The Reversed Poison

Chapter 1

As Ran and the rest of the Detective Boys walked around Tropical Land's shops, I excused myself to the gift shop. 'I guess I could always get some souvenirs since I am already here.' I thought as I walked into the shopping center." Oi, Conan! What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned in the direction of the voice and I saw Kazuha." Oh, I'm here with Ran and my friends. I'm just getting some souvenirs."." Well, why don't we get some real fast and go back with your group. I'm sure Heiji would agree with me."." Ok, but speaking of Heiji, where is he?" He's a using the bathroom." Kazuha said as she turned around, answering her phone.

I nodded as I began looking for something to buy. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a snow globe that had roller coasters inside it. 'I think this will do.' I thought as I grabbed the globe and strolled over to the checkout corner and bought it. I didn't know why the globe caught my attention, but it did.

Heiji came out of the bathroom and immediately went to Kazuha." Hey, are you ready to go?" Heiji asked her as if he was waiting for her." Yeah, are you Ahou? Did ya see Conan by any chance?"." No. He's here?"." Yeah, I just ran into him. But Sera just called looking for him. I think she is going to join Ran and Conan's friends."." Well then, let's go find da squirt and join them too, ya ahou!"

As soon as I heard this I began looking around for an exit.' Why does Sera have to be coming?' I thought as I began walking to the front door.' I guess I should sneak out before they find me, or else I will have to be hugged by Sera.' I thought as I tip toed out. I sighed once I was out and began walking towards the exit of Tropical Land.' I can always call Agasa to have him pick me up. I can tell the others that I didn't feel good.' I thought as I was only a few minutes away. But as soon as I saw the exit, I saw Sera. I made eye contact with her and she smiled. She was talking to someone on the phone, but she hung up. As soon as I realized what was going to happen, I began to slowly walk backwards. Then I saw her running, no, sprinting towards me." Conan-Kun! Wait for meee!" Sera yelled as I started running away.' I am not in the mood to get hugged by Sera today. Or better yet, ever.' I thought as I cut in the alleys to try to lose her.

I stopped running after a bit from exhaustion.

I was in a dark alley in who knows where at Tropical Land. I walked along them with my flashlight watch. I had no clue where I was going so I decided to walk towards the light from the streets. I was about to walk out from the alley way when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and flashed the light on what it was. It was a dark figure and before I could run away, it grabbed me. I tried to scream, but they covered my mouth with a towel. Chloroform. I felt myself falling asleep and my body went numb into their arms. 'Help...' I thought as I fell into unconsciousness.


I could hear a voice talking on a phone with someone else. I fluttered my eyes open to see a woman standing in front of me. She was wearing a black hoodie that hide her face." I got to call you back later Vermouth." she said as she hung up the phone." Vermouth? Why are you talking to her?".

" I am because we work together. My name is Chardonnay. Yours is Shinichi Kudo correct?" She asked as it was a regular, everyday question.

" How did you-"." I figured out through Vermouth." She interrupted before I could finish." She is quite fond of you, Silver Bullet. How did you shrink is my question."

I decided to lie to her.

" I had a mistake on an experiment I was testing out. Why do you ask?"." I'm asking because I want to know if it will affect you in any way that is bad after you take this." She said as she gave me pill." Why would I take this exactly?"." Well, because if you take the poison, I won't kill your friends. I have bombs all over Tropical Land, so if you refuse, they and many others will die."." How will I know that you won't even if I take it? I will be dead."." The poison takes affect after fifteen minutes. That's enough time to evacuate everyone and deactivate the remote before you die. So is it a deal, Silver Bullet, or will these people have to die because of you?"

I thought about it for a bit, thinking of ways to get out of this. This building is probably surrounded by the BO so I can't run out.' I'm sorry everyone. Mom, Dad, Heiji, Ran...' I thought as I concluded on my decision.

" Fiā€¦Fine. I agree to your terms, but hand me the remote now so I know you won't trick me."

