I'm kind of nervous to write this, it just kind of happened too. I haven't watched Detective Conan for a bit, I really don't know why I suddenly needed to write this. KaiCo/KaiShin feels appeared out of nowhere? It was weird. I had a dream about them.
I don't own them, either.
WARNINGS: KaiCo/KaiShin, blood, death, cases, SPOILERS and interpretations for the anime up to date, like seriously, there will be some bigger spoilers as the story progresses.
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"Shinichi, Shinichi!" Ran reached out, crying. She was always crying, why did he always make her cry?
"Stop!" The Detective ran faster, "Don't follow me!"
She slowed down, eyes widening, a single hand goes to her face, "Do you really not like me that much? All these secrets, all this avoiding… At this point I don't even care if you're Conan, SHINICHI!" The detective turned, shock written all over his face. His eyebrows curved and his teeth clenched.
"Just…" She paused, hiding her tears behind her hands, "Please, I, I can't lose both of you. Please, Shinichi…"
Before he was even consciously aware of it, he headed towards her, hand outstretched. As he got closer he called lightly for her, "Don't cry, Ran."
She grit her teeth, "You, you of all people—have no right to say that to me! If you don't want me to cry then come back already!"
"It's too dangerous!" He yelled, panicking, defending his resolve, "If I came back, you, the old man, the Professor, Haibara, even the Shounen Tantei, they'd all be in danger!"
"I can't risk that!" He screamed, in the corner of his eyes he noticed Gin, gun in hand, aimed at Ran.
"RAN!" He tumbled forward, desperately trying to move her out of the way. But it was too late.
"Shin…ichi…?" Tears rolled down her cheeks as blood splattered from her side. "Co…nan…" Another shot.
The detective ran up to her, too preoccupied with her to even think about taking out the threat first. He felt her pulse, nothing. "DAAAAAMMMMMIIIIIITTT!"
He yelled, turning around to where Gin had been, rage in his eyes, only to see the Shounen Tantei in his place.
"W-what?" He gaped.
Mistuhiko turned to him, gun in hand, "This is all your fault you know. If you hadn't been pretending the whole time, we could have helped you."
"No, I-I didn't mean…" Shinichi tried desperately, searching the four in front of him.
Genta grit his teeth, "After all the meals we shared together, you go and ditch us! Well, fine if that's how it is I wish you were never there from the start."
The elder detective's heart clenched, "I...I'm sorry."
"I was foolish." Haibara spoke up, "It was an impossible task from the start. I shouldn't have let you convince me you could take them on. If I hadn't…"
"No!" Shinichi tried, "It wasn't your fault, you were placed into the position of an organization scientist at a young age. You always knew what to do. You fought back."
"If I had known this would have happened…I should have stayed with them." Haibara finished.
This wasn't happening, this couldn't be happening. How could she think that?
"Is it true?" Ayumi spoke up this time, crying, "That you were Conan this whole time?"
He lowered his head shamefully, "I-I couldn't tell you."
"This whole time!" She yelled, "You were a stupid, big, mean adult! You were always just looking down at us, at me!"
"No, of course not." Shinichi looked up fiercely, "I had fun, I was always so amazed at the things you all would come up with. I was never looking down at-"
"Don't lie to me!" She grabbed at the Shounen Tantei badge near her heart, ripping it off, "You hated us the whole time! Put up with us so that you could hide. Well I'm done, I'm done being your shield!" She threw the badge at his feet, and turned around, unable to look at him any longer, sniffling.
Haibara put her hand on Ayumi's shoulder, "Go on Mitsuhiko. There's no point in carrying this on any longer."
Mitsuhiko nodded at her, "R-right…" He cocked the gun, aiming for Shinichi's forehead.
No, no, no! They weren't killers! They couldn't, wouldn't… He had been beside them for so long, sure they had seen more death than any kid their age should ever have to go through, but… That was precisely why he knew that he could never pull the trigger. He just couldn't. It was as he was thinking that last thought that a bullet was lodged dead center in his brain.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Conan shot up out of bed, sweat trickling down his forehead. It took him a while before his breathing regulated. He put a hand up to his head. That dream had seemed far too real. Even if the events happening in it weren't all that realistic.
"Bad dream?"
He looked up to see Haibara leaning against the doorframe, scrutinizing him.
He breathed a sigh of relief, "You could say that."
