Next chapter! yay! Sorry, a bit of a late story update. I have nothing to say except, enjoy :)

Astrid groaned and picked herself up off the floor.

"Are you okay?"

Astrid glanced up to see Snotlout standing across from her, resting against the bars of the cell.

"What happened?" She asked, standing up completely

"Our plan went terribly wrong." Stated Snotlout

"Yeah." Snapped Astrid "It was a terrible plan!"

"well did you have a better plan?" Snapped Snotlout

Astrid glared at him.

"This is all your fault." She snarled "If we didn't carry out with your horrible, idiotic plan, then maybe we wouldn't be here. Maybe we could be on our way home right now. Maybe Hiccup wouldn't be off who knows where and maybe Ruffnut would still be with us! How am I supposed to tell Tuffnut his sister is dead?!"

Snotlout opened his mouth but then thought better of it and shut it again, suddenly very interested in his shoes.

"Do you think we can fix this?" Snotlout finally asked

Astrid didn't answer. She just glared at the wall behind Snotlout.

"Thanks." He mumbled, turning around



"No." Repeated Astrid "I don't think we can fix this."

"Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine." Stated Snotlout, sarcastically

"We can't fix this." Stated Astrid "But maybe Hiccup can."


Ruffnut wandered down the hallway. She gazed at the cells upon cells of dragons. She stopped to look at drinking scauldron and an Outcast guard walked right through her.

She glared in the direction of the guard, but he took no notice. She was starting to get used to this strange floating sensation. But every time someone walked through her and was a whole new level of weird.

She knew there was something she had to do. But how was she supposed to do that when he couldn't even see her.

She inwardly groaned and kept walking. She stopped in front of a rather large cage. Looking in she could see a large black dragon, sleeping inside.

"Hey there, Toothless." She smiled

The dragon raised his head. He looked around in confusion. Ruffnut sighed, knowing the dragon couldn't see her. But he could obviously sense her.

"Can you hear me?" She wondered

Toothless wandered up to the front of the cage and looked around, as if trying to find an invisible object. Which he was sort of doing.

"Listen." stated Ruffnut "I'm going to try and get you out of here. then you have to try and find Hiccup."

Toothless squinted. It was obviously driving him crazy, not being able to see the voice of the girl.

"toothless." Ruffnut sighed "Are you listening to me?"

toothless looked a few feet to her right.

"Obviously not." She muttered "I'll be back later."

She wandered away and Toothless stared at the wall, extremely confused. She walked into another hallway where she could hear loud yelling.

"This is all your fault! If we didn't carry out with your horrible, idiotic plan, then we wouldn't be here!"

Ruffnut sighed and walked away from the sound of her fighting friends.

"We can't fix this. But maybe Hiccup can."

Rufnut stopped. She knew what she needed to do. She bolted down the hallway until she was out of the building. She could hear yelling as she ran through the village, but she didn't care. What did she care about a stupid fight?

"Let go of me!"

She froze. She knew that voice. that's why she should care about a 'stupid' fight. She ran around the corner to find two large Berserkers. One was holding Hiccup's arms behind his back well the other paced back and forth.

"I bet we could get a load of money off you." Smirked the pacing one "Dagaur will pay a lot for your pretty face."

"Dagaur's not getting anywhere near me." Spat Hiccup, though fear showed in his eyes.

"We'll see about that." smirked the Berserker

A sort of anger boiled inside Ruffnut. She could feel it burning her insides. It was red hot, making her forget everything. Only one thought entered her head: 'Her friend was in danger. She needed to help him.'

"And just what do you think you're doing!?" She yelled, storming up to them

to her surprise they spun around and their eyes widened in fear and wonder.

"n-n-no-not p-possible." Stuttered the no-longer-pacing Berserker "y-your dead."

"Of course I'm dead!" Snapped Ruffnut "What did you expect to happen after I got stabbed?!"

"S-s-sorry." Stuttered the Berserker

"You better be sorry." Snarled Ruffnut "Now, what are you doing?!"

"we-we're, we're just trying to please our Chief." Answered the Berserker

"Well, do something else to please him!" Demanded Ruffnut "You can't have him!"

"Why not?" wondered the Berserker, a little less intimidated now "are you just saying that?"

"Yes and no." Stated Ruffnut "I'm saying it. But it's on Thor's orders."

Ruffnut prayed that the gods wouldn't punish her for using them as an excuse.

"Yeah right." stated the second Berserker "And I'm Loki's personal assistant"

"Don't insult Harriett!" snarled Ruffnut "she's a wonderful girl!"

"Loki actually has a personal assistant!" cried the Berserker

"Of course he has a personal assistant, half-wit!" Yelled Ruffnut "Only the best warriors can be the gods personal assistants, so you're obviously no fit. And he hates when people don't listen to his brother!"


"Do you want to be eternally punished?!" roared Ruffnut

"here!" squeaked the first Berserker, shoving Hiccup towards her "Take him! D-don't tell Thor about this, please."

"Don't disagree with Thor ever again." Snarled Ruffnut "now get out of here! And don't tell anyone about this."

"O-of course." nodded the Berserkers, scampering off

Ruffnut smirked to herself, happy her excuse worked.

"What happened?"

Ruffnut looked at Hiccup who had a strange mix of fear, relief, and wonder on his face.

"It's okay." smiled Ruffnut "I'm not going to hurt you."

"But, how?" Wondered Hiccup "You died."

"yes." Snapped Ruffnut "I died. I think we went over this."

"I mean, how are you here?" wondered Hiccup

"Ever heard of the after life?" Explained Ruffnut

"yes." Nodded hiccup "But shouldn't you be in Valhalla?"

"Not yet." stated Ruffnut "i need to fix something first."

She gestured for him to follow her and they slipped through the village.

"That way to Toothless, that way to Astrid and Snotlout." Ruffnut pointed in two different directions

They could hear voices behind them.

"And i doubt once you get one you'll be able to get the other." stated Ruffnut

Hiccup looked back and forth between the two. The voice were closer.

"we don't have much time." stated Ruffnut

They could hear the Outcast and Berserker weapons clanking against their wielder's armor.

"You have to hurry!" Ruffnut bit her lip in worry

The footsteps were unnervingly close.

"Choose now!" She yelled

"That way!" Yelled Hiccup

They both bolted down the hallway, almost missing the cell they were looking for.

"Toothless!" Cried Hiccup, happily

Toothless cheered at his friend's return.

"Hurry." Whispered Ruffnut "You have to go!"

"how?" Asked Hiccup "Toothless can't fly."

"There may be something of your interest in Alvin's office." explained Ruffnut "once you get there, leave. I'll meet you there."

"Meet me where?"

but Ruffnut was gone. Hiccup looked around in confusion and panic. Toothless made a sound in the back of his throat and Hiccup quickly grabbed the keys from a sleeping guard. He unlocked Toothless's door and the two of them slipped towards Alvin's office.

"What's here that I could use?" wondered hiccup, aloud

Toothless wandered over to a chest and knocked against it with his nose. Hiccup carefully opened the chest and gasped.

"Why would he have this?" Hiccup wondered, taking out a dusty saddle and fake tail fin

he quickly put it on his dragon and jumped on Toothless's back.

"Whoever made this must be a genius." smiled Hiccup and Toothless made a noise sort of like a laugh

Hiccup kicked the tail into action, not quite sure how he knew what to do, and they took off into the sky.

I feel like not that much happened in this chapter. i promise the next one will be better! reviews always welcomed :)