They hadn't talked about the almost-confession. There was a sort of silent understanding that Shinichi was going to consider it on his own time in his own terms and his alone. Meanwhile, Kaito had every opportunity to back out, which he didn't seem to be inclined to do anytime soon. Despite it all, Shinichi was happy to continue skipping elementary part two in favor of an outing with Kaito-niichan (who he thought he might have to introduce properly soon lest they found themselves in a tricky situation, which knowing him they would).

Shinichi started when Kaito's fingers brushed against his, silently asking for permission. He sighed, but didn't move his hand either way, allowing Kaito to entwine their fingers. He didn't have to look to feel Kaito beaming down on him. They didn't have to be more than friends to share an undeniable connection. To the rest of the world, they looked simply like a pair of happy siblings. Only the red rose tucked into Conan's jacket pocket betrayed the image of brotherly love.

In the confusion, Shinichi noticed something startling about himself: he liked the attention. It was something from pre-Conan days he hadn't thought about until someone who wasn't a child (Ayumi just didn't count) showed him that kind of attention. He didn't want to lead Kaito on (he kind of liked the guy after all), it was just a refreshing thought that somewhere under all that baby fat, the old Shinichi Kudo was still waiting to come back to the real world - someone who could spare a thought about inane things like flowers or hand-holding and not worry that everything would disappear in the next second. The fact that he was still in his wrong form made it all the more difficult to accept the impossible truth that Kaitou KID was totally into him, though. Without making things awkward, Shinichi had no way of knowing what Kaito thought about it since his attitude was always so casual.


Shinichi's musings were halted when the hand around his tightened.

Kaito stopped, plastering a fake smile over his irritation. "Ooh, Hakuba? Yo! What are you doing here?"

Hakuba Saguru's eyes flipped between the lookalikes with a suspicious curiosity. "Good afternoon, Kuroba. I am visiting Aoko. I was called to a case in Beika. What are you doing with Edogawa-kun?" he said at such a consistent pace that there was no room to interrupt before he was finished.

Shinichi pretended not to notice the suspicion. He looked up at the older detective with a wide, innocent smile on his face. "Kaito-niichan is gonna teach me magic tricks!" he said proudly.

Hakuba didn't look convinced. He hummed in contemplation, flicking his gaze back to Kaito. "And how did you two meet?"

Kaito chuckled and rubbed his neck sheepishly. "So this little kid was out on a case with his dad, and he noticed my KID-sama pin and we ended up bickering about that for a bit... and then, somehow we became friends. I guess it's kind of weird." He looked away as if to wonder why he always ended up with the KID haters, which he actually was wondering. Though he'd asked for it this time around.

Hakuba was surprised and yet not. The Edogawa boy had an uncanny ability to get older people on his side. He remembered the Osaka detective being quite protective of him. The boy did have a brilliant mind, so it was no wonder his owns peers couldn't match wits with him, though the company he kept appeared questionable in any case. "I was just about to have lunch. Would you two like to join me, Edogawa-kun? KID?"

Kaito heaved a dramatic sigh. "You still haven't given that up?"

Shinichi blinked in confused concern. "But Hakuba-niichan, this is Kaito-niichan."

Kaito had to keep a grin in check as Hakuba stifled his own irritation and ushered them along.

An outing with Hakuba wasn't exactly Kaito's idea of fun. In the fifteen minutes it had taken for them to find a quiet family restaurant, Hakuba had accused Kaito of being KID exactly eighteen times, had told them that it was only 1:23:46 without looking at a watch, had spent three entire minutes talking about his relationship with Aoko out of nowhere, and had shown absolutely no semblance of a facial expression. Kaito shot Shinichi a pointed look. See what I have to deal with?

"Kaito, tell me how you have been," Hakuba said after finishing a speech about how Conan should always follow the law and should leave things to the police whenever possible.

