AN: Please read. Important!

:: :: A Fool To Be a Hero :: ::

By johnnylee619

:: :: A BIAS STORY :: ::

I apologize for this false hope that some of my loyalists have been holding on to, expecting this to be another chapter. As for my new followers - sorry as well. I've been thinking since the last update, gotten the next chapter planned out, but felt very awkward and disgusted when I at least TRIED to type the first word in. And then came the update on "The New Life for a Hiccup (Rewrite)" and "Dragon's Hero", both by ChaosX97. I like to commend him for his honesty and accuracy in describing pretty much of what the HTTYD AU (Alternate Universe for those that do not know) is all about. By now, for those who have been in this community for a long time, you can pretty much guess what it is. Here's what he wrote that made me reevaluate my story:

I feel like a lot of HTTYD writers, myself included of course, are guilty of projecting bias on a lot of these characters – either by demonizing them into horrible monsters who just live for the torment and misery of others or as flawless all-holy Mary Sues and Gary Stus. I may have explained this before, but I'll say it again because this is my personal opinion and it just seems to make the most sense to me, but I think this goes into why the little sub-genre of 'Hiccup Runs Away' stories are so popular. Because Hiccup is a victim of bullying and hardship, due to not having the muscle or the ruthlessness his people pride themselves in. So it's satisfying to a lot of people who have gone through their own hardships and as such relate to Hiccup that he gets the last laugh (or early story chuckle in a lot of cases).

I am well aware that a lot of the side characters have gone through positive changes and tend to be supportive in their own way. But no one can deny that the first movie let some pretty lasting impressions on a lot of these guys. Aside from Hiccup, Toothless, and maybe Gobber, I just can't stand everyone else. Astrid was this shallow hyper-competitive queen bee, Snotlout was a stuck-up moron with a superiority complex, the twins were his destruction-loving lackeys, Fishlegs wasn't that bad because no aspect about him aside from dragon geek really stood out. And of course, there was Stoick, the neglectful parent, the warmonger, and in some cases the actual antagonist of the movie. And the reason I can say I don't like most of these characters is because I can just imagine how interacting with people like them would be, and I couldn't really find an actual reason to care about them during the movie.

So yeah, that translated into my writing of The New Life, for better or worse, and that made for some pretty dissatisfied readers. Can't really blame them, since writing characters with only certain aspects in mind makes for bad writing period. I don't mind all that much since The New Life was more or less a chance to get my feet wet as a writer and it's provided a learning experience. We all have varying levels of skill when it comes to writing and critiquing, but I've read and also believe that we all have an innate sense as to what makes up a good story. I'm not going to cancel it, because I do want to see it through and because MODdenial has his own work based off it.

But I have since researched a lot as to what makes up good and bad writing and become more skilled as I've progressed with my works. There is no denying that a lot of these side characters have their own trials and issues that other people can understand, even if I cannot. A PM conversation with another user, GrimBoy, helped me see the other side of things. And that was a part of why I am making this move. Because, like I said, I have allowed my bias to affect The New Life and I'm afraid at the rate I am going that Dragon's Hero will eventually fall into the same trap. I don't want that to happen, because it was my first major work and many people have become attached to it. Something I hope will continue.

Because I have not used any ellipses ("...") to cut it short and pick out the important details, this goes to show how accurate the writer is in describing the same situation I'm going through. The difference is just replacing the writer's story with mine. What's even more true to the writer's words was when I looked back and realized...I'm not a high schooler anymore. I'm not a freshman (which is when I began this story), I'm a COLLEGE freshman. Big gap. I have evolved now as a writer. From how I write. How I think. And all of it diverted me from "A Fool To Be a Hero". How much so, it's pretty long. One thing is for certain: Mine was born from bias, the irrational teenage emotions that got the better of me and forced me into writing this story just so I can feel better, and that the writing serves as a practice of my art. I really want to move on from that and continue my other works, but I can't have this story burdened me, always giving pressure whether or not I can deliver you guys the next update. Therefore, I'm making my last stand here. I want you all to know that there are other Hiccup-runs-away-stories that are waaaaaaay better than mine, that if I can remember their names, I would recommend them to you in a heartbeat! I want to leave the last chapter ambiguous, and that the rest onward is up for your imagination. But if you want absolute canon and an end to this story, then I can at least give one summarized chapter that details the rest of the story. Just pick your choice in the review.

I want to thank you all for standing by me for the past half a decade. This story will still be up for passerby to check it out if they want to. Other than that, whether I leave it ambiguous or give a canonical summary of what happens onward...this is the end.

I have other stories up to read if you have similar interest like me. One that is active right now is Fallout 4 and Sword Art Online. These stories are formed based on my passion and interest in storytelling, nothing to do with my bias or driven by irrational emotions, so they earn the approved seal as my top priority works to continue.

Again, thank you all for the support, and I wish you all fortune in 2017. After 2016...yeah, we'll definitely be going to need it!