Disclaimer: I do not own GF

Aaaaaand this is the last chapter!

I want to note that this is a double update so make sure you read the last chapter before reading this one.

The ending is kinda bullshit but I don't care I'm just glad to be done with this story and move on.



I'm sorry.

Everyone makes them.

I'm sorry.

Everyone breaks them.

I'm sorry.

Really, when you get down to it,

I'm sorry.

It's kinda silly

I'm sorry.

Testing yourself.

I'm sorry.

Testing the trust of another

I'm sorry.

If there's one thing I've learned

I'm sorry.

It's that no one tells what they're thinking

I'm sorry.

What they are dreaming.

I'm sorry.

There is no absolute truth.

I'm sorry.

There is no absolute.

I'm sorry.

All there is is void.

I'm sorry.

A void so black.

I'm sorry.

So apathetic.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

A void that is eternal as itself.

I'm sorry.

There is no absolute.

I'm sorry.

There is no…

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

No master.

I'm sorry.

There is no you.

I'm sorry.

There is no me.

I'm sorry.

There is only the void.

I'm sorry.

The void.


The void.


The void.

I'm not sorry.


Bill's voice for once was completely stolen from him. Stolen by the sticky fingers that currently had a filthy grip on his little poisoned sapling curled up. He stared, with his single great eye, at the ruby-encrusted skin that seemed to glow in the low, fiery light

Bill rushed over to his fallen pet, claws curling in doubt- should he grip the body close, stare down at that precious face that held so much broken life? Should he simply touch his face, trail the pads of his fingers down the contour of his perfect, beautiful face in hopes of some reaction? Or perhaps even a sharp blow to the cheek, startling his attention to him.

Bill chose the later.

"Pine Tree! Open your eyes!" Bill demanded, striking down on his cheek hard enough to leave a blossoming purple bruise to match the rest of the garden patterning his skin.

The brunet let out a small, weak huff of pain, dull brown eyes opening, the black void of his pupils reflecting nothing but the sickness that was bubbling inside him.

"Pine Tree, what are-"

"M-master." The brunet coughed, rolling away from the demon-turned-god to give him space on the bed. "I- I d-didn't k-kno-know you w-would re-return s-so so-soon." He coughed, chest heaving in exertion.

Bill's eye squinted into a frown, but he nevertheless took his seat down in the nearly dried blood, not minding how the fluid cracked and dusted the underneath him.

"Well, you were wrong then. I came back I- I-" Bill swallowed thickly. He stared down at the small brunet curled at his side, more crimson and violet then anything else, and jerked his arm, snaking it around the other's body, crushing him almost too close to his body, causing him to cry out softly.

Pine Tree's eyes fluttered weakly. and out of all the things Bill expected, a smile gracing the brunet's face was at the very bottom of his list.

"I-I'm sorry, master." Pine Tree murmured, voice so quiet Bill could barely hear him.

"What are you sorry for?" Bill asked, his hands shaking slightly.

Bill had no heart to speak of both literally and figuratively. He had no pesky and pathetic human organs smashed haphazardly into his body, no blood pulsating through his veins, none of that useless viscera that could so easily be torn apart.

And yet. And yet and yet and yet, it felt as if something inside him was shattering, shards of glass spilling everywhere, decorating his insides, digging deep into his flesh and causing rivers of blood to flow freely down him, through him. His grip on the brunet became nearly bone-crushing and Bill found that no matter how hard he stared into those dull eyes, he couldn't find a thing.

"Pine Tree, what are you thinking about?" Bill gasped, unable to keep his voice steady as he stared down at the slackening face. muddy eyes drooping down and nearly closing- just a glimmer of once bright chocolate to be seen.

"Hmm." The brunet hummed softly, pressing his face against the other's leg. "Nothin'." He whispered. "Nothing at all."

Bill could practically see the tender smile on his face.

"Pine Tree, Pine T-"

"I-it's great, you know?" Pine Tree continued, as if he never heard his master in the first place. "There's not even a speck of light left. Not even that. Not anything at that. It's all...it's all...poof."

Bill jerked, eye wide at the unfamiliar sound of a soft giggle trickling down his slacks.

"It's all gone, isn't it? Fading away already. There's no escape, is there? The natural state...the natural state of everything and everyone is just…darkness. A...void. An inescapable void."

"Pine Tree, what are you-" Bill's eye widened even more. His chest shivered in a bitter laugh and he nearly let out a snarl at the realization.

The void. How could he have forgotten? The cracks between the universe, the slippery slope in which all dreams eventually fall down, consumed by the all-encompassing nothing of absolute nothing, swallowing up everything it peered at, even for a second.

He had seen it- of course he had. But he was above such petty questions with no answer.

His little pet was not.

"Pine Tree, Pine Tree listen to my voice you're letting yourself-"

"I've been thinking a lot, master. A lot of the things I've done. You've done. We've done." A shuddering sigh splattered across the demon-turned-god's slacks. "I've been thinking a lot and I've realized something."

Bill stared down at his little pet unblinkingly. "What did you realize?" He asked after a beat.

"I realized...I realized...everything...it eventually fails. Everything. Nothing...nothing lasts forever. Not me, not you, not light, not darkness. Not the world, not the Earth, not the universe. We all go back there."

"The void." Bill growled.

Pine Tree nodded. "There. Sleep. The void. Heaven. Hell. I can't say it told me, I can't say I understand it, master. But I know it looked at me and saw me…and it liked what it saw."

Letting out a snarl, Bill rolled Pine Tree over, straddling his chest. "You belong to me! I'm the one who took you in and taught you and-"

"I know, master I know." Pine Tree sobbed, tears streaking down his cheeks from his closed eyes. "But I- I can't. I can't just- you're my god, master. You're my god. But the void catches all lights. All life. All dreams. And now, it's my turn to give back what I took- the memories. The realization. The mirror of itself in human form."

Bill, for the first time in his eternal life, was completely speechless.

"Pine Tree, I-"

"You're my god, master. You're my god you're…my…."

Bill's claws cut deeply into the soft body below him, ripping out more chunks of flesh causing more blood to well on the bed. "Pine Tree?! Pine Tree!' He repeated, over and over and over again.

And yet, there was no answer beyond the chest that rose and fell, each breath taken slower than the last, the crack of a smile still on his lips, just as broken as it had been before.

Or, well, Bill mused, perhaps not. Perhaps what he was seeing wasn't even a crack anymore, but the same shards of glass causing his red lips to bleed a grin, just as false as the hand that clasped his long ago promising his own eternity to him.

Bill wasn't so sure how long he crouched there over the body, whose blood had started to run cold, who no longer had fire running in his veins, whose shards of glass fell causing that smile to falter. Didn't know how long it took to retract his claws from the brunet's sides, to pull away, his insides filled with the thousands of glass shards caused by broken promises and feelings and the odd red liquid leaking from his great eye- not in physical pain, but of something deeper. More meaningful. Important.

Sighing softly, Bill turned and laid down next to the still body, staring at the broken face of his favorite doll.

Bill closed his great eye.

He wasn't sure so long he could lay there, how long he could simply let himself sink down however…

Maybe Pine Tree was right. Maybe an eternity wasn't too bad.
