These are my first few days using this account;I'm new. There can still be flames, I need to realize my mistakes.

Conan, Ran, and Megure-keibu were backing slowly to the back of the cabin, their concentration focused solely upon the handcuffed murderer. Two escorts walked side-by-side, their eyes never leaving the serial killer. A lock of greasy, shaggy hair obscured the murderer's vision. His ragged clothes hung loosely, and he limped slowly toward the exit, which the three people were currently blocking. The cabin was damp and eerie. It wasn't big; just a one-floored cabin with a storm cellar. The walls were empty; the paint peeling, and the only thing that occupied the cabin were the six people, and pile of rags that piled up to Ran's waist. The sauntering man tripped, and face-planted into the pile of dirty, filthy rags. Knowing no one could see it, his face twisted into a gruesome, evil grin. He suddenly sprang up, his hands twisted, and in his right hand he grasped a knife held in a stabbing position.

"Move! Get outa' my way!"He roared. The murderer charged at Ran, hoping she would get out of the way, but said girl was scared out of her mind. All she could do was stand there, petrified, and she closed her eyes, expecting the pain. But it never came.
Edogawa Conan had jumped into the way, resulting in a stab to the stomach. Blood spurted everywhere, and Conan fell limply to the ground with a dull thud, and immediately curled up, shaking so violently his glasses were threatening to fall off. Out of fury, Ran swung her foot at the now panting man, and it immediately found it's mark. Then, she crouched down and tore her shirt into strips, knowing she had an under shirt. Wrapping them tightly around his stomach, she finished it by tying a knot. Megure-keibu slapped another pair of handcuffs on him, and led him to a police car.

"Conan-kun! Daijabou(are you alright), Conan-kun? Hang in there!"Ran frantically shouted. Conan tried his best to smile, and managed to say,

"Ran-neechan, I'm fine. It's just hurting a little," but Ran was unconvinced.

"NANI(what)?Hurting a little? Look, the bandages are soaked with blood already!" She droned on and on, about how he shouldn't have jumped in the way, how he should just admit that he hurted a lot, and when the ambulance finally came, they loaded Conan into the back and drove to the hospital, right behind the police.


The serial killer had been identified as Daruki Bando. He had been charged guilty of ten first degree murders and one attempted murder. Daruki had only targeted little girls that had bangs and short hair. He had asked Kisaki Eri to represent him in court, but she refused immediately, knowing that he was the one who landed Conan in the hospital. At court, he pleaded guilty, saying that he only targeted little girls with bangs and short hair because 'Someone killed my little girl who looks like those girls I killed, and they killed her. She was pushed in front of a moving train.' and was sentenced one thousand years in prison.


Hattori Heiji, meanwhile, was down in the cellar. He had no wherabouts of above, so he had no idea that 'Kudo' was living off donated blood. He was sure that the serial killer's accomplice was in here. It was also very bare in the cellar, but a heavy layer of dust blanketed the floor. There were moth-bitten blankets on the floor, most likely put here several years ago.

"Oi! If yer' in here, come ou'! I know yer' there, Darumi-san," Hattori said, frustrated.

"Konnichiwa, tantei-san," Darumi Sai said, stepping out of the shadows. "I see you know my name. Well, it doesn't matter anyways."He gave a mirthless laugh. Hattori saw a barrel of a gun gleam. His eyes widened when he realized what he was going to do. With a split-second to spare, he dived at the accomplice. Because of Hattori, the bullet went off course, and it sunk into Hattori's shoulder.

"Why? Why not just let me die?" Darumi howled.

"A detective who lets a murderer die is none other than a murderer himself,"Hattori calmly said.

With no time to spare, he grit his teeth and shot all of the bullets-He wanted to make sure there weren't any bullets left anyway-out toward the roof, hoping someone would hear. Just by coincidence, Megure-keibu and Takagi-keiji were just about to go into the cellar. Hearing the gunshots, they immediately opened the trap door, and lowered themselves in bit-by-bit as fast as they could, and jumped in.

