Hello. I wrote a new story, i only got one review, so i deleted it, I might re post it after this story.

anywho, this has been floating in my mind a while, thought I would get the evil plot bunnies out of my freakin' head.

So here!




But just to put it out there, the only thing i own is the plot.

Mr. Lancer stood up out of his seat as the kids started to flood in like a tidal wave. The bell had just rung, and his 8th hour class was beginning to file in.

This class, was not one of Lancers favorites, It included the 5 most, mysterious, troublesome, confusing, and most outrages of all his pupils.

Dash Baxter, Paulina Sanchez, Tucker Foley, Samantha Manson, and the most obscure of them all, Daniel Fenton.

Mr. Lancer was always perplexed when it came to young Daniel Fenton, He was such a smart, curious boy, until the ninth grade. His behavior dropped, along with his grades, attendance, and most of all, trust. You may be thinking that this is, just what happens in the teenage life. but no. This all happened in less then a week. Everything about him got flip flopped and turned around. Like there was to different people, in one body.

The late bell rang, and Mr. Lancer was not at all prepared, for the upcoming events that this day held.

~line break~

Danny Fenton sat in his seat, ferociously scratching the rash on his arm, no, not like poison ivy or oak, this was from Undergrowth, He had tried to literally, sprout, back up and 'take over the world'.

What he had was a case of the ecto- itch, yes, it was named by Jack Fenton himself. And it felt to the young halfa , that there was no way of getting rid of it.

Danny had raided his parents lab, tried every ointment he could find, and had sat for a grand total of 172 minuets under cold, hot, medium, warm, luke warm water, probably many more, trying to get rid of the stupid rash.

"Danny, hey, Danny." Sam whispered over to him.

"What." He hissed back

"What happened to your arm? need me to do something?" Sam answered, ignoring the bitterness in his voice.

"Its Nothing, just some rash I got from undergrowth." Danny replied.

Mr. Lancer cleared his voice as he tapped on the desk. Most members of his class were not paying attention, but for those who were, he continued.

"Today, class, we will review and edit, a re-written portion of A bell for Adano. So i hope you all study'd because this test accounts for 30% of your grade, which I know, is a lot."

Now this got the classes attention. They perked up at the sound of "30% of your grade".

"I need you each to find two partners, and I will hand out the sheets, if the Partners you choose are not appropriate, then I will change them." Lancer continued.

Sam, Tucker and Danny instantly huddled around each-other, kind of like a protective circle.

"So what happened yesterday? there wasn't any cell reception." Tucker asked intently. Mr. Lancer handed the trio a sheet.

"Nothing much, Undergrowth wasn't much of a tussle now that I have ice powers, but he did give me this stupid rash thing." Danny replied, scratching his arm.

" Here let me see," Sam said reaching for his arm in a nurse like manner. "Did you check your parents lab?"


"Did you try some antibiotics?"


"Did you try water?"


Sam looked at the red area on his arm like she was a trained professional.

"Well, Its not poison oak or ivy, that's for sure." Sam stated

"Didn't I just say it was from Undergrowth? The ghost plant, thing." Danny replied. "Wow, Ghost Plant. I seriously Battled a ghost plant."

"I've seen it all dude, seen it all." Tucker said, finishing the review/edit for them.

"Well, It'll probably go away in a few days, maybe with my healing abilities less." Danny said. "Oh, And Wulf said that he would take me to see Frostbite after school, should probably told you that later."

"Eh, dosent matter." Tucker said getting up to hand in the paper. "Thats probably a good idea, your parents would be much help."

"You can- Danny was cut off by Mr. Lancer, who was standing up with the collected papers.

"That went better then expected class, as a reward, you can have the last 5 minuets of class to talk." Mr. Lancer sat back down.

Reward? What, were they in kindergarten or something? Dash was beginning to get up and walk over to Danny, when a loud RIP burst through the air, Making the room go silent. All eyes were focused to the corner of the room were it had come from, a glowing green portal type thing shaped like a claw scratch was now present.

Danny started banging his head on his desk when Wulf walked out. Sam and Tucker just laughed.

"Narnia People! Run for cover!" Mr. Lancer said, jumping out the open window.

"Oh man! Our teacher has gone nuts, Danny Phantoms nowhere, and theirs a freaking ghost wolf here!" Dash screamed balking up to the opposite corner, along with a whimpering Paulina, star, and rest of the class.

