((But first! A disclaimer! I own neither Detective Conan or SHERLOCK. I just wanted to try my hand at a crossover.))

Shinichi felt a terrible pounding in his head not too unlike when he had first come to after shrinking. He kept his eyes closed and laid still for a minute and tried to gather his thoughts and piece together what had happened as he had no recollection of ever passing out. There wasn't a funny taste in his mouth and his head, while throbbing, didn't feel fuzzy so chloroform hadn't been involved. His hands and feet weren't bound but there was a rather heavy weight pinning him down and preventing him from sitting up-this weight felt like… a person?

He opened his eyes and propped himself up before recognizing the familiar outline of his Osakan friend and rival. He let out a particularly annoyed sigh and gave him a nice hard shove to get him to roll off of him. "Wake up." He hissed at the tanned teenager, using some effort to free himself from the heavy weight now pinning his legs.

"Five… min… 'Zuha…" the Osakan mumbled without ever opening his eyes. Shinichi only rolled his eyes and at last managed to free his legs. The problem of being pinned resolved, he wasted no time before kicking the other in the ribs with both his feet-the effect was immediate.

"Ow!" Hattori let out angrily before sitting up and twisting angrily to see who had kicked him. He paused when he was met with the sight of a half-amused child with over sized glasses and a red bowtie whom he knew to be the missing famed high school detective of the East. "What'd ya kick me for, ahou!?" He demanded angrily, none too happy with the smaller detective.

"You weren't waking up when I told you too." Shinichi shrugged nonchalantly before getting up and dusting himself off.

"So ya go an' jab yer feet inta my sides!?"

"Never mind that." The smaller said dismissively, clearly not concerned about any bruises he may have added to his friends' side. "Any idea where we are?"

"m' not sure, someone kicked me pretty hard and I think my sense o' direction mighta-"

"Would you stop being dramatic? I didn't kick you the head." The small child hissed, sounding annoyed. The tanned boy let out a sigh before getting to his feet and looking around.

"…I don't know, Kudo… definitely western style though." He he decided, the smaller nodding in agreement, though privately thinking that was an obvious enough deduction that it didn't need to be said out loud. "Neither one o' us was tied down-an th' door's open so-I can only assume this wasn' a kidnappin' attempt-cause if it was I'd hate t' think the East and West would get nabbed by someone that stupid."

"But Hattori… if it isn't a kidnapping then how did we get here? Do you even remember what the last thing we did was?"

"…Last thing I remember was gettin' back to th' agency after the tablet murder."

"Mm… same here." Kudo nodded, trying to remember what had happened, he came to a blank and shook his head. Maybe it'd come back to him later-better to try and get his bearings now. He didn't wait for Hattori and merely slipped out of the open room and started up the stairs-if he went up then Hattori would know to go down.

He reached the top of the first flight of steps before he cautiously stepped on to the next floor up before wincing at the horrible racket his friend was making two floors below. So much for stealth. He made it up to the top floor and came to a slightly ajar door. all the others so far had been closed aside from the one he'd woken up in. He narrowed his suspiciously at the door and crept up close to it before gently poking it open, there was no sound coming from inside so he carefully slid.

He immediately froze upon entry as he was met with a woman lying face down on the floor dressed in far too much pink. It was kind of an eyesore. He carefully approached the woman after he confirmed she wasn't breathing and stepped up to the body to check for pulse. No luck. This woman was clearly dead.

"Jeez, you never get a break, do ya Kudo?" The sudden voice of Hattori Heiji forced him to spin around and shoot the other a glare. He'd been so noisy before why did he choose to sneak upstairs? He pushed the thought out of his head and turned back to the scene before him.

"Hattori…" The younger started, noticing something peculiar about the scene. He stepped up to where her finger was pointing to a word-a familiar word- 'Rache' He vaguely heard Heiji state he was already calling the police as he felt a sort of rise in his chest before his own logical thinking crushed it. ' …..Nah, couldn't be.'

"Hm… that's weird, I don't have service here." The Osakan stated, frowning at his phone. At that, Conan paused to pull out one of his two phones and a raised an eyebrow when he noticed he didn't have service either.

"No choice, we'll have to use a pay phone. You go, I'll watch the crime scene."

"Right." And with that, Heiji disappeared down stairs in search of a phone.