So, not many people voted on my poll, but Ecto-Itch won, so yea. HERE UZ GO!


Danny CAN be a jerk. Especially when he's high on sugah baby!

We also get a look into Dashs life :D Poor Dash.

Danny fazed into the backyard of his house, sill grasping onto Dash. They became solid again as there feet touched the ground.

"WOOO SUGAR RUSH." Danny screamed. Dash plugged his ears at the volume on his voice.

"He, Yea... No kidding." Dash whined. He stood up and pated himself down, making sure he was solid.

"OKAY! Your fixed, See you monday." Danny said.

"Wait, What!?" Dash exclaimed.

"You herd me, I told you I would help you get fixed! Taa daa! Now go home!."

"B-But what about school!? The GIW!? The footage of me!"

"Thats your social life, If I help you out, It'll expose me!"

"Aw come on! Help a guy out! What am I going to say to my mom! I've been gone for like, 2 days!"

"I did help you out!, What do you want me to do? Walk in and tell her everything for you?" Danny laughed as he transformed into Fenton, he strode into his house through the back door. "Toodles! See you Monday!"

Dash fumed with anger.

Dash's house

Dash walked into his house slamming the door behind him. What was he supposed do!? Oh, Hi! I've been gone for 2 days because I got poisend by some ghost crap! Danny Phantom, half ghost by the way, saved me!

"Dashiel!?" A tall women came from behind the door, she was very tall, very, very beautiful.

"Hey mom." He grump-ed. Dash plumped down onto the couch, as he brushed his hand through his hair.

"Were have you been!" She plopped down next to him, embracing him. "I thought you ran away!"

"What difference would it make. Your always gone anyway, you never see me." Dash said.

The mother sighed before letting him go, her blonde hair was tied into a french braid, and she wore a dress, one from a magazine.

"Sweetie, after your father, and sister died a, we hardly had enough money to keep going. These shows are my job, you have school, and I can't take you with me."

"Dont remind me."



"I love you. And I missed you."

"Whatever." Dash began to get up.

"Where were you." The mother sighed. "I need to make sure you are ok." She got up, following him, her winter blue dress swaying with her.

Dash walked over to the kitchen, obviously hungry. "I'm fine."

"Why don't you turn on the TV. I bet 10 bucks they posted it." He added ruthlessly.

The blonde jock jogged up the stairs to his room with a jar of pickles, leaving his mother behind.

Doing as the boy said, the widow grabbed the sleek black remote and turned to channel 7.

Lance Thunder appeared on the TV.

"Breaking news! This weekends footage from the Nasty Burger incident! Lets watch!"

The screen changed to the Nasty Burger, Amity Parks teen hang out.

High school kids ranging from tweens to seniors gathered around a blonde boy, he was very muscular, but what was interesting was that her was... glowing.

The mother took a seat on the edge of the coffee table as she realized that it was her son.

You could here there oos and ahss as the glowing got greater, and greater, and greater. The camera zoomed in as the children s expressions were seen, they turned from awe into fear. He kept getting brighter until it became a ghastly green. Said boy began to hyperventilation, begging the others to help him, but they backed away. Some were even running.

The light finally, what seemed like, exploded, leaving the boy crumpled on the ground. Maxine, Dashs mother, gasped and covered her mouth.

About 2 minuets later the boy got up, only there was something different. His hair has turned an electric blue, his cloths were coverd in green, maybe, bolts? And his Letterman jacket was gone.

The boy began to freak out at himself, he staggered, trying to find a seat. But every time he touched something he would either pass through it, it would freeze, or again, explode. Lots of explosions there were that day. They boy looked at his hands before he sat down, confused and not knowing what to do.

It switched back to lance thunder and another reporter, they were speechless.

"Your live.." Someone whispered

"A-o-ah Hi! Now were going to skip forward, to were Danny Phantom supposedly shows up!"

Maxine's eyes Widened, was he going to help her boy?

The tape began to speed forward, before it stopped as a boy in a black and white jumpsuit entered the scene. He searched around before spotting to glowing eyes under one the booths. He peeked under as his lips began to move, Speaking to him.

