Disclaimer: I own naughta

Pairings: KaitoxConan; RanxConan (family)

Warnings: This is a light yaoi, nothing beyond possibly kissing will happen. Also, as I love the relationship between Ran and Conan, this story will focus on their relationship allot, and, yeah, lots of stuff happens and some of these characters (all) will act a bit OCC. It's been awhile since I've written anything, so I apologize for any issues you might see throughout the duration of this journey.

More warnings: This is the only time this will be present: expect character death and expect people going crazy.

Prologue: Flames

There are times in all of our lives we want nothing more than a restart. We stare at the world around us, our brains freezing, stalling, quitting, and we can't help but think: hey, wait, can I have a do-over? This isn't real, it's not happening…

And, yet, it was.

The flames, the scorching heat, the wail of sirens, the cries of distress, the blood—it was all so familiar, something he'd seen far too many times in his short life.


This was his home, these were his friends, this was his family…it…it just couldn't be.

Not them. Not here. Not now.

Not after everything! It wasn't possible. They couldn't-! This wasn't right!

What had he been fighting for?! What had he been doing?! Why?! Why?!

Lifeless, broken, the Silver Bullet cracked and began to slowly fall apart, watching as his world went up in flames.