Hello all! New Phan here who owns nothing! I recently had an explosion of ideas and this fic was born of a few of them. My first time writing for this Phandom, so like it? Hate it? tell me!

Skulker watched his prey crawl away. He had wounded the Ghost Boy considerably, and had places to go. He could always come back later to claim his prize.

"It's not like you will be going anywherte, Ghost Child." he smirked as he took off.

The mentioned prey crawled as far as he could before collapsing, exhausted and somewhat puzzled. His healing factor wasn't working, and for some reason he was leaking ectoplasm everywhere.

Worst thing was he couldn't shift back into human form. He was too weak.

"Sam! Tucker! Help!" he rasped, crawling on his belly, "Hurry...please...oh man I don't feel well..."

"Come on Tucker! We gotta go and help him!" she told the male, quickly taking off to where Danny was at.

"Dude! Danny!" Tucker gasped "Oh no...He's unconscious. He's unconscious and GHOST! That NEVER happens! Sam, he's hurt bad. Look at those wounds."

"We gotta get him help somehow."

"Help...for HIM?! Sam the entire town HATES him. Besides...he's leaking. Danny never leaked before. And...I...think he's getting worse."

"Tucker! Sam!" Danny's voice was weak but happy.

"Danny! Dude what happened?"

"Skulker happened. He...it was wierd he played dangerouse this time, not the normal hunter way, no chances this time." He coughed ectoplasm "I...I couldn't phase out, couldn't counter..."

"There must be something that we can do. You need help."

He threw up. Tucker gulped and hung his head

"Sam...It might be too late."

"It's not too late, Tucker! He's still alive!"

"For how much longer?" the boy asked, "Look at him! Have you ever seen him this weak? He's hocking ectoplasm! That can't be good."

Danny shivered, curling tighter. it was obviouds he was in pain, but for the sake of his friends he tried to hide it.

"I know. But there must be something.."

"Try...my house..." Danny said hesitently. "Remember my folks...are at that convention. They won't...they won't be home."

Even as he said it, Danny knew somehow that he wouldn't last very long.

"Right. We'll do that. It's better than nothing. We gotta find a way to get you there."

"Carry..." he passed out again.

Tucker shook him awake "Come on Danny! Stay with us! You're going to be...you're gonna be...ok! DANNY! Danny WAKE UP!"

"Sam...Sam it hurts Sam..." Danny reached for the goth girl "It hurts so bad."

"It'll be okay Danny.. I promise it will be."

Though, she wasn't too sure about that. From the way that he was looking, it was clear that they didn't have much time. She didn't want to admit it, but she knew it was true. If he didn't get help soon, he was going to die. And there wasn't anything she or Tucker could do about it.

"Ok, Sam you get his upper half, I'll get his lower. We HAVE to get him home and it isn't too far. Make sure he stays awake. Kiss him or something!"

Sam looked a bit surprised by the last comment that Tucker had made. She blushed slightly at the thought, before she helped him pick Danny up.

Danny yelled in pain as he was lifted and taken, his chest was sore and he felt like part of him was melting. Then, as he looked into Sam's eyes, he forgot the pain and focused on breathing.

"I...I..." he stammered, his eyes closing again

"What is it?" she asked.

"I...want to sleep Sam, just for a minute. Please...please let me sleep." he rasped, begging her

"Keep him awake Sam!"

they arrived at Danny's empty house (Jazz had a date) ans set him on his bed. The sheets caused him discomfort, and he groaned an curled up

"You can't sleep Danny. If you do, who knows what'll happen."

Of course we know what will happen, but...

"Sam?" he asked "Come closer."

She leaned closer to him. "Yes?"

"You know...when you have so...little time to...say something but...but you can't bring yourself to admit it until...you know that if you don't admit it, you never will?"

He had little time. the part of him that was melting was almost done, and making it hard to breathe properly.

She nodded at this, keeping quiet so he could say what he wanted to.

"Well.." he said after some time had passed and he was sure the last couple of breaths would be his last.

"Sam...I...I Love you...I...always have."

Tucker gasped "NO Danny!"

Sam's eyes widened at this. She couldn't believe her ears. He admitted that he loved her? Of course she had felt the same, and smiled. Too bad it was short lived though due to the fact that her friend was dying. So close to death right now..

"I love you too."

With one shuddering breath, Danny went limp, changing back one last time, the blue leaving his eyes as they closed for the final time.


"Tucker.." her voice was quiet. "There's nothing we can do.."

"Why?! WHY! DANNY!" the technogeek was opn his knees, crying hard "DANNY come on man wake up!"

She felt tears running down her face, but she tried to be strong. For her friend.

"Tucker! Calm down! He's not coming back.. Not this time."

Suddenly there was a flash, and Danny's body was gone.