As Danny was pulled out of the door, Sam lunged toward one of the agents, fists balled and ready to fight her way through them. Her determination though, was not enough to stop them from shoving her back, the agents being much bigger and twice as strong as she was. If anyone had a shot of getting through, it would have been Dash and his football friends. But then again, she didn't know what his current thought in all of this was. Not that Dash actually had a thought.

"Danny!" Sam shouted, the agents pushing her and the other students away as they backed toward the door. "Get off me!" The girl managed to get a hook in on the agent that shoved her away before. Ignoring the increasing pain in her knuckles, Sam continued to throw her arms out, only this time she ended up on the floor. Hearing the door slam shut, the goth felt gentle hands on her arms as they helped her onto her feet. A few of her classmates, ones that rarely took notice of her, were stood there, asking if she was okay. Okay? She wanted to scoff, to scream. Of course she wasn't okay. "Yeah..." She lied.

"I demand you open this door!" It was Lancer, banging on the wood, as he desperately tried turning the handle. It was locked. Figures. What was she going to do? Detained. The word echoed in her mind, reminding her that she couldn't give up. She knew more than anyone what treatment scientists did to their lab rats, and if the G.I.W did in fact know Danny was Phantom, she knew it was only a matter of time before they started treating him like one too. But the question was, how? How was she going to get out? Their classroom was on the third floor, and she knew for a fact she couldn't make it down there, despite her athleticism. Not to mention the door was locked, and more than likely being guarded by those asshole agents.

"Is someone going to tell us what the hell is going on?" The class started to shout and argue with each other, many of them pointed to her to give them answers. Sam tried to ignore them, pushing a few out of the way so she could get to her bag. More importantly, her phone.

"Manson! Why do they want your boyfriend?" Sam stopped, coming face to face with the broad shoulders of Dash Baxter, Casper High's infamous football star.

"He's not my boyfriend." She defended, trying to find away around him. He wasn't budging anytime soon, and Sam felt a sudden urge to punch him too. "Look Dash, move out of my way."

"Or what?"

"Or..." Ugh why was this so difficult? Why couldn't Tucker be there with her? She hated this. She hated not being able to do anything. "Dash, just let me get my bag."

"Why? What's in it? I'm not moving until you tell me what's going on!" The class had quietened down now, turning their attention to the more interesting interaction between the goth and jock.

"I can't tell you!" Sam shouted, her fists balling again as she tried to get a hold of her anger.

"Why not? We deserve to know!" Sam scoffed, her eyes narrowing at the boy in front of her.

"Deserve? Deserve?! You don't deserve anything Dash! You treat Danny like he's worthless, and now suddenly you care? You don't care! The only reason you're paying any attention to him right now is because you want some sort of pleasure out of knowing he's in trouble! That he's going to get hurt by those monsters! He doesn't deserve that. He doesn't deserve the whole world knowing his secrets, and especially the guy that finds it fun at making his life a little more unbearable." The girl heaved in a breath, her face red from the anger pulsing through her veins. Noticing Dash was staring at her, Sam shoved him out of the way, a little surprised that he let her, and marched over to her desk.

"Miss Manson." If Lancer thought he was going to punish her for having a go at Dash, he had another thing coming.

"What?" She snapped in reply, unzipping her bag rather forcefully.

"If you know why these agents have taken Mr Fenton, then perhaps it may put our minds at rest if you shared with us." Sam sighed, her head lifting to meet the gaze of her teacher and the rest of the class.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." She needed to protect Danny for as long as she could, and if that meant lying to them all then that's what she would do. It wouldn't be the first time. Finally finding her phone, Sam groaned as the flashing battery on the screen indicated that it needed charging. She needed to call Tucker. Or Jazz. Or someone. She just needed time to figure it out, but she didn't have time. And Danny didn't have time either. Danny. Her phone fell back into her bag, the rucksack discarded on her chair as she spun, her eyes trained on the other item she could use. Danny's bag. They hadn't taken it. Which meant his phone was still in there. Quickly grabbing it off the floor, she quite literally tore through it, tipping the bag upside down as she desperately tried to find the mobile device. But something else caught her attention as it clattered to the floor. The Fenton thermos. Danny had been fighting ghosts that morning, and if he had used the thermos, he wouldn't have had time to deposit the ghost back into the ghost zone. A smile graced the girl's lips, hope filling her as she picked up the thermos. There was someone in there. She might have just found her way out, but the main problem still stood. The class were still there. Not to mention the G.I.W agents. If she released a ghost into the room, they'd tear the door down faster than Lancer could say Shakespeare. "Please be someone reasonable." Sam muttered, taking the top off and pointing the ghost catching device toward the empty part of the classroom. She had to take her chances, and if the G.I.W came crashing in again then so be it. She would fight her way through all over again. Light emitted from the end, a green mist forming a figure in the air. The class gasped, taking a few steps back and leaving the black haired girl to fight off the towering ghost in front of them.

"Finally free of that retched cage! Now ghost child–" Sam put her hand up, indicating the ghost to shut the hell up. And he did, much to his confusion.

"I need your help."

"My help?"

"Yes, Skulker. Your help."

I do not own Danny Phantom nor any characters mentioned.

I kind of rushed this chapter, so I'm sorry if the dialogue is choppy etc but I really wanted to get it out.

Until the next update!

~ kingxcharlie

p.s: I never know what to say in these things. I feel so awkward. Like hi, this is my brain. Welcome.

p.s.s: DID YOU GUYS SEE THE ECLIPSE? yeah me neither. i slept through it but it was on tv