Author has written 22 stories for Pokémon, X-overs, Naruto, Harry Potter, Dragon Ball, Stargate: SG-1, X-Men: The Movie, Dragon Ball Z, Marvel, Anime X-overs, Avatar: Last Airbender, Dungeons and Dragons, Spider-Man: The Animated Series, and Book X-overs. Last updated on 17/02/2014 Preferred Nickname: Kingdark. Location: Belgium. Date of Birth: 24/02/1986 Age: calculate it yourself. What do I HATE? I hate the term fan girls. I hate the term muggles. I hate Pointless, brainless and retarded BASHING! My opinion about using Japanese in my stories: Like many authors I use Japanese in many of my stories. I try to use the original names of characters, names of their attacks or anything else that I feel won't distract from a story. I won't write whole sentences or even worst whole paragraphs in another language unless the situation demands it. Other things I dislike: The thing I hate the most is when authors don't do their research. Words like bushin instead of bunshin or shushin instead of shunshin really annoys me. I practically correct them every time I see this happen and TRUST me I see it happen a lot, though thankfully it happens a lot less then before. Kingdark New projects (01) A Harry Potter crossover with The elder scrolls Skyrim. The first chapter has already nine thousand words and is nearly finished. The first chapter mainly contains journal entries which I hope aren't TOO boring too read. It has about a single entry for every month averaging a page and then some per entry. Right now I am at fourteen pages in the beginning of Harry's third year. By the end of it, the entries will be fewer and it will be normal dialogue. I'm aiming for fifteen thousand words at the longest before I get to Skyrim. Right, so the summary: A broken time turner combined with faulty (experimental) runes and charms. That's how Harry Potter crashes into the river near the sleeping giant Inn in Riverwood. When Harry finds his way back to Hogwarts it won't be an ignorant teenager but a hardened veteran of war. His enemies close on his heels and his allies having their own troubles, it leaves Harry alone in Hogwarts with only the promise of reinforcements keeping him sane. |