Author's Note: So... this fic is not going to be a One - Shot anymore. Surpirse...?

Rhaella I – First Month, 258 AC

Rhaella was never fond of her brother, Aerys.

She didn't like his philandering ways with the servants nor did she like the way how Aerys would be angered at the smallest of things. He's also a bit vain for her liking and is quick to trust the words of flatterers, which causes his ego to inflate.

That is why she was incensed when her father forced both of them to marry each other. And she agreed with her brother for once: they didn't want to marry each other. But their father is still responsible for their marriage and both of them had no choice but to marry one another.

Even though the Seven Kingdoms cheered for their marriage, the two of them wasn't happy with their predicament.

Their bedding was also a disappointment. There was no emotion in their copulation but rather that of hate: hate for their parents, hate towards one another, hate for that damn prophecy that her father spouted and many more.

She knew that duty comes first but she had hoped that she would be able to choose someone that would actually take care of her and love her. She would rather pick an Arryn, a Stark or seven hells, a Martell other than her brother.

That said, she was rather surprised when the first thing that she saw waking up was Aerys slowly stroking her hair, his hand sliding across her long hair. Even though she hates Aerys, it doesn't mean that she would be willing to give him a chance and with Aerys looking so… regretful, that chance might be nearing soon enough.

Before she can blurt out a word, Aerys started to talk, his voice soft and… regretful?

"I'm sorry, Rhae." Her body stiffened when she heard those words but Aerys continued.

"I know that you hate me from the bottom of your heart, but I don't blame you for that. Before we got married, I was prideful because I used to believe that I would be able to get away with what I want since I was part of the Royal Family. I charmed the maid servants into my bed because I used to believe that no harm would be felled upon me. I would always listen to the words of those who would try to gain favors from me because they know that I was a conceited person."

He took a breather before continuing, his gaze shifting from looking forlorn to determined. "That is why I'm willing to change, Rhae. If you're still not willing to accept me then I understand but always remember that if you were to change your mind, then I would be ready to welcome with all of my heart. That I swear."

Then Aerys slowly leaned his head towards her, giving her a chaste kiss before quickly leaning back and slowly getting out of the bed.

Rhaella didn't know what to say about Aerys' short speech.

It was too… out of place for Aerys to say. She knows that Aerys is a bit… loose but she didn't know that it would be that pronounced.

The sudden shift of attitude is also a sign. Yesterday, Aerys was very angry and grouchy with how the wedding had gone but now he looks as if he's at peace with himself.

That's she can't help but blurt out the question that she had on mind.

"What has happened to you, Aerys?"

She saw how Aerys stilled while he was stretching his limbs, presumably from the copulation that they've done before putting his hand on his chin, scratching the growing beard that is accumulating on it.

"Well. Maybe its because I wanted to do my duty to the house or maybe its because I wanted to change for the better. Does that satisfy your curiosity, Rhae?"

No, it certainly didn't but she nodded all the same. She would retrieve that information sooner or later.

"You should start getting up, Rhae. I think our parents would be waiting in the Hall, eager to hear our exploits." Aerys chuckled as he went ahead and started to dress himself up.

Rhaella said no more and decided to follow Aerys.

"Can I say that you enjoyed the bedding at least, Aerys?" Crown Prince Jaehaerys, her father asked as he partook in the venison that was freshly cooked from the Royal Kitchen. As much as she wanted to partake on the food that was laid in front of her, she didn't want to. Mostly, it was because of Aerys.

"We didn't, father." Aerys flatly said as he took a sip of wine. Silence ensued on the table and in Rhaella's opinion, it was awkward.

"I see… Anyways, since you're married to Rhaella, you must stop your philandering ways and you must also continue your studies under Grand Maester Pycelle. Otherwise, I'll be forced to lock you in your room until you realize the folly of defying me."

Jaehaerys coughed for a bit, before continuing. "I'm doing this all for you, Aerys. It's all for the greater good."

The cup that Aerys was holding snapped under his hands, shards of glass laying on the floor and some of it are imbued into his hand. He blinked before he realized his actions and proceeded to call a servant to get himself a clean cloth.

"I'm sorry about that, father. It seems like I'm not in my best mood." He stood up before facing their grandfather, King Aegon the Fifth.

"May I be excused, Your Grace?" Aerys politely asked.

Her grandfather stared for a moment before giving his consent, allowing Aerys to go and leaving the Hall once more into an awkward mess.

"Well… that was something." Prince Duncan Targaryen or most commonly known as the Prince of Dragonflies states as he turned his gaze towards Jaehaerys.

"I didn't realize that Aerys would be this discontent." Jaehaerys murmured as he looked at Aerys' seat, now vacant.

"Hush dear, you shouldn't blame yourself. If anything, I'll also take the blame dear." Shaera Targaryen consoled as she placed her hand atop of his.

King Aegon released a sigh. Seems like the stress that's been building is slowly being released. Rhaella rarely saw his grandfather being angry, the exception being towards his children. She remembered when her grandfather told her of his stories about his parents and noticed the subtle change of tone when he was talking about her father.

"This is why I didn't want to force them to marry each other, Jaehaerys." King Aegon said as he slowly took a sip of wine, his eyes narrowing.

"Prophecy or not, you shouldn't have forced them to marry each other. It's obvious from the way they look at each other. They don't like one another."

"But the Prince that Was Promised would be born from their marriage. How could I let that come to pass, father?" Her father acridly replied back.

Her grandfather let out a sigh. "It's because of that reason, Jaehaerys. I don't trust prophecies, even though our family was saved by one." He took a look and it was directed at her.

"Rhaella, can you please talk to your husband?"

She mutely nodded, her body standing up and proceeding to find his newly anointed husband.

What is to be of her future? Time could only tell.