Maybe I need some sleep... I've had this sick obsession for a long time ever since Phantom and I had split because of an experimental project my parents made... I can't remember what it was called though...

I look to an alley, expecting to see a certain someone there, watching me, I stop in mid step, I rub my eyes, nothing there... Why am I like this you may ask... Let me tell you...


Phantom... he disappeared a while ago... maybe a month or two ago...

I go back to walking home. I don't notice ghostly green eyes appear when I walk away from the alleyway.

See...I'm scared... I'm scared he's going to show up any second of the day... and kill me... but for some reason... when ever I close my eyes... I see my sick obsession... Phantom... underneath me, pinned as I kiss him... touch him everywhere... My sick obsession is Ghost Hunting as Dark Phantom... My new ghost side... after Phantom and I split...,...apart...

Its hard to sleep... I haven't slept in maybe a few weeks... I feel strange... like.. I'm getting stronger... I... I had gone through the ghost portal again... after my parents tweaked it... I have ghost powers again... but.. I'm scared... When I turn into this new ghost side... I can barely control the bloodlust... Yeah... this ghost form...its pure evil... I almost killed Skulker in the form a few days ago... I'm scared...

I'm scared this new ghost form, will end up consuming me... White hair... blood red and black ghostly D with the letter P in it... but... it looks like it was drawn in blood...

I'm slowly losing myself I think... In my ghost form... I feel stronger because I'm not sleeping... Insomniac... That's what I am...

Sam and Tucker are scared... of me... and worried about me... Ever since I started to lose control of this ghost form... Vlad hasn't shown his vampire rip off face lately...

I continue to walk home, I freeze up in mid step, a red puff of air finds itself coming out of my mouth... Looks like a ghost showed... I run behind a trash can... Black rings appear at my waist. Yeah.. they're black now... They go up one way, and down the other, soon, a messy white haired boy, adorn with a black and red jumpsuit stands in my place, there stands Danny Phantom... the new Danny Phantom... I shoot up into the air, I however freeze up when I see Vlad... Fighting Phantom... My old ghost half... I float backwards, somewhat scared...shocked...

I'm unlucky however, when Phantom is sent flying in my direction, he lands right in my arms, too shocked to move, Phantom look up at me, his green eyes widen when he sees me, a ghost, one that looks so much like him. Huh, guess he didn't know I went in the portal... so desperate to get ghost powers again to help people.

Vlad, however is shocked as well, I push Phantom away, Phantom, still shocked, he stares at me.

"Who are you?! Amorpho, or are you a clone Vlad made?!" Phantom glances back at Vlad, however, notices the shocked look on his face and Phantom suddenly curses. "You're neither aren't you... just who are you and why are acting like me?!" I float backwards, staring at Phantom.

"I'm Dark Phantom... who else would I be... I'm the new Danny Phantom..." I look at Vlad and a evil grin finds itself on my face, my red eyes glow somewhat. "Fruitloop... nice to see you... haven't seen you in a long time... " I suddenly shoot forward at Vlad, punching him, sending him crashing to the ground. Phantom stares at me. Dark's voice... its the exact same... as Dan's... One of the other reasons why I fear him... But I can't help but to turn into him... all that power...

"You aren't Danny Phantom, I'm Danny Phantom... stop lying!" Phantom, notices out of the edge of his vision, Sam and Tucker trying to hide behind a building's corner, while watching me, I float down slowly to Vlad, grinning somewhat cruelly, I'm slowly losing it... I grin as Vlad starts to scream in pain, black rings form at his waist, I have a new power, I can drain someone else's strength, power, and some of their ectoplasm out of them forcefully and painfully, Its kinda fun! Stop! This is Dark saying that! I don't care what others say about this new ghost form. I notice a camera man pointing his camera at Vlad and I, Phantom's eyes widen as I forcefully make Vlad transform back to Masters in front of the whole world, or all of Amity Park really. I bet my parents are watching... Maybe I need some rehab from ghost hunting hmm?

Vlad gives one last shout of pain as the rings travel across his body, there, in place of Plasmius is Vlad Masters. I hear a few gasps of shock, I mumble something, then look at the camera man, and smile softly and take a deep breath. "See here, here is the example of a crazed up fruitloop named Vladimir Masters. Or also known as Vlad Plasmius. Funny huh? See, this is what I call sad and pathetic kids, he used his ghost powers for evil, and selfishness, made himself rich too, Don't get me wrong... I'm not like that, I would rather use my ghost powers, yes, I am a full ghost, but, I still know what its like to be human, now, here, as I said earlier, is a prime example of a crazed up Fruit-Loop, wants to kill Jack Fenton to marry Madeline Fenton and all that, I know people, creepy! That's what I say! People say that I'm evil... People thought that Fruity here," I hold Vlad out towards the camera. " was a nice and kind man...Wrong, goes to show, not everything is as it seems... Kids... just think about one thing here, do you see me as a evil ghost? No? Yes? if you do, just look at all the things I've done here, and comply them too Plasmius' deeds, did you know, the whole ghost invasion where Amity was thrust into the Ghost Zone, was his fault, he released the evil ghost King, Pariah Dark." I look at Vlad and shake my head, I set him on the ground. "Lets see...wise advice before I have to go and run from ghost hunters and all... hm... I guess that would be... Life is short... live every day as if it were your last, don't bully... it could cause someone to end their life... just, take in someone else's life, and family, heck, their siblings as well, think on how they would feel to find out that their big/little brother and or sister killed themselves because of bulling, its not fun to think that huh kids.." I close my eyes, trying to push back Dark's constant attempts to take over my body. "Just don't bully..." Suddenly, a pink blast of energy hits where my body was a few seconds ago, I look up at Val, I sigh a bit. "And this, is where I should go..." I look up at Phantom, he back away, and disappears.

