![]() Author has written 2 stories for Last of Us, Fallout, and Mass Effect. Welcome to my profile. If you were expecting information on myself as a person, you'll be disappointed to find little except that I try, and that's all people can expect of one another. For my update schedule: It's been fucked for the past months of 2020, but it's about to return to normal now in summer. I can't speak for the future. Why did I choose this as my username you ask? Why, it's the mistranslation of the word "Desdichado" present in "Ivanhoe", a book I haven't even read! Why did I choose it if I never read it? Because it turned out that the poster-boy for one of my favorite games of all time, Crusader Kings II, features Wilfred of Ivanhoe, the story's protagonist, and upon his shield is painted "Desdichado". You can google the poster for yourself! Though it means an "unfortunate," it was mistranslated by the characters in Ivanhoe as meaning "Disinherited". Disinheritance, that is to say being disallowed what should have been inherited, is a concept with a quality both rebellious and tragic that's seduced me and pleased the ever-present edginess in me (regardless of how much I ridicule other "edgelords" or edgy things in the entertainment media) and become something of a motif in all three of my stories, each with their own twists on the meaning and manifestation of the word. I hope you find my work enjoyable, as I find them a joy to write. And the day I truly stop enjoying writing and telling the tales I make up in my head is the day I'll stop writing. Good news: that day seems to be nowhere in sight. |