A/N: My first Danny Phantom fanfic! I only got into the fandom about a year ago; what can I say? The basic concept was really cool, and so was the fanart! Not only that, but there's a lot of really well-written fics for this series! I would definitely recommend "A Phantom Marooned" by LordPugsy, if you haven't read it already.

Now for the plot; nothing too unusual. Lancer's class on a field trip to the Ghost Zone. Danny, Sam, and Tucker are juniors by this point. Phantom Planet happened, but no reveal. I've included some headcanon on ghosts and Danny's state as a half-ghost. This is a short chapter; sorry!

Enjoy! Please Read and Review!

Ch. 1

It's another average day at Casper High. Mr. Lancer drones on, Dash bullies the nerds during passing periods, and Danny Fenton vanishes just before a ghost attack. He arrives in his next class, listening to the others gossip about the local hero, Danny Phantom; no one, except for his two best friends, notices the limp he's attempting to hide.

"Who was it?" Sam asks, her violet eyes locked onto his leg in worry.

"Well," he grunts, shifting his backpack to the floor and falling into his seat, "It started out with just the Lunch Lady, but then Valerie showed up and I had to ditch her."

"You okay, dude?" Tucker whispers, "Sorry, standard question."

"I'll be fine soon enough. Did you take notes for Lancer's class?"

Sam nods. They've been doing this since the beginning of the school year, and should have since the accident two years ago. It's nearly three months into their junior year, and Danny's grades have managed to cling to an average of 'B'.

The group falls silent as class starts, Danny's head soon resting on his arms. He looks asleep, but she can see his finger tapping rhythmically on the edge of his desk. It's a signal not to kick him awake; he's just feeding, devouring the emotional energy in the air. She knows that if she touches him, his skin will be even colder than usual, his cold core closer to the surface. She tries to remember when it started, when he had to start feeding on emotions to supplement his human diet. It doesn't come to the surface, so she mentally shrugs it off. She exchanges a glance with Tucker, who is busy tapping discreetly on his PDA.

The bell rings, and he sits up slowly, the dark bags under his eyes almost gone, and runs a hand through his dark hair.

"Enjoy your snack?" Tucker snickers.

"Yeah," Danny retorts, "But I have to really monitor my intake, or I'll get fat."

"And remember what happened three months ago? You accidentally ate too much and made the whole A-List depressed."

Sam chuckles, noticing that his limp has vanished, "Paulina's face was hilarious! She looked awful."

Danny frowns, not wanting to be reminded. He, like most ghosts, feeds on negative emotions, which a high-school is overflowing with; however, he's learned how to take only a little bit from each person without affecting their mood. He didn't have to in the beginning; but as he's become a stronger ghost, he's required the extra energy. Even more importantly, it helps to heal injuries and keep his identity under wraps. It takes a lot of focus, however, which is the reason for the 'sleeping in class'-act.

"Hey! Fen-tina!"

He groans as Dash Baxter shoves him against the lockers. He's grown since freshman year, and his feet no longer leave the ground, but the quarterback still has an inch or two on him. Dash's arms are as thick as telephone poles and he has shoulders like a bear, so he doesn't even question his superiority to the whip-thin Danny Fenton.

"What's up, Dash?" Danny sighs, "Have a rough time with midterms? Come to take it out on me?"

"You bet, Fen-toad," the blond growls, stomping down on his toes. Danny pretends to grunt in pain, inwardly feeling very bored. At the edge of his mind, he can sense Dash relishing the power, and he resists the urge to smirk. If only he knew who he was beating up.

He's slammed against the lockers again.

If only he knew that I could take him out any time I wanted.


"And I was like, 'No way!' and she was like, 'Yes way!' and I was like, 'No way!'" Paulina relays to Starr, who giggles.

"Oh my gosh," she twitters in between blowing on her nails, "I can't believe she did that!"

"I know, right?"

Sam grinds her teeth and prays that they'll fall silent once Mr. Lancer gets into the class, "We're in our third year of high-school, and they're having the same conversation they were having in the first!"

"Calm down, Sam," Danny laughs, "at least they're not giggling over Phantom."

"I always wonder what would happen if they realized he's your boyfriend," Tucker comments, glancing up at her with a grin, "What's it like to kiss when you're invisible?" This earns him a slug on the shoulder from the pink-cheeked Goth.

"Same as it is to kiss visible," Danny answers, earning his own bruise.

The two boys share a grin, and Lancer strides in, clearing his throat to grab their attention. The class falls silent.

"You'll be pleased to know that we're going on a field trip," he begins, earning whoops and cheers, but what he says next makes Danny's blood run cold.

"…to the Ghost Zone, courtesy of the Fentons."

(A/N: Stupid fanfiction keeps removing spaces. What the heck is WRONG with you?! Why can't we space out our paragraphs properly?! I protest this crap.)