Hey guys,

I have been challenged by CrayonPencil. I'm probably gonna do 2 out 7 of the challenges.

I'm doing this for many reasons.

1.I've never been challenge to write a story with some rules.

2. Because I'm gonna live up to the name Skiller (Does anyone know how to say that I mean I know but does anyone. Because it's just Skill-er ya get it. Skill ya get at all...Ackward Silence... Um nevermind.)

3.I'm bored

4.I'm bored

5. I've I mentioned because I'm bored.

Anyway I'm accepting the challenge and I'm doing it now on to the story.

Danny Fenton The clumsy, supposely weak. clueless 15 year old who deemed the freak by the A-Listers and every other popular kid in school. But uknown to them he had a secret not a your normal kind secret like a crush on somebody or something. He had secret that only his two best friends and older know it all sister knew about.

That Danny Fenton was also Danny phantom the ghost hero of Amity park in almost all the eyes of the town. He was a half ghost half human hybrid. Their were only few who believe him to be evil, the Guys in White and His parents (There Valerie to but I believe that after 'D-Stabilize she gone to the Neutral side of things.)

But of course Danny had far more problems to deal with and trust me he gonna have a a heck of a time.

"The Schools doing what..." Black haired boy and orange haired girl asked almost in a whisper

"The school wants me and your mother to install an Anti-ghost security system." Shouted a man that was abit overweight obviously excited and Oblivious to his son's pale face and Daughter's worried glaces at her little brother.

"But why?"

"Because all ghost are evil and most of all I want to rip one apart molecule by-"

"Molecule, we know Dad you've said it dozens of times." Jazz cut him off before he could blather on and on about ghost. "Also Me and Danny need to get to school," She saw brother look like he was about to faint "so were gonna now, By" She grabbed Danny and pulled him out the door.

"Danny, you okay" She asked when they reach her car

"Do I look okay to you." Danny almost shouted

"I was just asking?" They got in car and drove away. "Besides there nothing to worry about Tucker can hack it."

"Yeah he could, if he were here. But he's not he's out town." Danny spoke dryly but was as pale asa ghost

"What about.."

"Sam was forced to take a curise by her parents." Danny started sweating when he said that

"You're joking, right Danny."


"Danny it'll be okay, Besides we've got all day to figure it out." Jazz tried to calm him.

"Yeah but who knows what they'll use."

"Will figure it out little brother." Jazz said then whispered "Even if means revealing yourself to Mom and Dad, I promise."

Eventually the Fenton kids got to school, But that security system was something that would be alot harder to with.

I edited this chapter, now on with the others.