Hello readers of this story

Thanks to Gracie ghost who has convinced me to Re Wright this story an sorry to hot6339 I have not looked at this story in month's and the story is not up for adoption any more but if it goes up for adoption again it is yours.

Danny's secrets

Chapter 1: Prologue

Danny has been different ever since the accident he has change he's more reserved and doesn't open up much to his family. not like he would do that to Maddie and Jack anyway but you get the point. His friends are very close to him and so is his sister. The A-Listers at school treat him as dirt even though he does lots for them even if they don't know it. He lives his life mostly tired and aware at the same time.

But the question is why is he like this. His friends know. His sister knows. But to everyone else its a mystery. After an accident on a class boat trip everyone gets nosey when some thing slips. And Paulina, Star, Kwan and Dash get a little too close for comfort.