Osmosian IN DC


Had a dream about this actually... It's a Self Insert so if you don't like them it's not for you. He will reincarnate in the DC universe with Osmosian powers, and crazily enhanced intelligence. If you guys like this it would motivate me to write two self inserts ( A flash in Marvel and A spider themed hero in DC). Updates may be twice a month at least since I'm in university and my system is fucked but I'll get a new one then also be home in two months. The size of chapters would increase also. Have a nice read. I also don't own anything except my OC.

Chapter One

Location: Void

'Ugh, Where am I' I groaned. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't it was like I was suddenly aware.

"Yeah I guess it can be kind of unnerving being without a body" A voice said sounding remorseful. The presence of the voice was overwhelming but peaceful at the same time.

'Is this what it feels like to be in the presence of God'. The voice laughed for a while and the feeling of his power became a tad subtle.

"I'm the Overvoid kid, In another universe The One Above All, Let us change locations staying here is kinda boring" He stretched out his hand made a grabbing motion towards where I felt I was and then we flew off. I almost entered shock for a bit then I felt his power soothe my consciousness. I decided I would wait for an explanation from the nice guy who felt sad about my situation and to take my mind off it I began to sense the area around me and began to think up theories about how I was doing this. Everywhere in this void is energy reacting to each other in various ways. If a human body was here it would have gone *poof*. Thinking about it that couldn't have been what happened to my body right?

It was an immense experience I don't know how long we travelled but I could kinda see the energies as colours, I learnt their behavior and how they interacted with one another under the protection of the giant sun pulling me along and calming the energy in his way. I could feel the various energies acting up before they started to move haphazardly and began to merge and the energy levels skyrocketed to unbelievable levels.

'What is that' I said terrified. The divinity soothed me again with his energy.

"The birth of a universe" The Overvoid said "Watch boy, I'm slowing down I want you to learn as much from these various energies before we get to our destination, Learn what you can I slowed down to show you this". I gave a conceptual nod then focused on the void around me with determination.

An Unknown Amount of Time Passed

Location : Unknown

I don't know how long I studied and focused on the various energies and the birth of a universe till we reached our destination. Honestly I expected my mind to have destabilized but I guess his presence protected me. Trying to understand things not meant to be understood is like an average joe picking up one of Marvel's infinity stones with his bare hands.

I felt something similar to a wall that my new way of sensing could not pass through. Every trick I learnt bounced off.

"We have reached our destination" Overvoid said. We passed through the wall coming into the largest hall I've ever seen. I couldn't see the end of it it kept going on and on. I looked above me and it had no ceiling instead a dark background with little balls of light that lit up the hall.

"Wow" I said shocking myself. I turned to myself noticing I had a body. I wrapped my hands around myself. "Feels good to have you back buddy". Overvoid stood there watching in amusement.

"What's with the Harry Potter ceiling" I asked.

"It represents the amount of realities in existence". My mouth dropped in shock. "There is an infinite amount of them and in between them an infinite amount of space, Try not to use your new ability it would overload your mind, I could heal you but that would be troublesome". I nodded slowly, I was just about to do that. Would have been a bad idea now that I think about it. Overvoid snapped his fingers and a huge mat spread beneath us with a picnic basket filled with sandwiches and fruit drinks. The light around him pulsed then receded into him forming a kid with wings behind him. He was wearing a black/white school uniform and well polished shoes. He sat then motioned me to sit.

"I know this may be confusing to you , everything that's happening" I nodded "let me explain, I was reinforcing the prison of the End Beast when it lashed out causing the destruction of a few realities, which is of course an infinite number since a few of infinity is still infinity, you took the last quantum pinprick which destroyed your body sucking your soul into chaos where I found you, You dig?". I took a while to process all he said but I nodded my head slowly, I decided to let him continue.

"Well it's kind of my fault so I've decided to reincarnate you in another universe with cool powers. Would have put you back in your old world but the End Beast annihilation energies are very thorough" He sighed.

"I understand could I pick the universe" He nodded " Okay the DC universe".

"Good choice any powers you have in mind"

"Could I get Kevin Levin from Ben10's powers without the crazy thing from too much energy, also tony stark+mr fantastic+lex luthor+Amadeus cho intelligence, also taskmasters abilities". Overvoid nodded his head.

"How about this, I'll put a limit that any energy you absorb will disperse after a while, You could train to elongate the time, and I'll throw in all unique metals from the DC and marvel universe"

"I accept those terms" I said smiling. A new world would be amazing since I had no attachments back in my reality.

"Where would you like to be born"

"Salem so I could use the tower of fate to learn magic since Mr Nelson won't be in, also could my family situation be pretty good even rich I would like to take Rachel Roth in, her life was pretty sad".

"Cool, I would make it possible" He said smiling "Ready to go? I'll check in from time to time, I may even give you missions and rewards"

"That'll be pretty cool, I'm ready" His eyes flashed and my body began to glow "Thanks Overvoid for this". I saw him smile as I closed my eyes.

I closed my eyes then opened them to a shout.

"Congratulations it's a boy" A woman said. Her touch was ticklish so I giggled. I felt myself passed to my someone who I guessed is my new mom. I could feel a welcoming feeling radiate from her. It was comforting so I slept off.