Chapter Thirteen

A/N: I wrote this chapter while listening to the HTTYD soundtrack. Particularly "Coming Back Around", "This is Berk" and "Romantic Flight" you can pretty much assume the content already XD


Everyone breathes a sigh of relief as Berk's shores come into sight. It's now early morning, exactly twenty-four hours since Hiccup crash landed on that island. Astrid smiles, comfortable in the knowledge that they all escaped with their lives. She leans down and pats Stormfly's head, thankful that nothing happened to her when they were separated.

Hiccup, who is riding with his father on Toothless's back, has fallen asleep...or passed out. Who knows. All that matters to Astrid is that, in time, he'll recover and be back to his old self again. Although she's positive the first words that come out of his mouth will be concern for the others, particularly Toothless.

Once the Riders get closer to Berk, they notice how many people are standing on the docks, gazing up at the sky. When the people of Berk see them, the air is filled with cheers and shouts of joy.

"They're back!"

"Everyone's alive!"

"The dragons too!"

Stoick smiles, seeing his people once again. "Stand back," He calls. "We'll need room to land."

They obey and the dragons land, immediately being swarmed by concerned parents and friends. Gobber smiles at Stoick and claps him across the shoulder in a 'well done'. Stoick nods and turns around, scooping Hiccup into his arms so that he's cradling him.

"We'll need you to have a look at the dragons." Stoick says. "It looks like Toothless is hurt as well."

"Of course." Gobber says, patting the Night Fury's head. "Just take that boy of yours home and let him get some rest. He looks pretty banged up as well."

Stoick nods and starts walking toward town. As he does, the crowd parts and lets him through. All their eyes are focused on Hiccup's limp body. A hushed whispers goes through them, obviously wondering if he'll be okay.

Astrid watches as well, biting the inside of her cheek. In this light, Hiccup does seem sort of pale... She shakes her head. No. He'll be fine. With that, she tells Stormfly to follow her and runs after Stoick, wanting to help him with Hiccup.

Toothless's purrs are the first thing he notices when consciousness eventually finds him again. He groans, quietly and rolls over in his bed. Wait...I'm in my bed...? Hiccup's eyes snap open. He sits up, disoriented and confused. How had he gotten here? The last thing he remembers is...being on Outcast Island and...watching Hookfang fly off with Alvin in his claws.

When Toothless sees Hiccup sit up, he jumps to his feet, runs over and starts cooing loudly. The dragon bounds across the room, circling his Rider's bed and jumping into the rafters. He leaps down again and runs down the stairs, only to reappear a moment later.

Hiccup laughs at his dragon's crazy behavior. "Well at least you seem to know what's going on." He says, smirking as Toothless runs over to him and practically crawls into his lap. "Yeah, it's good to see you to, bud. I was worried about you."

That's when Stoick appears in the doorway and smiles at his son. "Hiccup...!" He hurries across the room and wraps his arms around Hiccup's shoulders, heaving him into the air in a tight embrace before setting him back down again. "How are you feeling? Does your head still hurt?"

Hiccup shrugs, playing it off as nothing. "A little, but I've had worse."

Stoick smiles, broadly. "You really had is worried, son. I'm so glad you're okay."

Hiccup blushes, not used to this kind of attention from his father. "Um, th-thanks, Dad..." He says, his eyes on the floor. "For...everything."

Stoick places a hand on his shoulder and says, "Thank you, Hiccup."

Just then, they hear another pair of boots running up the stairs into Hiccup's room. Astrid is out of breath, panting actually. Her eyes go wide, seeing Hiccup back on his feet. A second after her, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins come upstairs as well.

"Were all of you waiting downstairs?" Hiccup asks.

"Yeah, they were worried about you." Snotlout says with a roll of his eyes. "I didn't care."

"Sure you didn't." Ruffnut chuckles. "As I recall, you were the one who didn't want to leave..."

"Shut up! He doesn't need to know that!" Snotlout growls under his breath.

It's while Hiccup is watching his friends bicker, as usual, that Astrid walks over to him. She punches him hard in the shoulder.

"OW! Astrid...!" He complains, rubbing his arm.

"That was for almost dying...again!" She barks.

"But that wasn't even-" But his words are cut off when she grabs him by the collar of his tunic, pressing her lips against his. When they finally part, Hiccup stumbles, grinning stupidly. "Okay, I guess I deserved that..."

She giggles and grabs his arms, holding him close. "Seriously though, I'm glad you're alright." She whispers.

"Ugh, get a room you two!" Snotlout pretends to gag as he storms downstairs. "I need to go wash my eyes now!"

"Don't be such a baby, Snotlout!" Fishlegs calls after him.

"Yeah, it was just a kiss!"

"And a hug...!" The twins laugh as they run outside as well.

Stoick, obviously feeling awkward, silently slips out as well.

The two teens step away from each other, smiling awkwardly. "Do you want to go get something to eat?" Astrid asks him. "You've been asleep since yesterday morning."

Before he can answer, his stomach begins to rumble.

Astrid laughs. "I guess that's a yes."

"Sounds like one..." He agrees.

Together, they leave the Haddock house and go to the Great Hall. There, Hiccup is greeted by the other vikings with open arms. They seem ecstatic to see that their heir is recovering at last. The Hall is brimming with excitement as more of the Riders show up and soon, Snotlout begins detailing their adventure in as much detail as possible. Even though he wasn't even there for most of it...

Hiccup laughs to himself and sits down at a bench, quietly listening while his friends divulge to everyone about their captivity and escape, fighting off Outcasts, making a fool of Alvin the Treacherous and finally returning home, safe and sound.

Toothless purrs from where is seated at Hiccup's feet. The young Rider leans down and scratches him behind the ear, making his purrs grow louder. "I guess Astrid was right before..." Hiccup says, mostly to himself. "The feeling really was mutual..." He glances down at Toothless, who's leg has been bandaged but isn't bleeding anymore. Gently, he reaches up and touches his own wound. It doesn't hurt much anymore. With a little grin, he stands up and motions for Toothless to follow him.

They burst outside while everyone is distracted and Hiccup hops into the saddle, eagerly buckling himself in. Toothless bounces, happily. He can't wait to get back in the air.

Hiccup leans forward in the saddle and smiles. "Alright bud, let's go!" Toothless leaps into the air, soaring high above the clouds. They spin, quickly before leveling off. After that, they simply glide, enjoying the coolness of the air and slightly damp feeling that says it will probably rain soon. This is the life. Hiccup can't remember what it was like before he was able to do this. Before he was able to slip out unnoticed and take off into the sky with his best friend. Yeah, this is something worth fighting for...

"This is Berk. An island that is constantly shrouded in danger. Chances are, you won't survive a day out here without someone you can count on. Luckily for me, I had those people today."

A/N: WOW! Is it just me or did that go really fast? Anyway, tell me what you thought and thanks for reading!