This chapter has been revised as of 3/13/15.
Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or Harry Potter. I'm writing this for fun.
Albus Dumbledore sat behind his office's desk, reading a letter sent to him from the Ministry of Magic. In it, they warned him that if he didn't find someone for the position of professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, then they will be providing one… someone of their choice. There were rumors of a law being passed that would allow them to do so. Dumbledore couldn't help feeling cornered.
He knew that the Ministry didn't appreciate him for declaring that Lord Voldemort had returned and telling all the students to tell their parents, which effectively flooded the news faster than the Ministry could suppress it. Now all they could do was deny it.
The old wizard stroked his beard. Regardless of the Ministry's efforts, the facts would remain the same. Voldemort was back, and poor Harry not only had been a witness to it but also had to watch Cedric Diggory die in front of him at the hand of Peter Pettigrew. It was proof of the boy's strength that he was able fulfill the Hufflepuff's last wish by bringing back his body to his parents and also alert them of Tom's return. Still, the Ministry disregarded this and chose to slander Harry as an insane liar.
Of course, the Daily Prophet didn't help by spreading rubbish about the boy during the Triwizard Tournament and later choosing to turn blind at the rise of Voldemort.
To make matters worse, recently Harry used magic in the presence of a muggle. Specifically: his cousin (who was already aware of magic) and the spell was in defense against a group of Dementors, which for some reason thought to visit Surrey this summer. Either way, Dumbledore knew the Wizengamot would probably be skeptical. He'd have Mrs. Figg watch over Harry and give a witness testimony to prove that the Dementors were present. That should help Harry's chances on the hearing.
Still... Mundungus was supposed to be posted to watch Harry in the first place to make sure something like this never happened; he'd need to be dealt with later.
'I should get Dobby just in case they want to punish Harry for the other time he "used" magic.' Dumbledore stroked his beard thoughtfully.
The headmaster sighed as he considered the mess he'd gotten himself into. He thought of Fudge and how the man would always ask him for advice to run the Ministry (surprising that he's still in office with all the news).
'Perhaps even a wise old man like me needs advice sometimes …'
Taking a scroll of parchment and a quill he began to write a letter to a friend.
Dear Friend,
I need some help on an important matter of the Wizardly World. As you most likely know by now, Lord Voldemort (or Tom Riddle) is back and Harry Potter bore witness to his return. He —sadly— also witnessed the death of Cedric Diggory. The brave soul managed to return the boy's body to his parents as his last wish. Harry told me all that happened and we managed to capture the impostor of Alastor Moody, Bartemus Crouch Jr. to confess to Lord Voldemort's return with the help of Veritaserum.
Unfortunately Fudge chose to bring a Dementor onto school grounds as "protection" and it gave Crouch the Dementor's Kiss under no order to do so. Now we have no confession and people are being told Harry lied about Tom's return.
To make things worse, the Ministry of Magic is threatening to have one of their staff take the post for Defense Against the Dark Arts if I don't get a replacement soon. They will want one of their own to keep track of what I'm doing. Those buffoons actually think that I'm making an army within the school.
And to top it all, Harry is in trouble for having used a Patronus to protect both his cousin and himself from a Dementor attack in Surrey. Now the ministry plans to put the boy on trial for illegal use of magic. I fear the Dementors are trading sides to attack Harry. I will have to move him to a safer location as soon as this matter is solved.
On a more positive note, Hagrid is still away on his mission with the giants. We all hope the best for him.
My dear friend, any help would be great and if you could suggest a different teacher I would be eternally grateful. The news of the class being cursed has spread. Severus wants it, but he has more pressing matters to attend to this year.
I shall wait for your reply.
Yours truly,
-Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
PS: Thanks for the socks you send me last Christmas, they were just what I needed.
Folding up the letter and getting up, Dumbledore strolled to his phoenix, Fawkes, and gave him the scroll.
"You know where to go." said Albus.
The bird burst into flames to deliver the letter. Albus saw a hint of green within the usual flame burst, which let him know that the phoenix was going in the right direction.
Try as he might, the headmaster could not truly remember when he got Fawkes. All he knew was that one day the phoenix was there by his side as he awoke from his sleep.
Albus was not truly sure if the other part of that memory was real or just a nightmare, but he was inclined to think it was more of the first. He was quite sure that there was a cloaked figure in his room just before he went to bed, and that Fawkes was perched on his shoulder.
At that moment, he thought that the man had to be a Death Eater, so he moved to reach for his wand to defend himself.
'I thought I placed spells to warn me of intruders,' he thought, reaching for his wand, only to find it missing.
"Hello Albus," said the cloaked person in a calm voice. "Don't worry, I'm not here by Tom Riddle's or Lord Voldemort's orders. Your wand is right here. It will be returned to you before you awaken in the morning."
Albus saw his wand in the other man's hand, and said, "How were you able to get past my spells. I placed them all around the house. Why are you here?"
"I just passed through them. My only intention is to give you this phoenix," replied the cloaked stranger. "It will allow me to send messages to you and offer as much help as I can give."
"Why I should trust you? A stranger that just appeared in my house?"
"Well, I didn't attack you even when I have your wand right here."
"True, but how do you know of Voldemort's real name? Very few have ever made that connection."
"I know, but then again...I know everything... Time for me to go. Good night Albus. Can't wait for your letter."
Dumbledore suddenly felt sleepy and closed his eyes. The next morning he found himself in his bed with his wand on his bed stand and the phoenix on the perch that he still used today. He still wondered about the stranger that time and tried to remember what he looked like. He recalled a staff and a purple hooded cloak.
Regardless of the strange way he met this 'friend 'of his, he still needed to all the help he could get. So for now he just had to wait for a reply.
Dumbledore returned to his desk and prepared for a party to move Harry to a new safe house. While he worked he still thought that in his delusion of post sleep that he thought that the stranger was floating, but dismissed that idea with the notion of not seeing any legs but a tail.
This is my first story so review and comment. Thank you for reading!