Stop ordering shit offline! It's killing us at FedEx. Let's begin.

Six rode the elevator up to Ozpin's office in relative silence, he fiddled with his pipboy as he waited. He checked his kill count for the first time in a while, he'd recently added a Grimm counter to it. So far he was up to eighty seven kills, though that number was dwarfed by the others on the list. Mutants were at six hundred ninety, abominations were at one hundred sixty six, insects two hundred twelve, robots two hundred eight and of course the largest of all. Humans sat at eleven hundred fifty three.

Most people hadn't met one thousand one hundred and fifty three people, yet he'd managed to end that many lives in a matter of a few short years. It brought a deep frown to his face, contrary to what most in the wasteland would tell you, Six didn't enjoy killing, but he knew it was a necessary evil. "When done righteously, it is but a chore like any other." He muttered the phrase Joshua use to tell him. The door opened and he stepped out into the large office. "You asked to see me?" He said as he stepped up to the desk the headmaster sat at.

"Indeed I did Mr. Six, in fact I've been meaning to speak with you alone for a while now. Please have a seat." He gestured to one of the chairs across from his desk. Six did as asked and stretched his legs out figuring this conversation was likely to be on the longer side. He'd gotten good at telling when he was gonna be stuck listening to someone talk for a while. "So how have you been adjusting to life on Remnant? I would imagine it would be rather jarring to be taken from your world and thrown into another."

Six shrugged. "You'd think so but not really. Honestly if I were to describe it I'd say it's like spending your whole life living in a rough ghetto only to be dropped into a high class neighborhood filled with everything you use to dream about. Easy access to clean water, plentiful food, law and order." He listed off. "I'd feel bad for the guy in the reverse of my situation, to be taken from this and thrown into the Mojave." He laughed.

Ozpin nodded. "Yes, I've often thought about just how much we take everyday luxuries for granted. It's hard to truly appreciate something you've never been without." He responded before taking a quick sip of his ever present coffee. "So I hear Amber has informed you of her... condition."

"Her magical fairy princess powers, yeah." He nodded earning a raised eyebrow from the headmaster. "She hates it when I call it that."

"Indeed. What exactly do you think of her abilities?" Ozpin asked.

"Their cool, being able to shoot fire and lightning out of her hands, every kids dream. Then again I could same the same about a lot of the shit I've seen since coming here. Where I'm from we don't have 'aura' or 'semblances' or 'dust'. Men were just that, men. We were capable of only what the human body could achieve, to me all those things might as well be magic." Six explained. "I'm sure for you people there's a big difference between magic and aura, but to me they might as well be the same things but with different names."

"Huh." Ozpin cupped his chin as he leaned back in his chair. "I'm not going to lie, I never even considered that viewpoint. To someone with no exposure I could see how aura could appear as magic."

"I've seen some weird shit in my life Ozpin, a woman shooting fire from her hands is barely a footnote." Six said plainly.

"Then I believe you'll be able to handle knowing everything." Ozpin sighed. "It's about time you were informed of who we really are and what we're up against."


"This really is delicious, what was it called again?" Sojiro spoke with a full mouth.

"Funnel cake." Hazama answered as the pair walked along the side walk. "You've lived a very sheltered life huh?"

"Not really, I just never found anything other than swordsmanship important enough to learn about. If it didn't make me stronger it was a waste of time." Sojiro shrugged before taking another bite of his pastry. "The strong survive and the weak are food for the strong, Mr. Shishio told me that."

Hazama nodded. "Wise words."

"I thought so, but Mr. Himura forced me to see things differently." The ever smiling boy said with as much pep as ever. "That was a few years ago though and I've decided to stop living how other people want me to, now I do what I want to."

Hazama laughed. "Even wiser words, why live anyway then how you want to?" He said as the pair stepped to the side to avoid a small group walking the opposite direction on the sidewalk. As they passed by Hazama instantly shot his hand back and caught the wrist of a dark skinned girl who was reach for his back pocket. "Now what is this? Hasn't anyone ever taught you it's a crime to steal?" He asked turning and looking down at the girl.

"Emerald!" Another dark skinned woman shouted causing the girl to wince.

"Does this girl belong to you?" Hazama asked letting go of her wrist.

The woman only pinched the bridge of her nose. "She's my sister, and I'm really sorry about this. Emerald apologize."

The girl actually looked remorseful as she bowed her head. "I'm sorry, it's a bad habit I picked up."

"It's fine, we all make mistakes right?" Sojiro said happily. "Right Mr. Hazama?"

Hazama stared at the three for a few more moments, he didn't know why or what is was about them but he had a gut feeling they were dangerous, or to be more specific, the older woman was. "Right." A ringing sounded in his pocket and Hazama pulled out his scroll. "Hey kid it's Cinder, let's go." Hazama looked back to the group where the older girl was now scolding the younger one while a grey haired boy stood nearby laughing at her.

"What'd she say?" Sojiro asked as they began walking away.

"She's got new info on the maiden."


"So this Salem bitch wants Amber's power because she's the only one who can access the relics here at Beacon, as well as the other three maidens who can access the other relics. And by doing so she will basically bring about the end of the world." Six summarized as he picked at his nails with one of his combat knives.

"Putting it simply yes." Ozpin nodded.

"Huh, food for thought." He said with a shrugged not even looking away from his nails.

The pair sat in silence for nearly a minute. "This doesn't concern you at all?" Ozpin asked with a raised eyebrow. "The world ending? People being after Amber? The existence of gods? I won't lie Mr. Six, I knew you were the laid back type, even recklessly care free some could say. But this means nothing?"