She propped herself the rest of the way up, heading back out, "Don't think about it too much. It wasn't real."
"I know. Thanks, Haibara." He laid back down, trying to get comfortable once again.
"Goodnight." He snorted, wondering if he would be able to go back to sleep after that. It was far too early for that unwelcome wake up call. He probably should have apologized to Haibara for waking her up too. The little Edogawa chuckled to himself at the thought of the Professor sleeping sounding, loudly snoring, undisturbed by his scream.
As the morning lights began to seep through his curtains, he glared. The bags under his eyes would attest that, yes, he had not been able to fall back asleep after that. He sighed, tossing off the covers, and decided he might as well get ready for school since he was up. Not that there was much to get ready, some crayons, a couple finished handouts, his paper textbooks, both his cellphones. He briefly wondered if he could get away with making some coffee before scratching the idea. Even if Haibara wasn't up yet, that didn't mean that once she did wake up she wouldn't be able to tell from the smell. He sighed, of all the reasons he wanted to be in his old body, coffee was pretty close to the top.
About an hour later Haibara had woken and finished getting ready. "Ready?" She asked, putting her shoes on about to go out the door.
"Yeah, let's go." He followed her out the house. Once they got out of the driveway, they saw Ran heading out of her house as well, she noticed them and waved.
"Hey, Conan-kun. Heading off to school?" She smiled.
For a moment he could only picture her from his dreams, two bullets in her side, cold. "Y-yeah, see you Ran-neechan!"
"See you, Conan-kun, Haibara-chan." She waved them off, stepping after them by reflex before shaking her head lightly. Conan sighed at the action, turning to his front. He had told her about his double identity a month ago, it was after that that he offered to stay at the Professor's house instead of hers. She didn't know the full details of everything that went on, or even the existence of the Black Organization, but she knew that he would be in danger if certain people found out that "Shinichi" was still alive. He hadn't told her about Haibara either, but he knew she suspected.
"You okay?" Haibara nudged him.
"Yeah." He frowned, "Just thinking about some stuff."
She smiled a little, "Aren't you always?"
He didn't really have a response for that so he brushed it off. A while later and they got to the classroom, Haibara nudged him once they spotted Ayumi and Genta goofing off at her seat, "Excited for your date?"
"I told you, it's not like that." He sighed, "For one, she's only 7."
"Ara? Are you not 7 as well, Conan-kun?" Haibara mocked, relentlessly.
He glared at her, before heading to his own seat. Ayumi and Genta noticed them come in and waved excitedly before the teacher started the class. Mitsuhiko was home sick and Genta was grounded for the week. That left just him, Haibara, and Ayumi to go on their trip to the Beika park tomorrow. When Haibara realized this, she told them that she had to stay behind to make sure the Professor wouldn't sneak in any junk food. He knew for a fact that she was just staying home so that she could tease him about it later.
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"Awww, I wish I could go with you two. I hear there's a really good ice cream place over there." Genta complained, still bitter about being grounded.
Ayumi turned to him, admonishingly, "It's your fault you're grounded, Genta-kun. Maybe if you be a good boy we can go again sometime when you're allowed to."
"Yeah, yeah." He griped, "It's just so hard not to think about."
They had stopped at a light and Genta waved goodbye, since he had to go straight home. Ayumi went along with them till they made it to the Professor's. She stayed over for a little bit and locked herself in a room with Haibara, the two of them giggling as they did so. It made Conan more than a little unnerved but he ignored it, knowing that he would find out eventually whether he wanted to or not.
He did his weekend homework and cleaned his room. By the time dinner had come around, Ayumi had headed home. After dinner and some light teasing from Haibara about tomorrow, he took a bath. It wasn't too much longer before he fell asleep, exhausted from the lack of rest this morning. He didn't wake up until it was practically time for him to go, unfortunately he had a similar nightmare tonight as well. He headed out, deciding it would be easier to meet her at her house since it was just the two of them this time.
When he got there, she was just about to leave. She was wearing a very cute red dress with pink flowers on the bottom. She has a matching red headband with pink flowers on both ends of it.
"Is it cute?" She smiled shyly at him.
