What Have I Done

Chapter 14

The day went by smoothly for the two siblings after the quite emotional morning they had. Lincoln was gradually starting to feel better throughout the duration of the day, but his cough and sneezing still hung around him. Lori, on the other hand, was feeling way better than she had been for the last few days. More than ever did she want to hug Bobby, but she couldn't find the courage to pick up her phone and call or text him. Not after what she did. She needed to talk to him face to face.

Earlier today she told Lincoln that they would not go to school the next day, but would be moving that afternoon. They devised an idea to visit them after school and see them on their way off. Lincoln, who was very fond of the idea, was also nervous because he wouldn't know how Ronnie would act towards him. The last time they talked to one another, the altercation was full of misunderstandings and anger, and Lincoln wanted to reconcile with her because he did blow her of the last time he saw her.

It was currently two o'clock in the afternoon and the rest of the siblings should be home in about an hour or so. Lincoln was currently slurping on a bowl of chicken noodle soup in the dining room, while Lori was currently upstairs using the bathroom. He felt great that the tension between them was finally solved and they didn't need to be awkward or angry at one another anymore. The warmness of the soup made him feel hot inside, as well as a bit sleepy. He decided that he would take a nap after he was done with his soup.

Lincoln then heard footsteps coming down the stairs, "Hey Lincoln, you almost done with your soup?"

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna take a nap in a couple of minutes," Lincoln responded with a slight yawn.

Lori then sends Lincoln a little nod before she sat on the couch and watched some T.V. Lincoln then slurped down the remaining liquid in the bowl that once was soup. Lincoln then let he shuffled to the sink with the blanket still enclosing his body. After washing his dish he then climbed upstairs where the sounds of the T.V dissolved into slight mumbles. Lincoln closed his room door behind him before he laid down face first into his bed. He then let a deep tired groan as he laid down. Although not as strong, his headache was still there and it felt good not to move his body for a little bit. After a while, he realized that he was slowly suffocating himself so he turned onto his back.

Lincoln then found himself gazing back up at his bland roof once more as breathed softly through his one unclogged nose. He really wanted Ronnie Anne to hear him out. He had a list of things he wanted to say to her, but so little time to do so. He wished she was here now so that he could tell her how he felt. After about a couple of minutes of thinking, his eyes slowly started to seal and soon he slipped into his unconscious state.

He was awoken by someone tapping on his forehead, which caused him to groan in annoyance.

"Lincoln." Said a feminine voice.

"Lincoln, wake up." repeated the voice.

Lincoln then opened his eyes and was met with his mother's face. She expression was wearing a slight smile.

"Hey sweetie, you feeling any better?" His mother asked in a sweet voice.

Lincoln yawned then answered, "I certainly feel better than I was this morning."

"Well that's always good to hear, progress is better than none at all."

"How does your head feel?"

"It's not as strong, but it's not completely gone either."

Rita then got off his bed that she was sitting down on and stood up, "Well your father said dinner would be ready in a few minutes to come down at any time to eat."

With that, she then opened his door which allowed the sounds of his sisters to filter into his room but was soon muffled by the door once more. Lincoln peered at his clock right next to his bed which displayed 6:50. Lincoln then pushed the covers off his body and left the warmth of his bed. He then stood up and stretched with the popping of a few bones. He then made his way down in the living room in which he was greeted with the flavorful aroma of his father's cooking form the kitchen. He then saw his father setting dinner down onto the table.

"Hey sport, how ya feeling?" His father asked.

"Way better than before," Lincoln responded.

"Well dinner is done so come take a seat at the table, while I call the girls."

He went on to call everyone down which was followed by the rumbling of the floor caused by all the girls coming down the stairs at once.

They were all greeted by the Famous Lynnsagna. Everyone couldn't keep their mouth from salivating from the gorgeous view of the food that sat on display in front of them. All Lynn Sr. could do was chuckle at the sight of the family.

"Well, dig in." Lynn announced.

Everyone then passed around the Lasagna and took a slice of their liking. While they were chowing down on their food Rita then sat down her fork.

"Well, how was everyone's day?" She asked.

"Well, when we were going to school Lola kept complaining about how she wished she was sick and could stay home," Lana stated which earned a glare from Lola.

"I started to learn how to play the Saxophone today," Luna claimed.

"Well, Lori how was your day with Lincoln?" Rita questioned.

Lori the swallowed the food that was currently was in her mouth, "Well I and Lincoln made up for what happened earlier, and together we decided that we should go visit Ronnie and Bobby before they leave tomorrow."

"That sounds great. It's nice to know that you guys put this whole ordeal behind and working together to make things right." Rita replied.

All of the other siblings went on to tell their parents what they did with their day, and soon afterward everyone started to depart from the dinner table. Lincoln was one of the last ones to leave the table and put his dish into the kitchen sink. Where his father was wrapping up some of the leftovers from dinner.