Six sighed before flicking his knife and sheathing it on his hip. "I grew up in a post apocalypse world Oz, burnt hellscape, humanity reverted to savages. I didn't see a real living tree until I was an adult. I had my fingers on the button to do it again, enough nukes to lay waste to half of Mistral. I've had access to a hundred different ways to take the apocalypse and make it worse. So no the end of the world doesn't scare me, it's hardly even a new experience for me at this point." Six explained leaning his head on his fist. "People being after Amber isn't a surprise, the fact you have me guarding her and that she apparently has special power were kind of a tip off that someone was gonna want her for their own plans. Again it changes nothing. If someone wants Amber they'll have to kill me to get to her."

Six reached into his pocket and pulled out a black leather bound book titled 'Holy Bible'. "As for your 'gods', there's only one god. What ever these two brothers were, they weren't gods, what they were I don't know but they weren't gods." He placed the book on the headmasters desk. "I'm gonna want this back." Six stood and began walking towards the elevator. "See you later Oz, the cafeteria is serving BBQ tonight and I'm not missing it." He said leaving the surprised looking headmaster staring at his back as he left.

After several minutes Ozpin closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair before grabbing the old book. "Courier Six, you truly are a terrifying man."


"Damn that's good." Six said with a wide smile on his face as he chewed. "You want some Bunny?" He asked the rabbit faunus sitting across from him with her book out.

"No thank you, I'm actually a vegetarian." She responded as timidly as ever. "And my name is Velvet." She reminded him for the third time in the past fifteen minutes. She had no idea why the culler had chosen her of all people as his preferred meal company but ever since the first time any time he came to the cafeteria and saw her he would make a point to sit down and talk to her as he ate. Well talk at her may be more accurate as she generally sat quietly while he talked. At first she was terrified of the man and what he wanted with her, the only reason a culler would take interest in someone like her was if they suspected them of something bad.

After about a week however she was convinced the man really did just want someone to talk to while he ate, he never asked her any probing question or acted suspicious of her at all. It was always the same, he grabbed his food sat nearby and rambled about different topics ranging from weapons to Beacon staff, he even talked about his relationships with his girlfriend and siblings. After he finished he would light a cigarette, reach into his pocket and pull out a bottle cap and set it on the table near her before saying bye and leaving. Needless to say she had absolutely no clue why he did this or what the purpose of the bottles caps were but she didn't have the guts to ask. One good thing that had come from these new dining arrangements however was the noticeable drop in people willing to give her a hard time. Apparently even being on friendly terms with a culler was enough to scare off would be bullies.

"Really? Wow, I could never give up meat." He shook his head. "Nothing beats a good steak after a long week. Is it cuz you're a faunus?" He asked only to pause for a few seconds. "Oh shit, was that racist?"

Velvet couldn't help but snort at that though she hid it under a cough. "Just a bit, but yes actually. It's actually very common for certain types of faunus to lean towards certain diets. As a rabbit faunus I just tend to prefer vegetables." She explained as he continued eating his sandwich at a rapid pace.

"Huh, I guess that makes sense." He said with a shrug before taking a final bite and downing his drink. "Ah, that was good." Six reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. And taking a couple drags he stood up and stretched a bit, then he reached into his pocket and pulled out another bottle cap and dropped it on the table. "Catch ya later Bunny."

He then walked away leaving the girl to grab the bottle cap and look it over before sighing and putting it in her pocket. She was beginning to amass a collection of the bottle caps with the little blue stars. "Maybe I'll make a necklace out of them." She shrugged.


Cinder sat with her legs up as she inspected her nails closely before filling each nail to perfection, blowing the remains away she moved onto the next. The door to the hideout opened letting in her two cohorts, the younger of the two holding two whole cones of cotton candy and a mostly eaten funnel cake. "Have fun?" She asked the youngest of their group. She'd found herself actually beginning to like the young man after a couple months with him.

He was extremely easy to work with as he always did what he was told, even if he was a little dense at times and took things a bit to literally more often then not. Still though if she ever had a younger brother she'd imagine he'd be a bit like Sojiro. His innocent face didn't reflect his skill in combat however, she knew better than to only take Hazama's word about the boys strength. Before she made the decision to actually hire him she had a spar with him, his speed and precision with his blade was down right terrifying. She'd been completely unable to do anything but defend against the nonstop barrage from every direction.

"Of course, we passed through a small street fair, thought about winning you a stuffed toy but couldn't find one that looked... nefarious enough." Hazama said with his own smile as he walked over to the small kitchen area where a small pot of simmering water sat. Reaching in he plucked out a single boiled egg and gave it a lick. "Ah, perfect timing." He said before sliding the egg into his mouth and swallowing it whole.

Cinder watched this with a look of slight disgust, the man definitely had some off putting qualities but she was more than happy to forget about those to have him on her side. The rumors of the Oroboros's ruthlessness were in no way exaggerated. She'd almost be willing to say he became a different person all together while fighting.

"How thoughtful of you." She said before putting her legs down and setting aside the nail file. "I just received a packet of information from one of my sources, with it is our main targets appearance, history, stats and current companion." She explained pulling out her scroll.

"Don't keep us in suspense, let see the lucky lady." Hazama said taking a seat in one of the chairs in the living room.

Cinder pulled an image up and turned it to show to the two, there was a brief moment of silence before Hazama and Sojiro both began chuckling which slowly grew into loud laughter.

Sorry this took so long but do to event I've been swamped at work, ad that to the fact that I just got married and life has been insane. Leave me a review and tell me what you all think. Until next time.