As much as I would love to lay claim to Danny Phantom, I cannot. I only hope that the rumor of the ghost boy coming back with new tales this month comes into truthful reality. Now, to introduce the challenge and the alterations made.

The Challenge: Ghost 101 is the new class at Casper High, taught by the completely competent Jack Fenton and the brilliant Maddie Fenton. How will Danny survive?

Walker: Here are the rules punks. Danny cannot be exposed as a halfa or Danny Phantom, but the halfa species in general can be revealed, it must involve tests/homework/experiment labs with ectoplasm and stuff, it's Valerie's new favorite class

Alteration: His parents are not the teachers, due to the fact that I can't give Jack's portrayal any real justice. I wanna write a few one shots to get into his character before giving him a big role. It's not his fault, it's my own. Something about Danny IS revealed, but everyone gets the way-wrong idea, even the teacher. Only one character finds out who Danny really is before the events of Phantom Planet, and SHE CAN'T SPEAK, PERIOD. Also, no one says Valerie has to start off liking this class. :3

Now, let us begin the story...

False Positive

Chapter 1: Hate the Cold

"Dude, are you going to be able to handle this?"

"If I can't find the ghost that's freezing me out with my own Ghost Sense, I'm gonna have to, Tucker."

Two boys sat alone at their table in the cafeteria, concern on the face of the dark-skinned boy of the duo that was aimed at the shivering, pale-skinned one. The dark one pushed up his glasses over his nose as he shook his head at his stubborn friend before taking one of the chicken nuggets on his plate and tossing it into his mouth.

"Now that I think about it, Danny, there's a strange rumor going around the school, and it's about the new Ghost 101 teacher." This caught the attention of the almost-ghostly boy, the two pairs of matching blue eyes meeting each other through his own black hair and the other's glasses.

"Strange rumor? Ghost 101?" The dark one, Tucker, could help but lower his head a little toward his friend after crossing his arms in front of his yellow shirt, allowing him to look over his glasses.

"Have you even looked at your schedule?" Tucker couldn't help but look at the kid with disbelief when his friend shook his head. "Dude, Ghost 101 has become a required class for everyone in this school to graduate. Just be thankful it's not being taught by your parents." This earned a flinch from the boy, from Danny, at the thought that crossed his head.

"So, what's the rumor?" Danny quickly asked to change the subject away from his parents before placing his hands back on the table. Tucker held up a finger in the air in front of him while pulling out a PDA with his other hand, pressing a few buttons before passing it toward his chilly friend.

It showed a simple woman dressed in all black, her shoulder-length brown hair kept straight down and her eyes were partially-hidden behind the glare on a pair of brown, plastic-framed glasses. She held herself in a militant way, head held high and arms held to either side. Behind her was a serpentine creature that seemed to float. It had the simplified head of a bird with leaves for its ears and a pair of large leaves coming out of the sides like wings. One of the large wings seemed to come in front of the lady, as if placing its equal of an arm on her shoulder. It seemed to give off a pale-blue glow around itself and its oval eyes were a true monochrome, black and white. The picture showed the woman from the waist up and the bottom half of the creature couldn't be seen below the cutoff either.

"Ms. Kyani, according to the rumor, seems to have a GIW-approved ghost as a hunting companion. Apparently, she had to prove to them, without a doubt, that the ghost bird here was completely under her command."

Tucker was pretty sure he had never seen Danny hike an eyebrow up that high before.

"I'm really afraid to find out what that ghost had to go through to get GIW-immunity." It was that moment that the bell finally rang and the many teens around them started to get up and moving in their individual directions. Danny couldn't help but give a shiver as a small amount of blue mist left from between his lips. "That's it, I'm going to find this ghost and thermos it so I can get warm again."

As soon as he got up, he felt his wrist being grabbed. Danny looked up toward the source to see what had grabbed him, but the hand that did pulled back almost immediately.

"YEOW! How are you so cold, Fenton?!" Danny groaned when he saw the source of the voice, a broad-shouldered teen wearing a long-sleeved shirt under a red Letterman jacket. The blonde-haired teen was shaking his hand to regain warmth in it, feeling almost frostbitten in it. "How am I going to wail on you when I can't even touch you?!" Tucker and Danny immediately exchanged glances with each other before Tucker wisely made a beeline out the door and Danny looked back up toward the jerk, ready to bolt as well.

"Maybe you can't, for once?" Danny made a fast dash out of there before anything could happen.