KIDnapping Case
My first at an DC/MK fanfic. I appreciate reviews and accept flames :). If you read it that's what matters. Enjoy!
"Everything happened so fast!" Ayumi cried loudly. Haibara rubbed her back to comfort her while Mitsuhiko and Genta stood back, tears pooling in their eyes, pitiful looks on their faces.
"You saw who did it?" Takagi questioned, his own panic and fear for the little boy rising slowly.
"We all did," Haibara replied, giving Takagi a piercing glare. "He was tall, had to be around 187 cm and had long blondish hair. I couldn't see his face but he was buff. He randomly came around and snatched Edogawa-kun before taking off. We ran after him but he disappeared and we called you."
Ayumi began crying harder and Takagi closed his book as Haibara turned back to her friend.
"Don't worry children, we'll find him."
Haibara nodded to Takagi and turned to the other boys. "Come on, let's get Yoshida-san home." She turned back to Takagi, "we're depending on you."
"R-right," he nodded and all the kids began leaving.
He looked up and sighed before going back to his car. Whoever has you Conan-kun, we'll get them.
"Look he's waking up."
Conan blinked the blurriness away and tried to focus on his kidnappers.
"Where am I?" His head hurt and he didn't know why he was asking.
"You're not in a position to be asking that. It doesn't matter where you are, all you need to know is that you're not leaving."
Conan saw the streak of blonde pass through his vision and paled. Gin. It was the first thing to run through his mind but the fog cleared a little and he realized it didn't sound like the murderous organization member.
"Who are you?"
"That's something else you don't need to worry about." The blonde went to the bound Conan and placed a rag to his mouth, "for now, you just go back to sleep."
"I'm sorry, sir, but it just arrived. He cancelled the heist."
"Damn it, why this time?"
"Based on his note, he's caught wind of the kidnapping of the little detective boy. He says the games won't be fun without him so until the police find him, he won't planning any heists."
"We need to find this kid. With the description Megure gave all the stations it shouldn't be difficult to find someone with long blonde hair."
"Who knows, they've probably already cut it already with the knowledge that we're after them."
"It seems strange that Kaitou Kid cares so much about this boy that he'll give up a heist for him. It's strange." Nakamori rubbed his head.
"I wondered that too."
"I'm sorry Ran-chan, but right now we're doing all we can to find him."
"I understand." Ran sniffled softly, "it's just Conan-kun is gone."
Megure put his hand on her shoulder, "we'll find him, just go and rest okay?"
Megure left and Kogorou looked at his daughter in slight concern. "The kid will be fine. He's tough."
"Yeah..." She replied. "I'm going to go to bed."
"Do whatever you want."
"You're sure, Jii-chan?"
"More than positive, young master. The young child was taken by them. If they don't already know his identity then they know yours and that's the reason they've taken him. I haven't been able to locate him but they're doing it to weaken you."
"Of course, that's always how it's been. That's what happened with my father too. I just hope I can protect that vital piece of him until we can locate him."
"They'll break him, young master, so in the meantime figure out where he is and how you'll pick up the broken pieces."
Kaito began walking away; a plot forming in his head. "Of course, as much as I hate to, I'll have to manipulate the situation to my advantage until things are right again." He sighed and stared at his father's portrait. "Jii-chan, get started. I won't allow anyone to claim my mate."
EDITED 6 APRIL 2015 08:51