Kaito had been checked out until he heard his name, resting his head on his hand in silence. "What. You haven't heard everything from Aoko already?" He wasn't bitter because he was still hung up on her, it was that they both had a way of inadvertently rubbing their relationship in his face. For a while, it had been torture. They more or less made up, though, after he felt bad for telling them off and they felt bad for being rude and the whole thing had gotten pathetic and there was no use in holding a grudge anymore.

Hakuba returned an equally sour face. "Considering you barely contact her, no."

Kaito turned his head, and Shinichi caught a deer-in-the-headlights sort of look before the more familiar poker face smoothed it out.

Shinichi didn't make a sound. He hadn't expected such harsh treatment from one of Kaito's friends, whether or not they were known to be the best of friends. Shinichi was beginning to understand why Kaito had been able to approach him so freely: he, too, had been alone in his small body long enough for the isolation to get to him. He couldn't imagine the bright, lively soul in Kaito cut off from society that way. Shinichi couldn't stop a frown from forming as he wondered what Kaito did the rest of the week. His hero complex side was fighting desperately to save his companion from discomfort while his logical side was just trying to understand what was going on.

Kaito had expected a ribbing, not a protective boyfriend attack. Had it really been that long? Kaito racked his mind, but struggled to think of the last time he had spoken to her for more than two minutes. "She's busy, I'm busy. It's not a big deal." He waved it off, so regretting accepting Hakuba's invitation. "Right now, I'm working at a convenience store. Waiting on some magic gigs." Kaito waved a handkerchief and made a flyer for his store appear. "Come anytime. I get a 10% discount."

Hakuba took the flyer between two fingers. "Haa..." He set it next his place at the table, unimpressed. "Too busy planning heists to go to school, hm? Just make some time for Aoko, or next time I'll be out here for you." The warning in his eyes said he meant that.

Kaito's eye twitched, his mouth in a heavy-set frown. "Look here, Mr. Proper, I'm waiting for my career to pan out is all. When I make it big, I'll invite you and Aoko personally. I'll even fly to England to rub it in your face."

Hakuba reached up without thinking when he felt a cold sting. When he pulled his hand away, it was covered in blood red. Ketchup. His sophomoric friend had drawn a ketchup mustache on him. Hakuba slapped a napkin to his face to rub it off, his stressed brows failing to let him look unaffected. "I look forward to the day," he said once he was straightened out. "It's been nice seeing you, Kuroba. Unfortunately, I must be on my way. I received a message from Aoko a while ago."

Shinichi gazed up with faux-innocence. "Eeeh? But the food hasn't come yet, Hakuba-niichan."

Hakuba flashed the boy a courteous smile. "If you two can't eat it, take it home for Mouri-san. It was nice seeing you too, Edogawa-kun. Be good." After shaking hands with the two, he turned away for a moment. "Kuroba." He flipped his head halfway to offer a small smirk. "For now, I'll admit that maybe you're not KID... But only because I've been knocked off the case. In the mean time, don't give that child any weird ideas."

Kaito watched the detective's retreating back. Once he was out of sight, he blew a raspberry. "I hate that guy. Sorry if he ruined our date, Tantei-kun." He leaned onto the table on crossed arms, a tinge of exhaustion tugging at his face.

Shinichi shook his head. "It's okay." Are you okay? He nibbled on his bottom lip as he wondered what he might say. He didn't get to think very far before a steaming plate of curry rice was set before him.

"Here you are! Oh, is your handsome blond friend coming back?" the cheerful waitress chimed in, setting down each order.

Shinichi smiled back. "Hakuba-niichan had to do something else. Can we take his order home?"

"Of course!" The waitress picked up the plate and went on her way.

Kaito stopped glowering at the money Hakuba had left behind in favor or digging into his tonkatsu sandwich. "Wanshum?" he asked, sliding his place towards Tantei-kun.

Shinichi sighed in relief. "No, thanks," he muttered and ate his own meal in silence, grateful that Hakuba had left and the usual atmosphere had returned.