I have an important, critical announcement to make here and this is admittedly a LONG OVERDUE explanation.

I would like to frank and sincerely state that Halo: Justice Evolved is not dead but is instead being put on hold until at least Season 4 is over with.

Why you might ask?

A few reasons are that originally when I started this work, Young Justice was not going to be renewed and I was going to compensate by looking at the DCEU including Batman Beyond and implementing them into the story. I, therefore, decided to wait to see what Season 3 brought and some plans of mine conflicted with Outsiders, not to mention that my priorities shifted to another story of mine that is being co-written with other authors, a project if you will, and I regrettably neglected this one as a result.

Again, I sincerely apologize for not posting this announcement sooner but you have my word that I will come back and give this tale my complete and full attention as soon as the season ends and the project is completed.