Please at least read first half of A/N at the end of this chapter.

Chapter 11

Deep Breaths

He breathed in another shagged breath. It seemed as if there was an invisble rock stuck in his throat, blocking his airway as he breathed out again.

It's hard for him to remember a time when it wasn't like this. If there ever was.

Forced breath in, forced breath out.

There was a time at some point, wasn't there?

Yes, he remembered running through the fields with his friends away from his angered father after pulling some crazy prank. He remembered trying to control his breathing as they hid in the corn fields.

He remembered the smell of that very same corn he and his friends used to hide cooking over the firepit.

Forced breath in, forced breath out.

It couldn't have been too long ago, right? He remembered trying to catch his breath as his now wife walked down the isle with him. She was so beautiful. Seth and Hagen definitely took after her. Both of them inheriting her black hair and green eyes. How long ago that wedding day seemed. But yet it still felt as if it happened yesterday.

Forced breath in, forced breath out.

It wasn't always like this. He remembered laughing at his first born son after he'd spilled all that flour onto himself. Dusting his hair with the white substance.

Seth was only a few days old at the time. That was why Hagen was helping cook that morning. While Ivan helpped take care of Seth.

Forced breath in, forced breath out.

Was that really the last time he remembered being able to breathe properly? No. It was sooner then that.

He didn't recall having trouble breathing as he rowed along side his men out at sea. He remembered panting as he and his men were having to constantly manually row the ship through the storm.

So many men were willing to travel along with him in search for his missing wife and son. He also remember taking all of those deep breaths to calm himself down after crying for hours upon learning the fate his wife had faced.

Forced breath in, forced breath out.

Will this be his fate till the end? Never able to do everyday things because he might die just from attempting to do so? He sure hoped not. SnoggleTog needed to work before he passed. So far, the end of SnoggleTog and the end of him were very close.

"Rubar!" A voice yelled for him.

Forced breath in, relaxed breath out.

Rubar raised his head at the man who entered the room.

"What is it Dustin?" He asked after recognized the man.

Dustin stopped a few feet away from Rubar, then continued.

"We've found some information about Seth."


"And we know where he is most likely heading." Dustin finished.

Rubar tilted his head slightly then looked down at his hands resting in his lap.

"And where would that happen to be?"

Dustin seemed uncomfortable in his spot but he still answered, "You're not gonna like it."

"I don't like a lot of things, that's why they call me 'Untrustworthy'."

Dustin's eyes widen at his statement, but didn't show any other signs he was worried.

Rubar took another deep breath in and released it.

"Where is he heading Dustin?"

He didn't answer right away. But when he did he didn't sound as nervous.

"We believe he's heading north into uncharted waters. Well, uncharted by us."

Rubar nodded at his answer. Now he understood why he was so worried.

"You think he found it?"

"No one knows for sure. But yes, I believe he has."

Silence followed Dustin's reply. But whether that was good or bad was unsure to either of them.

"Is there anything else you have to report?" Rubar finally asked.

"That is all at the moment. But-"

"-Then you are dismissed."

Dustin didn't move any muscles in attempt to leave.

"Sir, with all do respect. Shouldn't we do something about this?"

Rubar looked up in surprise. "I don't see why we need too."

"Well for starters, he has the boy with him. He's not exactly collateral damage."

"That's what he's been from the beginning." Rubar stated in s mono tone.

"What about Seth then? Are you just going to let your son do this?"

"Seth is his own man, he's capable of making his own decisions." Dustin was really starting to get on Rubar's nerves, but he didn't stop.

"I think it's safe too say you should interfere on this one."

"No interference is necessary Dustin."

"I believe it is. Especially in this situation."

"'Situation'?" Rubar questioned. "That's an interesting choice of words considering we are not involved in this."

"Well, maybe we should be." He stepped closer to Rubar as he said that.

"We should not. Now, unless you have something else to report. You're dissm-"

"-You're son is heading on a suicide mission, sir! You need to do something!" He raised his voice at his chief.

"I need to do nothing!" Rubar shouted back, raising slightly from his seat.

"Why not?!"

"Because I will not risk men to rescue someone who is already planning on killing himself!" He sat back down in his seat exasperated.

"It wouldn't be a waste if you rescued him!"

"There is nothing we can do! If he's already made past the borders, he's already dead."

Silence fell upon the room. It wasn't long until one of them spoke.

"Well, it seems to me," Dustin started slowly. "He's not the only one close to death."

And he left the room.

Amber's POV

(BTW, Italic is Amber. 'Italic' with commas is other.)

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.

The steady rhythm of the water never seemed to cease.

It's been constantly doing that for the past two years. No matter the weather, I could always count on the steady drip of the leaky roof.

Two years.

It's been so long since I've been able to walk more then ten feet without being watched like a hawk.

Two years since I've had a decent meal that I could actually tell was meat.