"Thank dad for dinner." Lincoln Thanked.

"No problem you'll never have to worry about an empty stomach because your good ol' dad is here." Lynn Sr. responded.

Lincoln then walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to get ready to take a shower before the line got too long. He was able to become third in line for the bathroom, which was considered lucky in the Loud House. Behind him was Luna who humming a tune while tapping her feet to beat of it. Lincoln then turned around and made eye contact with her, which caused her to stop and look at gaze down at him.

"How you holding' up bro?" Luna asked.

"Well could be better, but I'm not complaining," Lincoln responded.

Luna responded with a slight nod, "Well I know that Lori said that you guys were able to hash things out, but I want to hear it from you. How did things go?"

"Well, at first things were a little awkward, but after a while, Lori came up to me and wanted to talk about the whole thing. I was expecting that I would need to make the first move, but I didn't need to. Once we were finished we hugged it out." Lincoln stated.

"That sounds great bro. Did you do anything else except to lay down in bed today/"

"Well, after we talked, Lori and I watched some Dream Boat, but during that, we started to tell her about how I was really feeling about Ronnie Anne moving away along with Bobby. I've always seen Bobby as kinda like an older brother of mine, and Ronnie Anne was like my best female friend outside you guys, and it's gonna be sad to see them go tomorrow. Fortunately, Lori was able to comfort me and help understand how I was feeling, and together we forged the plan of seeing them tomorrow before they leave after school." Lincoln explained.

"Wow, so you and Lori made amends today huh."

"Yep I thought that it was going to be more tense and awkward, but we made it work in the end."

After Lincoln and Luna's discussion Lincoln eventually was able to enter the humid bathroom. As he was taking a shower, he felt all that day's emotions and problems wash off of him and go down the drain. All the sickness and pains in his head were gone for a moment in time as the surprisingly hot water bring him peace and comfort after a long day he had. After about 7 minutes Lincoln then stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to cover him up. He then raced to his room to go out on his pajamas. Once Lincoln put on his clothes he then heard a voice project from his walker talkie.

"Lincoln, you there?" asked the voice.

Lincoln then grabbed the radio and answered, "Yeah what's up Clyde."

"Hey, buddy I was just wanting to know if you're alright because you weren't here today at school." Clyde continued.

"Well to answer your question, I have been at home today I was sick, but I'm feeling better now. I'll be coming to school tomorrow." Lincoln replied.

"By the way Lincoln, the other day I saw you and Ronnie Anne arguing about something." Clyde stated.

"Yeah there's some stuff going on between me and her right now and I'll tell you when I get everything situated, but the short answer is that Ronnie Anne is moving and it's causing some problems that I'm trying to solve," Lincoln answered.

"Well hope everything goes well with that, but now my dads want me to go to sleep."

"Alright, Clyde talk to you tomorrow."

Lincoln then put away his radio and then decided that it was time for him to go sleep as well. With that Lincoln then laid in his bed and pulled his covers over his head hoping a good night's rest would help him prepare for the next day.

Lincoln woke up to the blaring of his alarm, and with a groan, he then snoozed the alarm. Lincoln rubbed his eyes they were met with the sun being cast into his room through his window. Lincoln sat up in his bed letting his blanket fall off his body. At he didn't wake up with a headache already making this day twice as better than yesterday. Finally getting off his bed, he then started to head for the bathroom where he saw the rest of the family starting emerge from their rooms, some looking rougher than others though. Luckily was able to be second in line for the bathroom.

He was in the bathroom he closed the bathroom door and turned on the sink. He put his hand under the flowing water and then splashed the liquid onto his face, and then looked at himself in the mirror. Today was the day that determined the future relationship that he would have with Ronnie Anne. He couldn't mess up this chance. After his mental pep talk, he then continued on with his normal morning activities.

As Lincoln was walking back to his room to get ready he saw Lori in the line who then gave him a loving nod in which he returned with one back. Lincoln couldn't help but smile at the gesture from his sister though. After getting ready he was then in the living room as he then waited for everyone else to finish their business. Loti then walked down the stairs and made her way the Lincoln.

"Hey Linc, you ready for today?" Lori asked him.

"I guess so." Lincoln responded with some nervousness.

"Well, you kinda have a choice but to be if you want to be able to talk to Ronnie and Bobby today." Lori continued with a joking tone which made Lincoln chuckle.

"I guess I do have no choice."

"Well, I have a plan to go over to their house right when we come home from school. Does that sound good?"

"Yeah, the sooner the better."

Lori then ruffled her fingers through Lincoln's white hair before telling everyone to hurry up as she then headed into the kitchen. More and more of his siblings then flooded into the living room as they were ready to leave. Lynn and Leni were the last ones to come down the stairs, and after that they then all funneled into Vanzilla.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Lori asked, which was answered with nods from everyone.

