that your stressed with what's happening at Essos, but you should leave it to Grandfather. He's the King, after all." Rhaella consoled.

"But I can't help but feel stressed, Rhae. What if the Nine succeeds in their endeavours? What would happen if they landed in Westeros? Would our family be safe? What would happen to the children? What would hap – "My rant was cut off when I felt a finger shushing me.

"Aerys. Don't worry. Westeros is filled with numerous fighters of renown. Have you forgotten that Duncan the Tall is formerly smallfolk? Now, he serves as our Kingsguard." Rhaella whispered as she dragged me back to our bed. Dazed, I found myself lying down on the smooth mattress that is covered with numerous silks.

"Here, let me help you… de-stress." Rhaella then proceeded to slowly undress, revealing her perked breast that is filled with breast milk. I can't help but gulp at the way she's looking at me.

'Thank the gods for Rhaella.' I internally mused as I kneaded her breasts, causing her to moan sensually.

I guess I'm going to be busy, again. At least I'll enjoy it.