CyberTech Worlds Clash

Chapter I


In one of the largest buildings London had ever seen. Well, it was the largest building in London, and one of the tallest buildings on the planet.

Harry Avalon was half a mile underground, under the building. He was twenty-three years old. He was sat on a high-backed leather padded chair at his desk while he was deep in thought.

Around him were computer panels and gadgets, engines, cars, docks containing all kinds of machines that would awe most people even if they couldn't tell what they were supposed to be. However, in front of him was a huge near-transparent giant screen hovering there, and causing him to frown in worry, annoyance and confusion as he watched the Cybernet satellite video feed showing a large village (or small town) in Northern England.

However, what was so confusing about the recording were the odd men wearing long black robes with white masks and their hoods up covering their hair. Though, from his point of view they were all jeering and laughing as they used some kind of… well he was not sure what but they looked like little sticks that fired different coloured light, which did something horrid to the people they were attacking.

Though that not being enough there were some giant sized (at least twenty to thirty-foot-high) things stomping on people as they ran and cried.

"Seraph!" he suddenly said as the satellite image froze.

In a swish and light storm of wind, she appeared out of nowhere in front of him. She was quite beautiful with long emerald green hair with darker, near black roots down to her butt, curved and wild. She was wearing green leather half boots with black soles and wearing a green top with white patterns and swirling symbols, and sleeves ending at her pulse and over the back of her hands in a point.

Her green leather trousers were tight to her legs with a black belt around her waist with a skirt open at the front that hung back down to her heels. It was green from the top, dark, going down it got lighter until it ended white. The belt had a silver buckle front and centre with a C and T logo in smoky black mimicking cogs.

Seraph's eyes were silver, and she had pale skin and dark shadows around her eyes and green lips and fingernails. She was only five foot five, slender, small chested, and cute. She looked to be around twenty at the youngest, and she looked semi-amused as Harry rolled his eyes at her.

"Seriously, Sera!" Harry said while rolling his eyes again. "Are you ever going to change out of that cosplay getup?"

Seraph smirked as she gave him a spin. "Come on, Darling," she said happily. "You named me after a mythical wind spirit!" she said as she happily hopped up into the air and floated as some wind seems to curl around her.

"Anyway, wasn't Selphi the wind spirit?"

She shrugged. "I don't know… well, yes… its confusing," she replied while shrugging. "The books and the archives do conflict on many-."

"Seraph!" Harry quickly interrupted as he gestured towards the large screen.

"Sorry, Darling," she replied with a grin with her upbeat English accent, but she didn't look towards the screen and Harry didn't expect her to.

Harry rolled his eyes. "So, what's your opinion on what they are?" he pointed towards the screen again anyway. "One can never have too many opinions, and the Orbital Research teams have already given their opinions on the matter, and you're a super computer."

"I'm supercomputer doesn't do me justice."


"Okay! Okay!"

Seraph did not even give the screen a glance as she finally replied. "If I say what I think they are you'll think I'm malfunctioning," she said impishly. "As for what my system analysis says, well," she shrugged. "I don't know what they are."

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes again. "Just tell me what you think they are. Make a guess."

She shrugged. "Um, I don't know what I should call them, but the large things are either mythical giants or mecha with holographic skin to look like giants. As for the humans they are either using some weird new tech; they are mutants, aliens, or they are magic, witches and warlocks, or maybe wizards; there are so many names for magical humans through the mythological archives I'm not sure what they would be called if they truly existed."

Harry sighed while shaking his head. "What about the police reports?"

"Apparently witnesses and survivors say a hurricane destroyed the town and killed the people," she replied with a little disgust at that.

Harry growled a little, angry as he fast-forwarded with a small holographic panel hovering above his right armrest. The men with masks and black robes had left, and more came and did something with those who saw what happened. Though these one's were different in that they wore different types of clothes and did not hide their faces Harry doubted they could be trusted.

"If this truly is magic then they used it to modify those people's memories!" Harry growled furiously.

"But why would they do that and not just kill them too?" asked Seraph eagerly since her creator was not calling her crazy. Plus, he would have to call the SatTech guys nuts too, though she'll secretly admit that a lot of scientists working with CyberTech were a little off kilter.

"Because the killers are obviously terrorists," he replied. "These one's," he gestured the screen. "They could be covering it up from us to keep themselves hidden and secret, safe from us retaliating against them all."

"So, you're planning on releasing this to the public, right? So, they can defend themselves?" she asked hopefully before he did something stupid as she moved closer, floating sideway the wind effect had disappeared as she leant on the arms of Harry's chair staring into his deep green eyes in worry.

"Is it possible to detect them?" he asked ignoring her question as he poked her on the forehead and pushed her back where she finally let herself land back on the floor.

"Yes," she agreed sceptically. "I'm getting faint readings all over the planet; one is not too far from here, but with some system tweaking we should get much better readings."

Harry nodded his head slowly as he thought things through. "It still doesn't make sense; magic would defy logic. Wouldn't it?" he said talking to himself more than Seraph.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "But doesn't cybertronic technology?" she asked amusedly.

Harry just glared at her while rolling his eyes. "You're supposed to be smarter than that Seraph. Cybertronic tech does not defy logic. In fact, now I think about it magic might not either. I guess this shall be a new project. If we could…" he trailed off and looked back up at Seraph.

She pouted, though looked smug. "So, what do you plan to…" she trailed off. "Harry, there's a large source of activity," she gestured the screen as it switched from the recordings to live satellite feeds of those same arseholes attacking innocent people; though this time without giants.

Harry growled as he ran his hands through his mess of raven black hair as he quickly stood while gritting his teeth. He was about six foot one and wore a black satin suit that he brushed down as it crumpled while he was slouching about at his desk.

He started by removing his jacket and dropping it to his chair. Then Harry worked on the buttons to his waistcoat-.

"Harry!" Seraph complained with a roll of her eyes. "I don't think we have time to have sex, even if I used a holographic sub-mind to deal with the fun part while I try to-."

"Sera!" Harry groaned as he started moving toward the elevator as his waistcoat, shirt and tie landed on the floor. "That isn't why I'm undressing," he said with a small chuckle as the lift opened and he slid in with the door closing after him and drawing down and back. "I'm going to engage the Knight programme," he said as he kicked off his shoes, socks and trousers.

"It hasn't even been tested yet," Seraph complained as she blinked into existence in the lift.

"Well it's going to be tested now," he replied as the lift doors opened and he stepped out as he shimmied off his boxer shorts with Seraph following him.

They walked out into a huge garage like chamber with all sorts of large gadgets and vehicles such as a beautiful silver motorcycle, even a huge battle helicopter in military green.

However, ignoring them Harry moved to a closet in a side chamber, and pulled out a rubber/leather body tight bodysuit with circler holes throughout, and squeezed into it. The black suit covered him from ankles to neck and vacuumed to him once he pressed a switch on the left sleeve.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Seraph worriedly.

Harry just looked at her and smirked. "I never had a hero to save me, but I can be one to save these people."

Seraph just nodded sadly in understanding as Harry approached metallic armour as the wall folded it out. The armour was a dark smoked matte silver and red. It was formed and curved and looked like it should be in a futuristic space sci-fi TV show, film or video game.

It had a gauntlet floating in a null field of transparent energy in front of the armour. Harry smirked as he clasped the gauntlet along his left forearm with a gasp of pain Harry grimaced and sighed as he looked over the rest of the armour and internally groaned and hoped all the systems were up to the task ahead because just getting dressed was going to sting something messed up.