Man, how much I wished for some nice roasted chicken right now.

In absolute boredom, I kept on watching the leaky roof's constant drip.

Night fall had finally come and the only thing lighting my cell was the torch by the exit.

The days were getting slower, I finally concluded. That was the reason I felt so bored. Thanks Sunna. After watching the roof continuous drip for a little while longer, I decided maybe pacing my cell might be a better pass time.

My cell was only about six feet by six feet. Not a whole lot of pacing room. But I walked back and forth anyways. Things were a lot more exciting when those other prisoners were with me. At least then I had someone to talk too. Granted, I only talk to them the last day they were in there. Still more interesting the counting how many drops of water I can hold in my mouth. (It's 2,496 by the way.)

I had never been one too talk to myself. But sometime in my imprisonment I made the exception.

It didn't really feel like I was talking to myself though. I always pretended there was another person in the cell with me. I never spoke out loud, mainly because there was almost always a guard within ten feet of my cell. I didn't really want them to hear me.

'You're pacing again.'

And he's returned.

I turned around to face my bed. And sitting at the edge was the person I had just thought of. Well, he wasn't actually sitting on my bed. He wasn't even a real person. He was imaginary, but boy did he seem real.

I always pace. I thought back.

'No, you only pace when you're over thinking something'

I stopped in my tracks. See? He seems very real.

How would you even know? I snapped .

'Because I am you. And I know you are over thinking something.'

Oh shut up, if you know me so well then what am I over thinking?

'I don't know.' He stated simply. ' And before you get all smug about it.-'

I snorted out loud.

'-I only don't know because you won't let me.'

I squinted my eyes at him in anger. In case you're still confused, I'm squinting a nothing. So I probably look really crazy to other people. Then again, I'm talking to a non existent boy in a leaky cell. . . Yeah let's just blame my imprisonment for now.

'So what is it?' He asked curiously.

It's none of your business. I thought back in a mono tone.

'Really? Come on, your better than this.'

I have no idea what you're talking about. I still talked in a mono tone. Unwilling to let him win.

'Yes you do.' He urged.

Letting out a sigh in defeat I walked back to my bed and sat down on the edge next to him before speaking again.

How do you even know that I'm over thinking something, when I'm not even sure what I am over thinking?

'Oh you know what you're over thinking alright.'

I let out an exasperated huff in annoyance.

For the last time, I. Wasn't. Over. Thinking. Anyt-

'-What about Hagen?' He tilted his head at me.

He got me there. Actually I got me, so . . . You know what, I'm just gonna to refer 'him' as an actual 'him' so I don't sound nuts.

Anyways, I was actually trying to avoid thinking about Hagen. In other words, That was all I was thinking about.

'Huh, funny. I should be the one asking you that.' He smiled as he looked forward again.

I went over our argument in my head for the umpteenth time. It seemed as if every time I went over it, it got worse. I took a deep breath in, and breathed out before responding.

What I said was true.

'Yes, but that doesn't always mean you don't regret saying somethings.'

I shook my head at his answer as I looked down into my lap.You don't get it.

He leaned forward so his elbows were resting on his knees and looked me straight into my eyes.

'Try yourself.'

I glared at him for a little while out of habit. But I continued anyways.

Hagen just brought out the worst in me.

'Yes, but there was a time when he brought out the best.' He countered.

That was a long time ago.

'It's only been a few years Amber.'

That's long enough. I shot back.

'I beg the differ.'

Do you still want me to tell you or are you just going to contradict everything I say?

'My bad,' He raised his hands in mock surrender while leaning back against the wall. 'Continue.'

I waited a few seconds to see if he would say anything. When he didn't I continued.

I haven't seen him in three years, No one has for that matter! I'd always had a little bit of bitterness towards him for how we met. . . So, I guess all this time being on the run and being locked up just grew those feelings bigger then I thought.

He just nodded at me, showing that he understood and to keep talking.

And when I saw him . . . All of those feelings kind of bursted out.

'So you do regret saying those things?' He asked slowly.

No. I answered instantly.

His eyes widen in surprise, but didn't comment any further.

What I regret is how I said those things. You know me, I've never been one to purposely hurt anyone!

'But you did this time. And I have a feeling you know it.'

I kept quiet, I really wasn't planning on getting this response.

He scooted up more towards the edge of the bed so he was closer to me before speaking again.

'You need to forgi-'

-I need to what?! I shot up to my feet, proving that I was angry.

He was shocked by my outburst but he didn't seem feel hurt by it.

'You need to forgive him.' He finished.

Oh? Is that it? That's the perfect idea! Way to go me! I said sarcastically.

'I'm serious.'

You are never good at being serious.

'You know it's the right thing to do. And I have a very strong feeling you might even want too.'

I didn't answer. Some how he took that as his cue to keep on talking.