I don't care what people say... the rush I get from being half ghost, is worth the price it pays. I shoot off faster than a bullet, Valerie loses track of me because of my speed. I grin as I land behind Sam and Tucker, turning back to Fenton, they jump a bit as they see me.

"Hey guys, I haven't talked to you guys in a..." I start to fall to the ground, everything blurry, falling on the ground, passing out.

I open my eyes, shit... I'm in a white room... well hell... Hospital? Meh... Maybe I should have cared when that rock went right through my side... oh well, no pain, no gain... wait... now that I think about it... I never felt the pain...

I turn my head and blink, once...twice...three times when I see none other than Ember, sitting in a chair on the left side of my hospital bed, I stare at her.

"Why are you here Ember?" Ember blinks when she sees me wide awake.

"Huh, oh you're awake now... And why I'm here? Its because I was worried when I heard you were sent to hospital... you almost didn't make it. Some of us had to overshadow doctors so they didn't question the ectoplasm mixed with your blood. You are so lucky that some ghosts care as much as making sure that you don't end up strapped down to a nice and comfy dissection table either in your parents' lab, or in the GiWs' labs and all. And... Phantom Asked me to keep an eye on you for a bit. So guess you're stuck with me for a bit until you get better, it seems like your wound is going to heal at the pace of a human's healing property too for your info dipstick." I stare at Ember, my face void of emotion. (Worthless human... Don't deny my destiny! I will get sepperated from you one day and I will kill you...Weak... stupid foolish human) I glare at the chair next to Ember, there sits Dark, crimson eyes staring at me, smirking, clawed hands on his lap. I growl lowly at him, he just smirks more, showing his sharper than normal canines. "Shut up..." Ember blinks as she stares at me.

"What was that Dipstick?! " Dark's smirk widens even more, I sit up in my hospital bed, wincing as a sharp stab of pain kindly shows up at my side, I glare at Dark, I force myself to sit up all the way. I shift my body to where my feet are off the bed, touching the floor. I push myself off the bed, wincing again as more pain sparks in my body. I take a step, somewhat scared that I might fall, I don't I slowly, yet painfully walk to where Dark sits, I pull back a fist, and try to punch him, however, it just goes straight through him, his form shimmers and disappears. I growl a bit, I back up, I look at the window, I desperately walk, more like stumble towards it, I reach it. I need to get out of here... My judgment is starting to get real hazy, I try to open the window, I slowly get my body on the windowsill I put my feet over the end of the windowsill, I feel someone trying to keep me from jumping, I look down. Well hell... I'm on the tenth story?! Yeah, the hospital here in Amity Park is really big I don't remember why though. I turn to look at Ember, she tries to pull me back in. "Damn it Dipstick, no suicide please, don't try and kill yourself! I would rather not face Vlad to tell him you killed yourself!" I grin at her, the door to my room opens, here enters Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and who is this? Oh, well hell look there! its none other than... Vlad! Didn't I reveal him to the whole world earlier? Hm... No? Oh well.

"What the... Danny!" I smile a bit and wave to Sam, Tucker, and Jazz, but scowl at Vlad.

"Didn't I expose you earlier Vlad?" Vlad blinks a bit and stares at me.

"As if you would have the power to do that. You've been out for a few days... You were mugged and cut up pretty badly little badger." I glare at Dark, he shows up behind Sam Jazz and Tucker, acting as if He's killing them or something. Vlad blinks a bit as he notices me glaring at my friends and sister, I suddenly push Ember away, she stumbles a bit and falls on her butt. Dark laughs at this, he looks at me, eyes full of hate, hate for humans, and ghosts alike, hate for everything...

(Oh Fenton, how you and your... human acts make me laugh at how pitiful you are! One day, I'll take over, and you'll be the alter ego, more like... a ghost, quite fitting pathetic excuse of a pitiful existence, that's what you are, a waste of space! And time...) I shake my head at Dark, I then look down, out the window where I am at, still sitting on the window sill, (That's it! Do it! Jump!0 And... I do... I lean back, before anyone realizes what I just did... I just jumped out of the tenstory window... falling... waiting... to end this...

And... I'm caught by someone... not Vlad... white hair... green eyes... black and white jumpsuit..., Phantom

Eww so old... but hey, might as well add this as a chapter to the miss placed aggression, and stuff uhh/ Must be mistaken ight? XDDD over 2k so shush it Lol really has nothing to do with a coocoo Danny, AKA Dark Phantom! MWHAHAHAHH