Hey everybody, I'm back! I felt bad about how short last chapter was, and it was still fresh on my mind so I decided to crank out another chapter for you guys. I'm glad you guys liked last chapter and that Matthew was well received by you guys.

Several people did get the fandom he's from correct, and I still have yet to PM all of you with your prize. For those who don't know, Matthew Williams is from the anime/manga/webcomic Hetalia, and he is the personification of Canada. He is my favorite character, and I wanted so badly to bring him in, but was unsure how you guys would feel about him. Thanks everybody for not making me regret the decision. That's all for now, enjoy!


The class was silent as we waited for the rest of the students to come in. It took quite a while but eventually everyone else was in. Unfortunately, more than half the class time was over, so there was even less time to learn anything. The professor didn't seem too upset about it though, launching into a speech.

"Hello class, and welcome to your first day of Charms. Now, as today is more of an orientation, you don't have to worry about being late. Due to your large size, tomorrow you will split into smaller groups and given schedules that varies depending on which group you're assigned to. Today is merely to help you guys find your classes and introduce you to the basics of each class. Tomorrow you will get your assignments and schedule at breakfast in the Grand Hall, so try not to miss it."

"Unfortunately we do not have enough time to start on a full lesson for today, so in preparation for tomorrow's lesson, I want you all to read the first chapter of The Standard Book of Spells, and tomorrow we will get into the lesson." Some of the other students groaned, but I shrugged it off and went back to my book.

While some of the students read their books, the others talked amongst each other. I was a little confused at that. Wouldn't it be easier to do the reading right now so they didn't have to worry about it later? The professor was giving us the rest of the class off, so it wasn't like there was an excuse to not do it right now.

I shook it off and went back to reading. I didn't even know why I was worrying about others, I should just worry about my own studies. So apparently I needed to go to the Grand Hall tomorrow morning to get my schedule, hopefully I won't get in trouble for getting it, it was very important for my classes. I didn't want to end up going into the wrong class and getting in trouble.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts, I jumped when someone poked my shoulder. I turned and saw Matthew next to me. "Sorry, I tried calling your name a few times and you didn't seem to hear me, that was the only other thing I could think of." He gave me an apologetic smile before saying "Class is over, it's time for lunch."

"Oh, umm, thanks." I put my book back into my bag and slung it over my shoulder as I stood up. I turned in time to see Matthew walking out of the room with the rest of the class.

I followed the group until we got to the Grand Hall, but then I split away, heading towards the Hufflepuff common room. From there I headed towards where I remember the door that led to the kitchen was.

When I came to the painting, I looked at it, a little confused. I could easily phase through it, but I wanted to figure out how to get through if somebody else was watching or following me. At first glance it didn't look like there was any kind of doorknob. I knew there had to be another way into it though, so I decided to try something.

I ran my hands along the painting, trying to find an indent or any kind of opening. As I ran my hands along the pear, something gave a giggle. I jumped back in surprise, looking for whoever made that noise, had someone followed me down here? After a few seconds of letting my heart beat slowed back to normal, I took a few hesitant steps towards the painting. Had it been the thing that had giggled Maybe that meant I had almost figured it out.

I put my hand back on the painting and ran it along the pear. There was another giggle and I figured out that the painting had indeed giggled. Once my hand moved from the pear though, it stopped. I went back to stroking the pear, and it resumed giggling. I was surprised when after a few seconds the pear vanished, and in its place was a small green doorknob.

So that was the trick, I just had to pet the pear until it turned into a doorknob. That was good to know for later. I grabbed the knob and turned it, happy when it opened into the hallway I had phased into this morning. I definitely knew my way to the kitchen from here, so there wouldn't be a problem if I had someone following me.

When I got to the kitchen I was greeted in almost the exact same manner as this morning. Thankfully though, none of them questioned what I was doing down here this time. They just plopped me in a seat and handed me a plate of food before scurrying off to do other tasks. I happily chowed down on the food, this was the first time I had eaten such delicious meals in a row. Hopefully it stayed that way while I was at school.

Eventually I was shooed out of the kitchen when I tried helping and was left to wander the castle in search of my History of Magic class. As I walked through the halls, I felt a shiver run up my spine, and when I breathed out, my breath was a visible blue mist. I looked around in confusion, what the heck would cause that? It wasn't like the temperature had dropped enough for my breath to become visible.

I jumped when something came through the wall. I stared at the thing that came out of the wall, it looked like a human, but it was floating, translucent, and had a silvery sheen.

"Oh, hello there, are you looking for your class?" I nodded in shock. "What class are you looking for?

"Umm, History of Magic I think." I responded uneasily. He made me think of the ghosts mom and dad used to tell me about. This one didn't look like he was going to attack me though. In fact, it looked like he wasn't going to be hurting anyone any time soon.

"Ah, Professor Binns' class. You're not that far from it actually, if you take a left up ahead, it's the third door on your left." The ghost gave me directions and I thanked him before heading off.

