"No! Stop! You'll only make it worse!" Valka pleaded as she stopped a man's arm from swinging down his axe, saving a Monstrous Nightmare's life.

"Dragon lover." He hissed before walking away, making Valka sigh and look down sadly before the snapping of wood caught her attention as a large, four-winged dragon crawled into a house, correction, her house!

"Hiccup." She muttered in horror before sprinting up the steep hill in the direction of the house.

'Why on Thor's name is this house on a hill?!' She thought angrily before she swung the door open and grabbed a sword off a weapon rack.

"G-Get away from him!" She demanded as firmly as she could, even though inside she was terrified.

The dragon warbled and looked at Valka in confusion before nuzzling Hiccup, who cooed and giggled.

"Huh?" Valka asked in confusion before she tried to walk towards Hiccup as the dragon growled threateningly, like it was protecting Hiccup.

"I mean no harm. Just let me get to my son." She said as she dropped the sword and walked towards Hiccup. She picked him up and rocked him slightly as he yawned and fell asleep.

Valka smiled at her son as she turned her attention back to the dragon, who looked at them curiously as Valka set Hiccup back down in his crib before walking over to the dragon slowly and cautiously as it warbled and walked towards her as well.

She held out her hand, it hovering inches away from from the dragon's muzzle as it closed its eyes and leaned in. She gasped as the dragon pulled away and opened its eyes, a smile crept across her face as the dragon shook its head and walked back over to Hiccup, who was snoring softly.

"Everything we know about you guys, is wrong." She muttered before her eyes widened in horror as she heard footsteps pounding up the hill.

"Go! Fly away! Save yourself!" Valka screamed at the dragon, which cocked its head in confusion as Stoick raced in and threw his axe, which landed just above Hiccup, who snapped awake and started to bawl.

"Valka! Get Hiccup And run!" He screamed as the dragon roared and fire erupted from its throat, setting the house aflame as a flame accidentally burnt Hiccup's hand as he screamed even louder as the dragon turned around and grabbed Hiccup protectively before Valka flung herself at the dragon and ripped Hiccup out of its talons before sprinting away, the dragon following after them as Stoick raced after them, but Valka had a huge head start and the dragon, well, had wings.

"VALKA NO!" He pleaded as Valka sprinted into the woods and hid into a hollowed out tree trunk and took a deep breath before rocking Hiccup gently, who was whimpering.

"Shhhhh, it's okay Hiccup. Everything will be fine." She soothed as Hiccup started to calm down as Valka looked at his burnt hand and sighed before two golden eyes popped up out of nowhere as she shrieked and clutched Hiccup tighter as the dragon cooed and she crawled out.

"Good dragon." She muttered before Hiccup giggled, making the dragon nuzzle him.


"Stoick." Valka muttered in horror before trying to push the dragon away again.

"He'll kill you. You need to go." She pleaded before the dragon looked at her before purring and taking off, grabbing Valka's shoulders as it did so.

"Wha- AHHHHHHH!" She screamed as Hiccup started to cry again and Stoick whipped around, seeing the dragon holding Valka as his heart dropped.

"VALKA! Hiccup!" He yelled as Valka tried to break free from the dragon's grasp, but to no avail.

"No! This is not what I want! Stoick!" She screamed as Stoick stared at the dragon helplessly as it faded into the sky, Valk and Hiccup still in its clutches.

"N-No. Valka, Hiccup. M-My family." He whimpered before falling onto his knees, tears forming in his eyes as he looked over to where the dragon first grabbed them and gasped at what lay on the ground. A tiny axe. Hiccup's little axe. He got up shakily and picked it up, the shine metal reflecting the moonlight as he read the little engraving on the blade.

The strongest of them all