"The only good thing about this was that its going after Fenton!" Dash yelled.

Danny sat up, with a glare on his face. While Tucker and Sam were still trying not to laugh.

Danny put his hands in front of him, ignoring the fact that this might, MIGHT, blow his secret. He toke a deep breath and began.

"Wulf. Mi specife diris poste, POST scool Wulf, theres kvin minuets lasis, vi povus ne esti atendinta KVIN minuets." (1) Danny hesitated.

"Wow dude! were did learn all that!?" Tucker cried.

"Yea Danny! I thought you sucked at it." Sam added.

"Well, I figured out its the second language in the Zone, I figured that it would be easier if i just knew it now."

"Wait, you know this thing?" Dash said.

Wulf immediately noticed the jock as the bully Danny had described. He jumped in front of him, his tail wagging his teeth lashed out.

"Ĉu tiu estas la knabo vi diris al mi, bullys vi?"(2) Wulf said wagging his tail. He understood most of what Danny had said but paid no attention to it.

"Jes sed dont doloris lin, cxu vi ecx atentu kion mi ĵus diris?(3)" Danny said *Translations at bottom of page*

"vi volas diri, to mi amigo?"(4) Wulf said.

Dash began to freak out. "WERES DANNY PHANTOM! THIS THINGS GONNA KILL ME!" He screeched.

Lancer peeked in from the window outside, basically stalking them.

"WULF. Dont bother him, Mi diris dont tedos la stultaj homoj, hes a idioto. dosent meritas nian time. (5)" Danny said.

Sam and Tucker burst into laughter along with Wulf. He came back and licked Danny's face.

"Oh gross!, you have to stop doing that." Danny complained.

"Frosto Bite volas vi, kaj mi havis nenion por fari." (6) Wulf said.

"Well Wulf, the fact that I'm duono fantomo(7), and that they dont know it, kinda overrules the fact that you were bored."

Wulf frowned.

"Friend angry?" He commented.

"OMG It speaks english!" Paulaina screeched. they class began to scramble for the door. leaving the group alone in the classroom. Well, Mr. Lancer was still stalking them from the window.

Wulf sat in a dog like position *he is a dog basically dur.* and looked to were the screaming kids were.

"Kio estas ilia problemo" Wulf said in monotone.

Danny looked over to Sam and Tucker,

"You guys would be surprised at how well he speaks when hes not using English, hes kinda funny!" Danny said.

"Well, we understood the "don't bother the stupid Human, hes a idiot," part." Sam lauged

"Amigo go with now?" Wulf said.

"Hold it Yoda, the bell has to ring first." Danny said. Of course Wulf had no Idea what Yoda was.

The bell rang.

"Okay, now we can go." Danny pronounced

Sam ran forward saying

"I CALL HORSE BACK." She swung herself over Wulfs back, her raven black hair flying over her shoulders.

"Can we go now? I think my arms getting worse." Danny commneted.

All of a sudden Tucker blared forward screaming


Into the portal. Wulf treded in with Sam on his back.

"You guys are such idiots." he muttered to himself. Danny ran forward, hurtling himself into the portal as the two familer rings formed around his waist.

~line break~

Mr. Lancer peekd his head over the window, astonished by what he had just herd.

They trusted that wild beast? and Who were they going to see?

But what had startled him to his core, was that he himself, knew Esperanto, and He had understood what they were saying the whole time.

translations! :b

1. I specifically said after, AFTER SCHOOL Wulf, theres five minuets left of class, could you not have waited FIVE minuets.

2. "Is this the guy you told me bullys you?"

3. "Yes, but dont hurt him, did you even pay attention to what I just said?

4. "You mean, to me amigo?

5. I said dont bother the stupid human, hes a idiot. dosent deserve our time. "

6. "Frost Bite wants you, and I had nothing to do.

7. Half ghost.

8. Whats their problem?

MWHAHAHAH do you want me to continue? Its kind of a humor story, you guys can give me feedback on what you want to happen. I hope you get the fact that because Mr. Lancer knows Esperanto he herd Danny tell wulf that they didnt know he was half ghost. Only Mr. Lancer didnt know Danny was half ghost. ... get my point? No? Whatever. PLZ REVIEW~