Conan blushed, "Yeah, it is." Though she was 7, he thought to himself. It was seconds later and he wasn't the least bit flustered anymore, feeling a little bad for her. He was kind of dressed up too in the sense that he was wearing a suit. It was countered by the fact that it was the suit he always wore. But Ayumi didn't seem to mind at all. They got on a train to get to Beika station, Ayumi was bouncing happily at the prospect of going to the park there. As they rode, they talked about a lot of things and pretty soon he found out that the dress was Haibara's idea. He sighed at this, wondering how far she was going to take this joke, or if she was actually rooting for them to get together. He highly doubted that.
They hung out at the park for a while before happily getting a strawberry and vanilla ice cream from a vender.
"This is so good!" Ayumi beamed, licking her strawberry ice cream contentedly.
"Well, nothing like the ice cream place that Genta was talking about earlier, but it's still ice cream." Conan offered.
"Hehehe!" She giggled happily.
He smiled, not entirely sure why she was so happy, but Ayumi often was. It was nice. They finished their ice cream and headed over to the playground. Ayumi went on all the slides and monkeyed through the monkey bars. For the most part, Conan just stayed near her or would hang out by the swings, keeping an eye on her. Soon she joined him on the swings, happily chatting about how fun it was.
"Are you having fun too, Conan-kun?" She wasn't the least bit careful with her dress as she swung, as many 7 year olds tended to not be.
While Ayumi was racing as fast as she could go, Conan opted to just lightly push himself, "Yeah, I'm having fun."
She giggled again excitedly, "Hey, race you to the top!"
"You're already at the top." He deadpanned.
"Then whoever can swing highest wins!" She didn't wait for Conan to catch up, or even slow down so that they started on even playing fields. Instead, she kicked off the ground as hard as she could with her flip flops.
"Hey, hey, no fair!" Conan laughed, charging in after her. He started to wonder when he first began to have so much fun with all the childish things the Shounen Tantei did. He was almost tempted to use his special shoes just to catch up, it's not like she played fair either, after all. But, that wouldn't be much of a challenge. As he went forward, he pulled back on the chains, once he got to the middle, he stretched his legs to give him a quick kick off the ground, and when he went back, he pushed the chains away. Years of swinging did give one a slight advantage.
It was right when he caught up to her that she kicked off especially hard, trying to lose him. The swing rattled and turned to the side, flinging her from her seat, "Ahhhhhhh!"
"AYUMI!" He jumped out, trying to reach her, despite knowing that he wouldn't make it in time.
Just as she was about to hit the ground, a puff of smoke appeared in front of her. Conan blinked in surprise, he knew that smoke. But why would it be here? It didn't make sense. He ignored it in favor of making sure Ayumi was okay.
"Woah, woah, that was a close one." A voice that seemed fairly familiar stated. As the puff of smoke dissipated, it became clear that Ayumi was not by herself anymore. She was in the arms of…Conan blinked. No way… The person holding Ayumi looked just like him! And with that smoke…
"Ahhh! That was so cool!" Ayumi squealed as the boy set her down.
"Kid…?" He said, more in flat out surprise than any kind of contempt.
The boy turned to him, recognition filling his eyes before his poker face returned, "Kid magician extraordinaire, you mean."
Conan snorted, riiiiiiiight, two could play at this game, "You're a magician? I mean it would only make sense, coming from Kaitou-"
"-Kuroba! Kaito Kuroba at your service." Kid bowed in a grand gesture. Before sending a half-hearted glare to Conan. Conan blinked, before mentally shrugging it off. It's not like this was a heist, and it didn't seem he was lying about his name. Not to mention the reason he knew Kid looked like him was because he had been helping him out. He had to admit though, he was really surprised he used his name. Part of him wanted to go home and look it up to make sure it was real. The other part wanted to tuck it away in a corner of his mind and pretend he had never heard it.
Ayumi blinked up at him, "You're not Shinichi-oniisan?"
Conan sent an accusatory glare at Kid, he had pretended to be him in front of Ayumi? Why? Oh, right. He sweat dropped, remembering discovering all the counterfeit art in the Artemis's Tear heist.
"Nope! Just plain old Kaito." He took a step back.
"Hmmmm…" Ayumi looked at his face closely. Well as close as a 7 year old could be looking at a teenager's face from the ground, "You look just like him though."
"Arere?" Conan piped in, looking at Kid with a faux air of discovering something he hadn't before, "But I think Shinichi-oniisan's eye color was slightly different. Not only that, but his hair is messier than Shinichi-oniisan's."