He extended a gentle hand, but it was rejected. Not giving up the ghost boy got on his knees, and offered it again, and this time he took it.

"Well, there's more proof that Amity Parks teen ghost boy is a real hero, now for the new weath-

Maxine shut the TV off and rubbed her temples. So this is were he had been. It was so much to take in, was her son still a ghost? Or had Phantom fixed him? I guess she shouldent be surprised, Amity Park is the worlds most haunted city.

She got up and grabbed her walled, walking up the stairs to Dash's room.

"Dash.." She cracked open the door.


His room was a mess, and posters of Humpty Dupty plastered his wall.

"Heres your ten bucks." She pulled the money out of her wallet and handed it to him, lifting her dress and walking over to sit next to him on his bed.

"W-h- No! Thats not what I ment." He shoved the money back.

"Oh Dash.. You've been through a lot, and I am very proud of you. From what I've seen and herd you are a good friend, a popular one at that. I'm just glad through this mess you didn't turn out to be, what would you call it? A bully."

Dash gulped.

"Y-Yea, me to."

"I was wondering, are you still, lets say...


"Yes... I guess you could say that."

"No more powers."

The mother laughed. "good."

"Good." He smiled.

She began to walk away, before quickly turning around and shoving the ten dollars under his blanket, she squealed and ran down the stairs.

"Mom! I said I don't-

But it was to late, she was already gone.

Monday School. :3

Dash walked through the halls, his backpack slung over his shoulder.

No one went near him.

As he cautiously proceeded, people ran, laughed, or backed up when they saw him.

A frown was shown on his face as he got his stuff from his locker, and began to walk toward English class. He stopped when he saw Danny Fenton run around the corner. Curious of what he was doing, Dash followed him.

They rounded the corner as Danny stooped, hovering a few feet in the air.

"Were do you think your going!?" Dash yelled.

Danny's eyes quirked. "Uh... I dont know... mabey do my job... but you never know, I may just be going to get a snack at the nasty burger."

He changed Into Phantom as he landed on the ground in front of Dash, he had to look up at him due to the fact Dash was a few inches taller.

"Ha ha very funny Fenton." Dash growled.

"Ha ha very funny Dash. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Well what do you expect! Nobodys talking to me, they laugh at me, and avoid me!"

"Hmmm... you know, I know somebody who can relate to you, In fact, they have the same situation as you!" Danny laughed.

"Really? Who!?" Dash excalimed.

The halfas smile droped. "Me jerk. What do you think my life is like? I'm not popualr, I'm not cool, I get picked on by you," Danny jabbed his chest. "And not to mention I'm always in trouble because I'm never in class! I have pretty good Idea on what your going through."

"But... your.. Da-

"Danny Phantom?"

"Yea. You have it better then any of us!" Dash waved his hands in the air.

"My name is Danny Fenton. It always was and always will be. Out there, I am called Danny Phantom, I also save countless lives. But I'm Danny Fenton. The wimp. The freak. The geek. The creep."

"If you don't want to help Amity then just quit! I'm sure somebody else will do it."

"You don't get it do you?"

"Get what."

"The ghost problems started because of me. They found Amity because of me. People are in danger everyday because of me. Its my responsibility. If I thrust this destiny on somebody else, what kind of person would I be?"

"But, theres the red huntress!" Dash fought. "I'm sure she would help!"

"I'm the strongest ghost in exsitence Dash. Thats why I always can fight and win. There have only been two other people who were almost, almost as powerful as me."

These words hit Dash like a ton of bricks. The most powerful ghost. In. Existence.

No! He was just boasting! Theres no way.

"I have to go." And with that, Danny floated away.

ooooo things are getting intense! :D I hope you enjoyed this chapter, It wasnt that humorous, but still I'm happy with it, Its hard to get a funny joke or two into something like this. Theres always a part of a story thats not that humorous, but I promise the next one will be funny! IT INCLUDES THE BOX GHOST! :D

I also didnt think that Dash should be poor, because If he was poor he wouldent be popular, just like Valarie.