Author has written 6 stories for How to Train Your Dragon, Fairly OddParents, Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist, Detective Conan/Case Closed, and Danny Phantom. Hi! Name's Ana, thanks for visiting my profile. I realize that most of my stories have been inactive for quite a long time. I apologize. I am now actively working towards continuing the majority of them. Since the last time I have updated my interests have widely spread from Percy Jackson and HTTYD (not that I don't still love them) To anime and stuff like Danny Phantom. (My favorite anime at this point in time is Detective Conan (or as some people may or may not know it as Case Closed... the sub is better... just trust me on this one) DC OTP: KaiShin (I read one fanfiction to see and it took over my entire life) It's not that I mind the other pairings like ShinRan or anything but Ran is always crying and I always get upset because not once when she's crying does she put any thought to how Shinichi is feeling. And whenever she gets suspicious she always gets so mad at Shinichi without considering how much it hurts him to always have to lie to her and why he was like that or his reasons as to why he is lying. Sorry... I don't have anything against her at all. The pairing is adorable in its own right but thats the one thing that annoys me the most. (Sorry... I ranted there a bit...) Wattpad: Strangled_Creativity Poirot Cafe: strangledcreativity |
Aureux (15) Coolspygirl (3) luxa1234 (1) | phoenixroses (2) Tandrele (12) Thingygazinga (15) | We'reAllABitOdd (9) |