"Hattori-kun!" He heard Megure-keibu call toward him. He grasped his left shoulder as he walked toward him."Call for an ambulance!"The overweight inspector ordered, seeing the steady flow of blood.

"Hai(yes sir)!"Takagi obeyed, and yelled,"Moshi-moshi? I need an ambulance immediately! Hai, to the place where that little boy was stabbed. Arigato(thanks)!" 'Little boy? Did by any means he mean...Kudo?' Hattori thought.

"Little kid? Did K-Conan get stabbed?"Hattori voiced his thoughts.

"Hai(yes)," Megure-keibu confirmed.'Kudo...' The wailing of the sirens were now within hearing distance. "Hattori-kun, explain."

"I found out,"He panted,"That the killer had,"He panted again,"An accomplice." Megure-keibu nodded.

"Go on."

"I knew he would be here, so I just...came."

"DID YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS IT WAS? YOU COULD OF JUST LET THE POLICE GO CONFRONT HIM!"Megure-keibu scolded him. They could now hear the footsteps above them.

By the time the doctors with their gurneys rushed in, Takagi-keiji was practically holding up Hattori.

"Hattori-san, don't fall asleep, okay?" Takagi-keiji asked. Said person feebly nodded, and stumbled

toward the gurney. Collapsing on it in a very undignified heap, he was loaded onto the ambulance and driven to Beika hospital.


Hattori groaned and opened his eyes. The blinding white of the hospitals caused him to look away, only to find himself staring at Kazuha, who looked like she had been crying. Both blushed and turned away. Ran was frowning at Conan, who was reading books that she had brought him, but, the books seemed way to advanced for him. A second-grader reading high school textbooks? And taking notes? Since when were second-graders learning high school material? Not that he knew it was a high school textbook. She had disguised a high school textbook as his mystery books, and the moment he opened it, his hand went straight toward the notebook and pen in his bag. To sum it up, Conan was not aware that he was giving his self away.

"Oh, Hattori, you're awake," Conan said, concentration still on the textbook. Hattori leaned over as much as possible and whispered,

"Yer' givin' yerself away too much."

"And you seem to be having a love scene with Kazuha-san,"he retorted. This really caused a really big stir.

"AHOU(idiot)! I AM NOT HAVING A LOVE SCENE WITH KAZUHA!" The two girls stared at Hattori, and Ran asked Conan,

"Conan-kun, what did you say?"She looked mad.

"A-Ah, nothing!"He tried to say.

Everybody laughed, and after laughing so much,there was a long period of silence. It was broken when the nurse came to change their bandages. She brought out a fresh roll of bandages, and went to Conan. When she unwrapped him, blood immediately gushed out, the stitches dissolving long ago.

"Azea-san?"Ran asked the nurse.

"Hai(yes)?" she answered.

"Uh...Why is Conan-kun still bleeding?"

"Don't worry, it's just because the wound is deep,"she reassured Ran.

"Is there anything I can do? After all, it's my fault he's like this,"she looked down.

"Iie(no),there's nothing you need to do."

"Ok..." Azea went to change Hattori's bandage, and left the room.

"Ran-chan, what do you mean by it was your fault?"Kazuha inquired.

"The murderer suddenly charged at me with a knife. Demo(but)Conan-kun jumped in the way. So, it should be me lying there."

"How is that your fault? He chose to jump by himself!" Kazuha balled her fists. Ran looked down.

"I could've moved out of the way. But I didn't. Conan-kun had to. So it is my fault,"she touched the bandage where the needle to donate blood for Conan had poked into her skin.

Kazuha faltered,"Now that you say that..."Hattori eyed Conan quizzically. He blushed and resumed taking notes.


After a few hours of silence, Conan's phone rang. He grabbed it and answered,

"Moshi-moshi(Hello;only used on phones)?"




"What do you need?"

"I need you to come here to test an antidote."

"NANI(What)?" He yelped, then whispered,"Are you talking about the prototype antidote?"

