Reviews for Charon
Guest chapter 14 . 7/22
He told her! Yesssssssssssssssssss! Not friends again yet but yesssssssssssssss!
Guest chapter 13 . 7/22
Anaïs is such a cute daughter! She is adorable! If you kill her off to make harry sad i will hunt you down!:)also isn’t harry like a teenage dad right now?!
Guest chapter 12 . 7/22
Olivia is back!:):):):):):):):):) yesssssssssssssssssss!
Guest chapter 12 . 7/22
Ooooooohhhhhh commmmmmmeeee onnnnnnnnnnn! She’s so close!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/22
The reactions of harry’s death from his parents on to the end of the chapter was really, really good. Very well written. You captured the emotions of everyone involved really well. I just had to say this before i continue reading. Well done!
Guest chapter 14 . 7/18
Este fin es una gran mierda, un harry super poderoso que apenas tiene 15 años, que puede aparecer e el Ministerio aún cuando el mismo tiene barreras, que tiene el poder de aparecerá en hogwarts aún cuando tiene barreras y están ligadas a Dumbledore por lo que el sabría que hay alguien entrando en el colegio. Este fin es de la misma calidad de mierdas con la misma trama que he visto a través de los años. Son contados con los dedos de la mano, los fic de este tipo que de verdad se hacen llamar buenos.
justin.jossart chapter 7 . 7/14
Aaaaaand this got remarkably stupid very quickly. Harry Nightshade, super wizard in primary school with no training or wand. Nope, he just figured it all out himself. Jeez, people write some dumb stuff.
prince711 chapter 26 . 7/13
Excellent story so far... Any chance as to when we can expect a new update ?
NPGamer11 chapter 24 . 7/12
A bit of an abrupt break up, but I'm a sucker for Harry/Fleur, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
NPGamer11 chapter 13 . 7/12
This chapter was the beam of light that pierced the darkness. Very nice indeed.
BCLinguist chapter 9 . 7/4
also, I think Harry drank a potion of Mary Sue by mistake.
BCLinguist chapter 9 . 7/4
Is there even a single name more pretentious than Ares Nightshade?
BCLinguist chapter 3 . 7/4
I enjoy bashing fics as much as the next guy, but they always end up being unrealistic and difficult to believe. Harry's parents gave him up far too readily, and Dumbledore is so obviously a manipulative bad guy you'd have to be an idiot not to suspect anyting. still, after reading this chapter I wanted to strangle Dumbledore with his own intestines, so you've at least succeeded in making me dislike him. That's half the point of these fics, really.
FicTIuNFaN chapter 8 . 6/11
Hope to read your next chapter soon.
Ulistes chapter 26 . 6/10
Please another chapter its been ages! Please!
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