Kaito glared at him for a second, "Oi, oi." He sighed, letting the insult slide in favor for being helped out. His hair was still cooler though!
"Ah…" Ayumi smiled at Conan, "I guess you're right." She put her hand to her chin, wondering about the eye color bit for a second, they seemed the same to her, but Conan was good at noticing details and she trusted him.
"Where are your parents?" Kid asked Ayumi.
Ayumi's eyes brightened, as if she had been waiting for someone to ask, "They're at home! It's a date because we came here by ourselves. See?" She twirled in her dress before grabbing Conan's arm, "Don't we look cute?"
"Eh…?!" Conan blanched, "It's not a date, Ayumi. We were planning to come here with the others too, remember?"
"Yeah but they didn't come so it's a date!" She grinned.
"Is not." He sighed.
"Is so." This was getting nowhere, so he decided to let the subject drop. He didn't fail to notice to that the amusement in the thief's eyes didn't drop, for that matter.
Kaito laughed, patting Conan on the head, "You should be more careful on dates you know, it doesn't seem very cool to play so hard that your girlfriend gets hurt."
"G-girlfriend?!" Conan sputtered, "She's not my—"
"Girlfriend!" Ayumi's eyes sparkled, giggling to herself at the prospect. She lowered her gaze, embarrassedly sneaking glances at Conan. Conan sighed. Why did everyone that knew about him tease him like this? Didn't they know they were only going to get her hopes up? He was going to have to grow up one of these days, and like it or not he wouldn't be her little Conan anymore. He felt like one of the only people that didn't brush her off just because she was young. Well, mentally anyway. Dating her was out of the question, obviously.
He sighed and grabbed her hand, "Let's go Ayumi."
"O-okay." She blushed, happily following him, before turning partially away to wave, "Bye Kaito-oniisan!"
"Bye, bye!" He waved once before turning into a puff of smoke. Conan rolled his eyes at the action, while Ayumi was awed.
"He disappeared!" She was so surprised that she stopped walking.
Conan looked behind him, he knew that they were being watched, he was still there. He had a feeling he was just going to follow him for the rest of the day anyway if they stayed here. So he thought now would be as good of a time as any to head back. He tugged Ayumi lightly towards him, "Let's go home, Ayumi."
She nodded, following him again. He had expected the thief to stop following them once he got on the train back home, but he could still feel those eyes. It was unnerving to say the least. He opened the door to the Professor's house, guiding Ayumi in. When he went in himself, he was surprised to see Ran and the Professor sitting in the living room.
"Ah! Ran-oneechan!" Ayumi went up to her in greeting.
"It's been a while, right Ayumi-chan?" Ran smiled at her, hands politely on her lap.
Ayumi nodded, "Yeah, ever since Conan-kun moved here, we haven't seen you as much. You should visit more!"
Ran chuckled, "Maybe you should be the ones visiting me more."
It took a little longer for Conan to take his shoes off, since he had sneakers, he couldn't just toss them off like Ayumi did with her flip flops. Once he did, he went up to meet the rest of them in the living room.
"Ran-neechan!" Conan ran up to her excitedly, all the air of a little brother not having seen his older sister for a while exuding from him, "What are you doing here?"
He noticed a distinct pause in her actions when he addressed her. She still wasn't used to him, "I came by to give the Professor some of your clothes and books. I finally got around to cleaning out the closet and found some of your stuff."
Hmmmmm. Conan thought, wondering what she could have brought. They had probably been talking about him, he deduced. Well, the older him, anyway.
"Ran-kun and I were just talking about you." The Professor advised, confirming Conan's suspicions. It was at that moment that Haibara decided to come down the stairs. Once she got near the couch, she froze, eyes widening in horror.
"Ai-chan?" Ayumi went up to her, "Are you okay?"
Haibara shook her head, "Yeah, sorry, just thinking." He was tempted to tell Kid to fuck off about now, knowing that him watching them was what set her on edge. She was really sensitive to that kind of thing, even more than he was.
"…" Ayumi looked at her for a bit, unsure.
"Enough about me," Haibara smiled, "I'm curious about how your date went today."
The Professor and Ran both turned to her quizzically, while Ayumi bounded up excitedly.
"It was soooo cool Haibara-chan! I wish you could have seen it!" She smiled giddily, too excited to realize that if Haibara had been there then it wouldn't have been just her and Conan.
