Phantom School

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, if I did, I wouldn't be writing this right now would I?

This is my first fanfic, so some constructive criticism would help, thanks!

("…") Speech

('…') Thoughts

Chapter 1: Problems

It was a Monday morning and…

"I'm doomed…" Danny said, "How am I supposed to go to school like this?"


"DANNY!" Jack boomed, "Come look at our new invention!" Danny groans and goes downstairs knowing the invention is probably something that is going to be used to try to destroy him. He looks into a jar of green slime.

"Umm…Dad, what is that?" Danny asks nervously.

"That is something to keep any ghost from using any of its special abilities Son! I call it, the Fenton Disabler (A/N: Yes, I know it sounds lame, but that was all I could think of at the moment)" Jack yelled.

'Note to self: add Stay Clear Of list' Danny thought.

"Come on Maddie, let's test it!" Jack said enthusiastically while dumping the contents of the jar into a gun.

"3-2-1…FIRE!" Maddie said, telling Jack to shoot a low-level ghost. But instead, the gun exploded splattering everything and everyone with the Fenton Disabler.

'Oh no, if this thing really does what it is supposed to do…I rather not think about it' Danny thought to himself.

"Come on Jack, let's go get some fudge," Maddie said to a sad-faced Jack. Jack's face immediately lit up.

"Fudge!" he exclaimed while running up to the kitchen. Maddie sighed and went after him muttering something.

*End of flashback*

Danny took a look at his snow white hair and glowing green eyes. He sighed, knowing that he would have to go to school anyway. He took one last look before walking out of the bathroom and knocked on Sam's bedroom door.

"Hey Sam, do you by chance have any washable black hair dye?" Danny asked hoping she would have some.

"Oh, I see you still have your little problem," Sam said sarcastically and pointing out the obvious, "And no I don't but I do have some spray paint." She said while digging under her pillow for the bottle of paint she always keeps under her pillow in case her mom tries to give her a pink frilly dress. "Ah, here, it's not water proof though…"

"Thanks Sam," Danny said while spraying the paint on his head, "Wow, it doesn't even smell funny."

"Of course it doesn't, that is the most expensive non-smelly spray paint in the world," Sam explained, "So, mind explaining why you can't change back?"


Danny yawned and checked his cell, '4 A.M I need to get some sleep'

"Hello whelp," Skulker said, "today I will finally have your pelt hanging on the wall."

"Why do they always bother me at this time?" Danny muttered, taking out his thermos. "Bye Skulker!" He said sucking in the Ghost Zone's 'Greatest' Hunter. "Now, time to go home and get some well deserved sleep." Danny flew home and through the window. He tried changing back, no effect, he tried again, still no effect. "Oh no, I can't sleep here, my parent will find out." So, he phased into Jazz's room and woke her up.

"Yeah Danny?" Jazz asked half asleep.

"Can you tell Mom and Dad I left for Sam's house early to finish up a project?" Danny asked.

"Why? What's the problem?" Jazz asked.

"I can't seem to be able to go back to Fenton, I'm stuck as Phantom," Danny explained.

"Do you know why?" Jazz asked.

"No, not a clue"

"Alright then, I'll let Mom and Dad know, goodnight" Jazz said, falling asleep immediately.

Danny phased back into his room, took his usual t-shirt and jeans before heading to Sam's house.

*End of flashback*

Then, it hit him, "That's it! It must have been that new invention my parents were working on!

"What new invention?" Danny explained the whole Fenton Disabler incident.

"It must've been another failed invention like the ecto-dejecto!"

"Well, all we need to do now is something about your eyes," Sam pointed out.

"Oh ya, I completely forgot," Danny said.

"I'll order you some contacts, they'll be here in a flash," Sam smirked pulling out her cell phone.

"Rachel, I need you to get me a pair of ice blue colored contacts…hurry…thanks!" Sam closed her cell and a minute later, there was a helicopter outside of her room.

"Thanks Wally!"

"No problem Sam!"

"Here Danny, I'm pretty sure they're the right color." Sam said. Danny took them and thanked Sam.

"We better get going before Tuck starts wondering where we are" Danny said.

"Kay, let's go."

There you go! First chapter! I'm going to try and write the second chapter today. Remember to review and tell me what you think! Thanks!