Lincoln sat by window which meant he would be looking out the window most of the ride to his school. As everyone else was chatting, Lincoln found himself silently staring out of the window, but it wasn't because he was sad or in deep thought. For some reason, he thought that he would see Ronnie making her way to school on her skateboard. It was strange, and he knew it was, but something in the back of his head just told him to look for her.

Although he thought that he would see her, he was mistaken as they eventually pulled up to his school. He walked with all his younger sisters to the entrance to the school, but he then heard his name be called faintly in the distance, but it was loud enough for him to abruptly turn his head towards the source. His nerves were put at ease when he realized that it was only Clyde calling his name.

"Hey, Clyde. What's up?" Lincoln asked.

"Nothing much, but I want to know how you are doing? You did tell me you were sick yesterday." Clyde replied.

"Yeah I was, but I do feel a lot better than yesterday, but my nose is a bit stuffy. Maybe it'll clear up later."

"Well one thing I'm pretty mad about is how I'm tired though I go to sleep pretty " Clyde continued.

"Well unlike you, I slept like a baby," Lincoln stated.

They both then shared a chuckle as they entered the school to start off the day. They both then entered Ms. Johnson's class, but one thing Lincoln realized immediately that Ronnie Anne wasn't there. Lincoln then though she must be at home finishing packing up their stuff. Lincoln then took his normal while Clyde took his which was of course right next to Lincoln's. About a couple minutes later the late bell rang throughout the school signaling the start of the school day.

For Lincoln, the day seemed to go by like normal as he soon found himself at the table with the rest of his friends. Currently, Dusty was desperately trying to trade his lunch for someone else's but he was met with failure each time which only left Lincoln.

"Hey, Lincoln. How about we make a deal?" Dusty started.

"What would that deal be dusty?" Lincoln asked intrigued.

Dusty then pulled out a funny looking sandwich, "How about this sandwich for-."

"Nope sorry Dusty." Lincoln quickly shut down Dusty.

"Ah come one you didn't hear what I was gonna say." Retaliated Dusty.

"I already knew what you were going to ask, and unfortunately for you dude, that sandwich is not worth what I have," Lincoln concluded.

Dusty then sighed in defeat as he then took out the sandwich and took a bite from it. Lincoln then brought out his lunch which was leftovers from the other night. Out of curiosity, Lincoln gazed around the Lunchroom even though he knew that she most likely isn't there, as he wasn't surprised when he couldn't find her around the lunchroom. As he finished his search he the. Refocused back to what his friends were talking about.

"Hey, Lincoln how ya feeling man? Clyde told us that were sick yesterday." Liam asked.

"Fortunately, I feel way better today." Lincoln responded.

"Well, you already sound better than you did on Monday," Clyde added.

"Well on Monday I had a lot on my plate, but now I think I'm starting to see the finish line, but before I cross it I have one more bump in the road." Lincoln continued.

"Speaking of Monday you never did tell us what was wrong with you." Dusty Asked.

"Well it's pretty long story, but since you guys want to know I might as well tell you guys," Lincoln responded.

Lincoln then told his friends about the recent events that had happened, in which he earned some mixed reactions from his friends in the process. But once he was finished, all of them had similar reactions in the end.

"Seems like the last few days for you have been pretty hectic for yah." Zach stated.

"You have no idea." Added Lincoln.

"I still can't believe such an angel could put you through all that," Clyde said still hurt from Lori's past actions.

"Well me and Lori, made up yesterday while I was home sick." Lincoln continued.

Once Lincoln completed his sentence, a bell sounded meaning that it was time to go back to class. Lincoln then fid farewell to some of his friends while he returned to class. After Lunch was concluded the day seemed to whiz by. But he would occasionally wonder about what he would do when he goes to see Ronnie Anne.

When the final bell rang signaling everyone's release from school, but for Lincoln was growing more and more nervous as the minutes went by. He decided to walk at a slower pace prepare his mind for the inevitable. When he approached the steps to his porch, he grabbed ahold of the door handle and took a deep breath before he opened the door.

When he opened the door he saw some of the siblings already inside, but Lori wasn't there. Lincoln was a little confused as to why she wasn't home yet. He then walked into the kitchen and saw Leni in the kitchen and it seems as if she was making one of her smoothies.

"Hey, Leni have you seen Lori?" He asked.

"Yeah, she said she had to go and get a gift for Bobby." Leni Replied.

"Oh okay." Lincoln then left her to her smoothie making.

Lincoln then felt a little awkward because he never thought of getting Ronnie Anne a gift. He then made his way up the stairs until he entered his room and lay on his bed. There was now no avoiding this, but he knew that will find a way to fix his relationship with Ronnie Anne. He had to.

A/N: It has been awhile, but we are very close to the end of the story. Also I think the way this chapter ended is a little awkward, but I needed to end it before continuing on. I hope you guys enjoyed. Until next time, peace.