Thankfully with the ghost's directions I was able to get to class before most others. I found a seat in the back and sat down. I pulled out by History book and leafed through it. I had read several history books back at master's house, but this one was really boring compared to the others. It was full of laws and goblin rebellions.

A chill ran up my spine and my breath escaped in a blue mist. I looked up from my book in time to see another ghost phase into the classroom. The handful of other students that were present all stared at the ghost as he took the spot behind the podium.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Good afternoon class and welcome to History of Magic, I am your professor for this class, now please get your books out and turn to chapter one. Today we will begin the section on the troll riots and-"

"Professor." One student interrupted him, her arm shooting straight up.

"Yes Miss Periwinkle?" The teacher asked in his boring droning voice.

"Actually, it's Peters, but, the other students aren't here yet professor. Shouldn't we wait for the rest of the class to get here before we start?"

"Nonsense Miss Parkers. They can catch up on their own time, now, as I was saying, please turn to the first page of the first chapter." He started to drone about the chapter a

"Wow, he really doesn't are about the others eh?" I nearly jumped out of my seat when a voice spoke up next to me.

I turned to see Matthew sitting in the chair next to me. When had he gotten there? That seat was empty when I came in.

"When did you get here?" I asked, wondering if maybe he had snuck in while the teacher was talking.

"I've been here the entire time, my brother had this class earlier so he showed it to me before lunch ended and I showed him where Charms was. Let me guess, you weren't able to see me when you got here." I nodded sheepishly. He gave an almost silent sigh. "Don't worry, it's not your fault, I've had that problem since I was 5. Papa swears mom must have dropped me in a cauldron of Vanishing Potion when I was a baby and dropped my brother in a cauldron of Super Strength Elixir." He explained.

"Oh, well, maybe he knows the lesson will be easy for the others to catch up on. It is the first class after all." I said as I tried to figure out the professor's reason for brushing off the other students' absence.

"That would make sense, well at least we'll be able to help any of the others out if they have any questions." Matthew responded.

As the class went along I felt myself growing more and more bored. The book itself may have been boring, but this class was downright mind numbing. I felt myself start to drift off to sleep, despite my best attempts to pay attention. I was thankful when we got the sign that we were to be dismissed.

The professor didn't seem to notice and kept droning on about some troll who was apparently responsible for starting the riot. A few students tried to get his attention, but to no avail, he kept talking about the riots. Eventually we all left the room, hopefully his next class would have better luck with him.

I followed behind Matthew, hoping he had some sort of idea what and where our next class. Thankfully he seemed to know where he was going and in only a couple of minutes we were seated in an odd looking classroom.

The layout was very similar to our History of Magic class. The entrance to the class was at the front of the class which meant we had to pass by the professor's desk to get to our desks. Our desks were set in rows facing the professor's desk. The professor's desk was elevated due to being a step higher than the rest of the classroom, and behind the desk was a small staircase that led to a door.

None of that was what had made it odd though. The walls were covered in papers with weird scribbles on them, crucifixes, and what seemed to be cloves of garlic. Overhead was what appeared to be the skeleton of a dragon, as well as a normal looking iron chandelier. The whole room stunk of garlic and it was not a smell I was fond of.

I took a seat in the back like normal, and waited for the professor to enter. The professor wore the normal robes that everybody here seemed to wear. However, he also wore a purple turban on his head. He was very twitchy and spoke with a stutter. The entire class he looked like he was going to pass out from who knows what.

Like Professor Flitwick, he explained that today was merely an orientation for the first years so we could get a feel for the classes and learn where they were located. He also assigned us to read the first chapter of our Defense Against the Dark Arts books before giving us the rest of the class off.

Something about him didn't feel right to me. I don't know what it was, but he definitely didn't feel like a normal person to me. Whatever it was had me on edge and I wasn't sure how to feel about that.


Welcome to the bottom everyone, did you guys enjoy it? I actually goofed up last chapter because I was so desperate to get it out to you guys, but I decided to roll with it since it wasn't too big of a goof. We're never told how the students find any of their classes or how the classes are sorted out. So I made it that the first day is orientation where the first years learn where all their classes are.

According to Pottermore, Hufflepuff is the largest House in all of Hogwarts. As such I imagine that each year has upwards of 30+ students and that they need to be split into two groups to make it easier for the professors.

We have two more classes before Danny's first day of Hogwarts is over, sorry if you guys think it's taking too long, I didn't want to rush through it too fast. I promise it won't take this long to get through every single day.

For those of you who know Hetalia, I have two questions. First, did you guys like how I wrote Mattie? I've never written him before so I have no idea if he's OOC. Second, how do you guys feel about me bringing Alfred in? I did mention him this chapter, but if you guys don't think he should be in, it could just be a background thing.

Anyways, that's all for now. Love it, hate it, just review it. Buh-bye!