"He came to pick me up at my house, and said I was cute before we headed to Beika Park. When we got there, he bought me ice cream and we played on the playground before having a swinging competition!" She beamed.
Haibara, Ran, and the Professor all turned to Conan in surprise. Ran sent him a questioning look, Haibara smirked while the Professor laughed, "My, it sounds like you two had a fun time today."
"Yeah! And that's not even the best part! We ran into a magician who looked just like Shinichi-oniisan. He appeared out of thin air to save me, it was sooooo cool. And then we came here holding hands." She smiled.
Conan blushed at the gazes on him, scratching the back of his head lightly. He knew Ayumi would tell Haibara about it, but he didn't expect such a large audience. Or to be present when they talked. He really needed to clear things up with Ayumi soon. Ran gave him a strange look that he couldn't interpret before turning to Ayumi, "What was the magician's name?"
"Oh, um…" Ayumi blinked, she had been rather distracted when he introduced himself…what was it…Shinichi was all she could think…but she vaguely remembered referring to him as Kaito…"I think it was Kaito. I don't remember his last name." She finally decided, remembering saying goodbye to 'Kaito-oniisan' and nothing more.
"Hmmm," Ran turned to Conan, "Do you remember his name, Conan-kun?"
Eh… Conan gulped, Ran seemed mad for some reason. He didn't do anything though, why was she so upset? She knew that there was no way he would forget either, so why had she phrased the question like that? "E-eh, I don't really remember…" He lied, knowing that she knew he had lied. Ah, why was life difficult?
"I see." She stated, slightly bitter.
"Well now," The Professor put his hands in front of him, palms out, "I'm sure he has his reasons, Ran-kun."
She dutifully ignored him, before sighing, "It was nice talking to you, Hakase, Ayumi, Haibara." She grabbed her bag before making her way out. It was a rather sudden exit, and he couldn't help but be annoyed at how she purposely left him out of her goodbye. Whatever, he grumbled silently to himself before heading off to his room to sulk a bit.
He noticed a box on his bed as he entered and figured this must be the box of stuff Ran brought over for him. He went over to it and opened it, on the very top of stuff in the box was a volume of Sherlock Holmes. He flipped it over in his hands, brightening up at the prospect. He didn't feel the need to sulk so much anymore. Now he just felt bad. Also watched, he scowled looking directly at the window before unpacking the rest of the box. Let the thief watch all he wants, he has nothing to hide. Not from him, anyway.
Ayumi stayed behind to talk to Haibara and the Professor. He could hear her exaggerating about little parts of the trip more and more as time went on. Eventually she went home, and he went out to have dinner with Ai and the Professor. Haibara immediately grilled him to find out who was watching them. She had noticed, as he had suspected. He told her not to worry about it too much, and when he got back to his room he threw a pillow at the window in aggravation. Fine. Do what you want, Kid. It's not like he could watch him forever.
A week of stalking later he had realized that he was wrong. After school he would be watched directly, during it, he was watched by pigeons with cameras. He felt like the stress was going to drive him crazy. Not to mention Haibara was about to blow a casket, and she wasn't even the one being targeted. It got to the point where Haibara felt uncomfortable walking to and from school with him and started leaving at a different time than him. One of his closest friends was avoiding him and he didn't like it one bit. Especially since he knew that it was entirely Kid's fault. After the first week, Kid had started only watching him every other day. So he was recorded practically 24/7 by birds. They were well trained, he had to give Kid that.
It was after a full two weeks of stalking that Conan finally had had enough. He opened his window one night when he felt the magician's own presence, "Hey, Kid, can we talk?" He meant to sound more annoyed, but this was pretty much the first time he sought the guy out for reasons other than using him, helping him, or sending him to jail. It was a complicated relationship.
A moment of consideration later, and the Kid appeared behind him, fully clothed in his Heist outfit.
"Hey…" He started, uncomfortable.
Conan sighed, turning around and shutting the window, "You don't have to wear that you know, I already know what you look like." He noticed how the thief looked at the shut window. He looked venerable, scared. It was weird seeing the confident thief like this. He decided to open the window back up and watched as the thief visibly relaxed. Why the world renowned thief felt better about an open window, only he himself would know.
The thief shifted feet, before instantaneously changing outfits, the only part of his outfit that he kept on being his monocle, "Sorry, habit." He sat down on the floor, cross-legged.
