Reviews for Forget Me Nots
Spookymeggie chapter 1 . 6/7/2018
This was such an enjoyable read! Your characterization is spot-on and doesn't veer too hard into melodrama, which would be an easy temptation! Although I see the story has been left unfinished for a long time, I would love to see it concluded!
KittyCatKate chapter 9 . 8/15/2017
This was very interesting to read! I really loved it, and can't wait for more!

One word of advice though. Occasionally when the time passes or the scene changes, you don't do anything to indicate the change. So I'll continue on reading in the POV of the previous character and be thoroughly confused, until I realize the scene change. Just use the current characters name, or do something to indicate the difference. Other than that, very well done! The grammar was very good and the writing was too! Keep it up! :3
Leen ananzeh chapter 6 . 8/14/2017
you know this story is GOOOOOOD I stayed up all night on reading it , it's fun ! I'm now in the middle of this chapter , you know I hope you'll get the chance t watch the episodes and the movies , there are so many great episodes all the DC fans need to watch , I think it's better to watch them in the translated-to-... Japanese ones , you'll be learning about the japanese version and yearning more knowledge about the show for your stories , I'm really looking forward for them , you look like a fun and creative person you know ... where ever/who ever you are at this very moment ... now back to the story
ps: i'm writing a long DC fanfiction currently by the way , and I really think this story is so well balanced and exciting too and the idea is right what a fanfiction needed to , Good job !
Guest chapter 9 . 12/14/2015
oh, please write more! This is the best Conan Amnesia fic I've ever read! I can't put my feelings into words... this is the first time someone has got his amnesia spot on! Just because he forgot his past doesn't mean he loses his personality! In Genta's words "Geez, even with your memory gone you're still a party-pooper" xD PLEASE WRITE MORE!
Strangled Creativity chapter 9 . 12/14/2015
*cries because this is probably never gonna be updates again*
Ima follow it anyways
Miss Emotion chapter 9 . 4/22/2014
Please continue this fanfiction as I really love it and find it interesting! Actually I've read it a few times. I can't wait to hear Conan's deduction and the officer's expressions!
Magi chapter 9 . 12/5/2013
i think it would be helping the poor guy if heiji hattori (don't know his american name) called and cleared some of the confusion in conan's head
Guest chapter 9 . 3/10/2013
awsome, please have conan solve the case, it would be priceless to see their reations when he's not trying to cover for himself. otherwise so far this story has been amazing, please keep going until its completed!
Ember-san chapter 9 . 5/19/2012
So well written, can't wait to read more! By far one of the best fics I've read, nd I've almost read ALL of the DC fics (out of boredom, lol) Great job, and keep it up!
Yaraslava Rada chapter 9 . 5/6/2012
This story is really great. It started off a little strange but I think as it progressed your writing definitely got better, well, that or I got used to reading it. lol. Either way, I really hope to see a continuation to this story at some point...the story is just now getting to the really interesting bits, what with Conan slowly remembering who he is, the murderer still on the loose, the Doc still in a coma, and what about his parents? I'd almost, almost expect them to expect periodic calls from the Doc, they might be negligent parents, but they do care about their son...anyway, I suppose I'm just rambling hoping to kick-start your muse...Please continue this soon. Please?
Anime Lady PIMP chapter 9 . 2/22/2012
:( it'd be really cool if u updated this. I love well written Detective Conan stories but they are really hard to find. This is a really good one
Just one thing chapter 6 . 1/2/2012
Hiragana isn't a dumbed down form of kanji: it's the Japanese alphabet.
idia199 chapter 8 . 2/8/2011
Even thought it's been years since it's been updated (and since I've read it for the first time). I still love this story, the idea and how you have Conan react on everything. And in the last chapter when Conan really began to doubt being a child and when there was a murder. It seemed like he was on more familiar ground with the murder scene, acting more like he normally would himself. It was just getting more exciting, and I really wanted it to continue. So if by any chance you decide to finish this story, then I'll be happily reading it. Because I've had it on my waiting list on my computer for years and I'm still looking if I have any luck and there's a new chapter, just in case.
Bokreeder chapter 9 . 11/8/2010
Sooo... do you think your going to update anytime soon? Because this really is an awsome story, you don't get that many when reading the english dubbed versions. Plus the idea of haveing memmory loss, the confusion, and an AWSOME MURDUER SCEEN, keeps me at the edge of my chair and beaging for more. I love it and I'd be thrilled if you did end up updating it. I couldn't stop reading it till the last word!
catgirld86 chapter 9 . 3/3/2010
hi. ok, i don't know if you're one of the authors who cares what your reviewers think or not, but here goes. i really like this story. i like the plot, the murder scenario, all of it. i especially love how confused conan is. i don't know if you plan to finish this or not, but i would love to see it completed. i would love to see whi murdered shinkei(that how you spell it?). so please, keep writing. -
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