Reviews for Strange Sister
eragon95159 chapter 8 . 6/18/2019
continue and update wars before long night make process reform and rebuild more.
tomkatan chapter 8 . 6/10/2019
Great chapter
Roberto Pelotudo chapter 8 . 6/2/2019
Rifful chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
I get your point, but I think it's angsting a bit too much. If you're raised as someone else from childhood, you won't really feel that dispossessed.

Also you don't need science class to make incredible changes. Just knowing something is possible and directing someone to make it will work.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/28/2019
While I wished the chapter would have more in terms of plot I still liked it.

I disagree with the other reviewers regarding the SI telling his siblings not to trust Joffrey. As far as I am concerned that is only sensible.

Consider. Joffrey doesn't know the canon plot and many of the things the SI knows will be unpleasant to hear, if not impossible to believe. Joffrey may well not believe him. Thus significantly endangering any plan the SI may have.

Second is the fact that Joffrey and Sansa are NOT in the same boat here. They have loved ones they seek to protect. Should Sansa really assume that Joffrey would when push comes to shove make any decision to save Ned over Cersei. Or for that matter would the SI not sacrifice the Lannister's to save Bran and Arya?

Honestly not exposing the incest when he had the chance and working with Joffrey is actually more dangerous than his original plan. He only changed it at the last minute because he somehow wanted to save Myrcella and Tommen. In a cold, pragmatic way exposing the truth would involve far less risk for the SI.

Lastly there is the simply matter that the Joffrey SI is a complete stranger. Yeah he seems nice nad reasonable, through with an annoying sense of humor, but can the SI really depend all his hopes and plans on him, with the very little he knows about him?
Guest chapter 8 . 5/28/2019
While the chapter was good in itself, after all the waiting I am disappointed that there was no more plot progression.

So the SI prevented Bran from climbing the Broken Tower, but since he is currently in league with Joffrey he didn't go forward with the twincest reveal. Through he , Arya and Bran will all go south with Ned. And the SI will have to somehow prevent Ned from learning of the twincest, despite Baelish being there to guide it to that knowledge. Yeah, lots of problems ahead.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/27/2019
Thank you for sharing this lovely chapter with us!
TediousExploit chapter 2 . 5/29/2019
The constant internal whining irks me. It isn't just that his/her new circumstances could be so much worse (you're fucking nobility!), it's the constant self hate for his/her own personality that really boils my blood. It's as if we don't choose who we are with every waking action and decision. So you don't like where life/unlife has taken you? You don't like how angsty you are about it? Great, it's as simple as getting the fuck over it and acclimating yourself to new circumstances. You'd think a man who has experienced death and knew there are new horizons beyond any mortal experience wouldn't be so constantly scared of death.

Rant over. I understand your trying to properly portray body dysphoria and the kind of slight insanity that would ensue from living in what was previously only a fictional world, but its been like a decade right? I think your on the right track with angry internal monologues that randomly burst out into actual speech. I've seen people under pressure break that way.
jean d'arc chapter 8 . 5/28/2019
Good chapter from Arya's point of view! I really liked the cheery scene between the siblings.
I know Sansa had to warn someone about the upcoming dangers and that warning her father might raise suspicions. But she runs the risk of Arya and Bran think she's crazy! But at least they will listen, I hope.
Just like the previous reviewer asked, why is she telling them to be suspicious of Joffrey? Is she worried about him not knowing what to do, about Cersei's hold on him, or was ot just a ploy not to sound like she knows more than she should?
TMI Fairy chapter 8 . 5/27/2019
Not trust the Prince?
I understood that he is a SI who knows shit about the setting - is it his ignorance that Sansa is worried about? Or Cersei's tight leash?
Gtopia chapter 8 . 5/27/2019
nice chapter, will sansa be marrying the prince? or even just getting engaged?
WeylandCorp 4 chapter 8 . 5/27/2019
Damn it’s been so long since I read this story, I’ve been meaning to catch up for so long.

The Joffrey being a SI too was very interesting. I look forward to seeing how a sane Joffrey will interact with a very unhappy Sansa.
iresona8 chapter 8 . 5/27/2019
Very well done, please hasten to complete the next installment.
xXAnonymous01Xx chapter 7 . 5/12/2019
Poor Ryan is just loosing it huh? All that stress. The dysphoria and self hatred and longing he must constantly be feeling. Not to mention how alone he is! He has no one he's honest with. I hope Jeff can be that friend for him. Jeff made the smart choices and decisions especially since he hasn't read A song of Fire and Ice.
'You don't understand and I hope you never will'
He's depressed, and claustrophobic in a body he doesn't view as his own - he even hates himself thinking he's a child killer and body snatched... My heart goes out to you. I don't doubt he wouldn't want Arya to understand it's complicated and heavy, not to mention Arya's young, Ryan most likely wouldn't want to burden her or ruin her innocence. Jesus.
Is Ryan truly going mad? Does Jeff know about all the religions or even believe in them?
Thank you for your amazing work and plot! Looking forward to next update :)
JimmyHall24 chapter 6 . 3/13/2019
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