Conan matched his movement to sit on the edge of his bed. It was funny, he thought, that he and Kid were about the same height this way. He let out an annoyed breath, "Mind telling me why you suddenly decided to stalk me?"
Kid looked away, "You know my name, I can't just leave you alone anymore."
"So that really was your name." He glared, unable to pretend he didn't remember anymore, he continued, "Because of you, my friend's been avoiding me."
"Haibara?" Kaito supplied, it only felt slightly creepy that he knew who he was talking about. Then again, 2 weeks of stalking was far creepier anyway, "Why?"
"She's extremely sensitive to being watched." Conan frowned.
"So are you." The magician twirled a coin in the air, "Or so I've noticed."
One of his eyes twitched, if he knew, then why was he being so annoying? He sighed, aggravated, "Look, I'm not going to sell you out, so can you please leave me alone already? Why did you say your name in the first place if it was going to be like this?"
The thief took a moment to look down, "I don't regret it." He looked up at Conan, "It was a bit of an impulse, but I had considered it before. I guess it was only a matter of time before I told you. What I wasn't prepared for was how I would feel after. I constantly feel like you're going to tell someone. That you'd be happy to finally get rid of me, to put me behind bars. I don't want everything we've worked for to be ruined just because I was feeling selfish."
"I still don't get it though, why?" Conan peered into his eyes, tired. He didn't feel like telling the stalker in question that it felt so much better to be talking to him face to face than it did to be watched from afar.
"I…" Kid tucked the quarter away, before some cards appeared in his hands, he began hand shuffling them, trying to calm his nerves, "I was hoping we could be friends."
Conan briefly wondered what his own friends would think of him, a famous detective, inviting the Kaitou Kid into his room to talk about the possibility of being friends. He smiled bitterly at the thought of a livid Hattori yelling at him about how wrong that was. He thought about Ran being mad that he would trust a thief with his secrets over her, and how Haibara would think he was being ridiculously stupid. Honestly, he really enjoyed the thief's heists. They were a nice break from murders and the Black Organization. Well, most of the time. It was nice to have someone he could be himself around. It wasn't just that though, he would be lying if he had said the thief hadn't saved him on countless occasions. Not to mention that his heart was always in the right place. And that was something, considering he was a thief. It was ironic, he thought. That this thief wanted to be a detective's friend bad enough to risk his freedom. Even if Kid hadn't been watching him, he didn't think he would have ratted him out, not after all they'd been through.
It might have been precisely that that led him to say what came out of his mouth next, "I thought we were already friends."
What he wasn't prepared for was the thief's signature grin. It seemed especially warm right now, "Is that what you call someone you chase around to put behind bars now? Hakuba would certainly have a problem with that." He seemed to be laughing at some inside joke, why he would tell an inside joke when he was the only one who would get it? Conan felt like he understood it pretty well, actually. He was inviting him into his normal life by sharing about people he knew.
"Wait, Hakuba?" Conan blinked, "Isn't he that big shot detective that used to always solve tough cases before he started to focus on you?"
Kid grinned, "I think he's the only one who thinks he's a big shot, well him and Aoko, ugh." He grimaced, as if wiping something gross from his mouth.
Conan smiled lightly, it was pretty nice. He could tell that the magician wasn't completely comfortable yet, but he seemed more anxious than nervous. It was a nice, if sudden change. It was an incredibly foreign feeling, hearing about Kid's personal life. He looked back at his pillow, feeling more than a little ready for sleep.
Kaitou noticed, and grinned at him, teleporting in front of him, he rubbed his hair, "Little kids should be in bed by now, huh?"
Conan glared, unable to help the "I'm not a kid." remark that left his lips in protest.
The thief smiled, his hand leaving his hair, "I know. See ya, Shinichi." He whispered, leaving through the window and shutting it behind him, no smoke, no theatrics. It was comforting. He put a hand to where he was patted. He didn't want to admit how nice it had been to hear Kid say his name. But it was really nice.
He lay down in his bed, adrenaline pumping at the possibilities. He had had so few encounters with the thief, and when he did they were usually very short. Not to mention nowhere near as open. With no one watching him he fell asleep really fast. It was a much needed sleep that he was more than a little thankful for.
It was the first night for a long, long time, that he didn't have a nightmare.
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I hope I can continue this story well. Thanks for reading!