"Hai(yes), the prototype antidote that turned you into a child, Apoptoxin 4869,although, remember the possibility of you being killed." Came her usual cold voice.

"Okay, chotto matte(wait),I'm coming over!"He shouted, and immediately snapped his phone shut."Ran-neechan, I know it's sort of sudden, but Shinichi-niichan said he's coming back for a while,, and that my parents are waiting for me at the airport for a vacation!Bye!" He said, and scampered off the bed.

"Conan-kun!Chotto(wait)!,"Ran called to him in vain. He was already exiting the hospital.


Conan ignored the throbbing pain in his stomach, and continued to weave through the streets. Not caring if everyone was staring at him, he ran straight toward his house. Red spots danced in his eyes as he pushed his aching legs forward, knowing that Gin might be looking at him this very instance. He burst into the house, raced up the stairs, and grabbed his Teitan uniform. He sprinted towards the Hakase's(professor's) and flung open the doors.

"H-Hakase(professor)!"He heaved, his hands on his knees."Haibara!"

"Why are you being so loud?"Haibara appeared from behind Conan. She had an annoyed look on her face, and her arms crossed.

"Where's the antidote?"He eagerly asked.

"Here. It should last about a week or so. Based on this, give me approximately a week, and the permanent antidote will be ready." She shoved a pill bottle into his hand.

"Arigato(Thanks)!"He said, and went back to his house.

In the bathroom, Conan swallowed the red and white pill. The ever so familiar pain kicked in, and as he went further in, his cries of pain grew. The whole neighborhood heard the last, final scream before silence ensued.

Shinichi looked at himself to make sure he actually changed back. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. All clues pointed to this being real. He straightened his tie, and smiled at the mirror. He picked up his Conan clothes from the floor, and threw them on the sink counter. He turned around to exit, but when he touched the now-very-short handle, unexpected pain shot through his left bicep as a bullet grazed him and lodged itself snugly in the door. He somehow managed to bandage the wound,(which included taping his arm to the wall)he flopped onto his bed, wondering who could've shot it.

'Not Gin, that would've killed me for sure if it had been him...Probably not the snipers either...they have deadly aim...Let's see...only Vermouth knows I am Conan...What if...She fired that shot as a warning to let me know that Gin...No, that's not likely...She probably just didn't tell the Organization because Ran and I saved her life...' Slowly, he fell asleep.


Meanwhile, Ran was walking home to the Mouri Detective Agency.

"Ran, you're home? Perfect,get me another beer,"Mouri Kogoro drawled, his words slurred.

"Otousan(dad), you're drinking again? Mou(jeez), be serious for once!"She said haughtily.

"Onegaii(please), Ran-chan!"He begged. The TV turned to Okino Yoko's drama."YOKO-CHAN!"He called exitedly.

"Be quiet!"She commanded, swinging her foot at Kogoro's head and stopping one centimeter away.

"H-Hai(yes),"he stuttered, thinking about how close he was from getting a large bruise on his cheek.

"Conan-kun has left for America,"She said firmly.

"Eh!?That brats is going back to America?"He stood up. He didn't actually hate him;he just got annoying.

"He's probably on the plane right now..."She mournfully said. A vibration in her pocket made her musing stop.

"Moshi-moshi?(Hello;only used on phones)?"She spoke into the receiver.

"Ran?" Shinichi's voice blared.

"Shinichi! Are you really coming home today?" She spoke excitedly.

"Hai.(yes )Although, only for a , in a half hour, I have an appointment with the weather station. If you want to, you can come. If you do, bring your father."He spoke.

"Okay..."She heard him shift, and then wince."Shinichi? Why did you wince? Daijabou?(are you alright)"

"Um, I was on a case, then the murderer just happened to have a whole stash of weapons. He stabbed me in the stomach, and when I tried to kick a ball at him, he shot a bullet at me which grazed my arm."

"Oh, okay. Well, see you at the weather station! Ja.(see you)"

"Ja na.(see you)"