She nodded and handed me the remote. I studied the pill before I swallowed it. I pulled out my cell phone which was suprisingly still there and dialed Heiji." Hey Hattori. I need you to evacuate everyone out of Tropical Land now. We only have fifteen minutes until bombs could go off." I said as fast as I could." Whoa, Kudo are ya ok? What do you mean by bombs?"." The BO set up bombs and Chardonnay just told me they are probably going to go off in fifteen minutes so hurry!" I yelled into the phone, hanging up. I dialed Ran and Tropical Land's officers and told them to evacuate everyone in the next ten minutes." Conan, what do you mean?" Ran said in a worried tone." I found bombs and I don't have enough time to deactivate them all."." Okay, but Conan, meet us outside ok?"." Okay, I'll try. Bye Ran...neechan." I said as I ended my final call. I sighed as I thought of my family and how I don't get to say goodbye to them. 'I only have eight minutes until my times out countong the time it took to call everyone and explain.

' Might as well go to the fountain that I was at when I was Shinichi with Ran.' I thought sadly to myself.

I walked away from the building I was in previously, walking to my new destination. I watched as people grabbed their loved ones and fleeded off.

I saw Heiji telling people to leave. I smiled at him, though he couldn't see me. If I told him what I was doing, he would think I was committing suicide.

I guess I was in a way, though.

I frowned at the thought because now I won't be able to take them down and get revenge. I decided to talk to Heiji before I died." Heiji, I need to tell you something." I said as I tugged on his shirt." Hey Kudo, help me will ya?"." Heiji! Listen to me!" I yelled at him. He stopped and turned to me." What is it Shinichi?"." Well, since you won't ever see me again-."." What do you mean? We can leave now. Everyone else is now outside of Tropical Land safe and sound."." That's not what I mean! I was poisoned. I will be dead any moment. It can't be cured by the doctor. I need to tell you that you have to continue to try take down the organization without me, Heiji. I also need you to tell Ran that Conan moved to America and that Shinichi moved to America with his parents. Tell my parents the truth though, along with Agasa. I am going to stay here, Heiji. I also came to give you this remote that is already disarmed, but I figured out the bombs will still probably go off. You can it to test for that finger prints. Goodbye Heiji Hattori. Thank tou for helping me..." I said as I handed the remote to the shocked detective. I smiled at him and hugged his leg. I really would miss him. I let him go and gave him a nod. I walked away, towards the fountain. 'Only five minutes left.' I thought as I strode to the fountain, which was now in sight.

I began counting down the minutes and realized that tears were rolling down my face. I let them fall though. Nobody could see me. I might as well let them stream down my face, for this is the last time I will ever cry." Mom, Dad, I love you and I wish I could say goodbye, but this is to be expected since I'm a detective. I should have known too. I was foolish enough to not see this coming. A least I saved everyone I loved, right? I wish you were here so I could ask you..." I said to myself as I saw the water coming out of the fountain." Ran... I wish I could have told you who I really was. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if so. I don't know though. I love you Ran...Neechan."

One minute left.

"Well, goodbye Tropical Land, Detective Boys, Ran, Parents, Ai, Agasa, Heiji, Conan, Shinichi... Goodbye." I said as only ten seconds were left. "9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...-" I started but all of a sudden I felt a pain in my chest. It was throbbing. My head began to hurt worse than when I was transforming.' Holy Shit!' I thought as I clasped my chest. I fell to the ground, onto my knees. I saw explosions around all the buildings. Before I felt myself drifting, I realized that everywhere was exploding except the fountain. If you listened closely, you could even hear the gun shots that the organization was firing. ' What a coincidence, Chardonnay.' I thought as my eyes closed.


Sorry guys(and girls)! It's really short, but it me a while to bring up the courage to post this.

I'll update tomorrw, if not Thrusday, if you wanted to know!

- =0.0=