Reviews for The World in Turmoil: Advent
Guest chapter 11 . 8/14/2019
This was wonderful! I love the concept of Ed making friends with the diary!
zeyreele chapter 11 . 11/24/2018
This is absolutely the best harry potter x FMA crossovers i have ever read

the only contender is the “colors of the world” one with roy as the MC, but i dare say this is more fun to read because of the “mood” of the story in general

i really wish you’d continue this!
Anoneme chapter 7 . 1/22/2018
I really thought Ed would do well in Ravenclaw too, but I guess his faults definitely align with typical Gryffindor brashness and the like too. This is quite a fun fic!
KittyCat809 chapter 11 . 10/8/2017
Well, I'm guessing you abandoned this... but it was great! I loved the way you drew in the crew from fma and incorporated it with the hp world! Especially what you were touching on in the last chapter! I am curious to see where you would have gone! Hope ur still out there creating good stories!
Eli Clark chapter 2 . 9/16/2017
Will Ed ever return to his family? And does time pass slower there too? Like say, he's in this new world for ten years but it's only been five months in his world? So that when he does go back(in his original body as well, with his alchemy), not much time will have passed. Though if that happens, I would feel sort of bad for that universes Roy, because he seems fond of Ed.

If that doesn't happen, will there be a way for Ed to go back and forth between the two places or will he forever stay where he's at? I need to knowww! Because I want him to live a life in the Hp world, but I also want him to return home, whole and healthy as he once was!
Eli Clark chapter 11 . 9/11/2017
Will Ed be petrified in this story? After figuring out that the creature is a basilisk? Kind of like Hermione, but he would be petrified before she ever was.(I also find it kinda sad that Ron isn't joining in; I like Mrs. Weasley) I mean, basically the same thing that happened to her would happen to him only a bit different. Yes he had notes on what the creature of the chamber could be, used a mirror, and more. I think he would be find within the library.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/8/2017
Given that Harry literally has to scrabble on the ground for his glasses, I would guess that his eye-grade would be around three to six.

Believe me, I have one to two eyesight and can't read shit.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
Ed upgraded to even shorter Major.

Don't kill me pls.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/15/2017
This is absolutely brilliant! I love the idea! Please keep updating!
Guest chapter 11 . 12/10/2016
Please continue it, this story is amazing! I want to know what will happen so badly, please don't abandon it!
dontaskk chapter 11 . 10/8/2016
goddamn that last line was perfect; if only He said it out loud. oh and i have a question for you when you update: does Mustang know Ed is from a different world/Dimension? if not will he ever know? since Roy is kinda like Ed's go-to buddy for help it would only be logical that he would know Ed's secrets right? . .. well either way Great chapter! hope you update soon!
Mewaponny chapter 8 . 5/19/2016
Please delete this chapter or something- It doesn't really apply anymore.
NenaShadowslayer chapter 11 . 4/13/2016
Please wright more!
Ceanna Morgan chapter 11 . 3/21/2016
jadeblackheart4 chapter 2 . 2/28/2016
"Good grief! How many Walruses are in this town?" fricking love Edward! XD
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