'Look, you can't hold a grudge forever,' He started out. 'Even though you've been doing an excellent job at that. What good are you gonna get out of revenge?'

I opened my mouth to answer, but he silenced me in a instant.

'Don't answer that.' He held up his hand to signal me to be quiet before dropping it again. 'But anyways, I know it was really bad when Ralph was killed. But you know it wasn't completely his fault.

'His father told him "He was safe." You heard him say that yourself! I know Ralph was like a brother to you. But you need to let go of all that anger. It's doing you no good holding on to it.'

It took me a while to respond. I never like thinking about Ralph, So this situation wasn't exactly comfortable for me at the moment.

What have we talked about you being serious? I asked sarcastically again.

'Well am I right?'

I let my arms drop down to my sides, then walked back to the bed and sat down. Contemplating how to answer that.

I don't want to want to forgive him.

He let the silence float around the cell for a few moments before answering me, this time seeming very confused.

'And that means?'

It means in my head I don't want forgive him. Ever. But in my gut-

'You do want to forgive him.'

What do I do? I pleaded, tears prickling the corners of my eyes.

His head tilted to the side real quick as he stood up from his spot on the bed. He didn't say anything for a while. All he did was just walk to the center of the cell and stand there.

Are you gonna answer me? I questioned impatiently.

He turned and faced me then smirked a little.

'I think you already know what to do.'

No I don't, I responded angrily. That's why I'm asking you.

He chuckled slightly as he walked back towards me.

'I am you, so I know that you know what to do.'


I snapped my head towards the actual human voice. I'm not sure how long they were standing there, but judging by the stupid smile he had plastered on his face, it was long enough.

Before answering I looked back to the center of the room to make sure I still couldn't see him. To my relief I couldn't, but unfortunately I could still see the other person outside my cell.

"What are you doing here Hagen?" I asked him without looking over completely.

"I told you I was coming back."

I heard him fumbling with something metal for a while before the cell door opened. He walked with the door to let it swing open silently, so he stood about five feet away from the actual door way of the cell.

I walked towards the opening without hesitation. Once I stepped through the opened door I took a look around the room. It looked bigger from out here than in the cell. Hagen was still standing in the same place as before by the cell door, so I walked to him.

"You're letting me out?" I asked curiously.

He tilted his head side to side as if trying to come up with an answer. "Sort of."

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind and lift me off the ground. One holding down my arms, and the other covering my mouth. Out of habit I started struggling against the arms and squealed against his hand. But it seemed as if it was doing nothing.

"Calm down!" Hagen said me worriedly. "He's not gonna hurt you."

I stopped and tried to give him my best 'Then-what-in-the-world-are-you-doing?' Look. Since speaking wasn't available at the moment.

He seemed to have gotten the message.

"Well Amber," He started walking towards the exit. "We're about to commit treason."

And with that, I was tossed over the person's shoulder like a feed sack as they carried me towards the exit. Hagen walked behind the man carrying me, so I was left staring at him as we headed in a unknown destination.

When I looked over Hagen, (The man carrying me was pretty tall.) I looked back at my cell. All I saw was my non existant friend sitting on my bed smiling back at me.

'Have fun!' He waved at me.

"Treason," I said more to myself. "In case I wasn't gonna be locked up for life before."

"Get ready Amber," Whispered Hagen in front of me. "It's about to get real dark."

I attempted to look over my shoulder at the doorway. And it was, in fact very dark.

"Oh boy." I mumbled.

Deep breath in, Deep breath out.

Okay I'm gonna get right to the point.

I need to know y'all's opinion on something.

I have this story set up to where this would be the last chapter of Part 1.

I'm still gonna post Part 2, But I need to know if:

Y'all would like it better if I posted it with this story,


If I post it as another story like I had planned.

I'm asking because I keep on going back and forth between the two, and I can't decide.

Answer by reviewing or PMing me.

If I don't get an answer within the next week, I'll just pick one by flipping a coin or something.

Thank you for reading!

Rest of my A/N is below if you want to read it.

Edited 3/26/2016

And there we go!

In case you're wondering, this is probably the fastest I've ever written a chapter.

*Fanfiction Writer who updates 4,000+ word chapters a week laughs at me in the distance*

I thought about writing this chapter two days ago! I wasn't planning on updating so soon, (Mainly because I wasn't sure I even was.) But I happened to check the date this story was published, and . . .


Yay! :D

I tried to get this posted yesterday, but I had too many ideas to write out within a day. I also checked with my sibling, (TripleH, Their FF account is AquaticDragon, you should check them out.) And today is the 6th anniversary of How To Train Your Dragon!

So there's that too.

Here's some cookies!

(: :)(: :)(: :)(: :)(: :)(: :)

I apologize to those who did not get a cookie.

(Actually I'm not that sorry.)

But anyway,



AND I don't know what else, I just really wanted to add another 'AND'





Please Review!