Reviews for Fourth
Guest chapter 9 . 6/29
Looking good!
Waiting for more content!
Endorfinator chapter 2 . 4/15
Excellent chapter. I continue to love how Taylor assimilates and interprets new Shards and its great to see how excited she gets with each new addition. I like how you handled Eidolon's shard and the Endbringers. Converting it into a Protection Engine Shard was a great idea, even with the equal parts cute, hilarious, and disturbing consequences. It's also strange that Taylor is having trouble with commanding that Shard, but I suppose that's life as a teenage hyper-massive, multidimensional space whale/human hybrid.

Also I can't wait to see what the situation ends up being with the Thinker/Annette. Did she fake her own death to dump the Warrior once she met Abaddon/Danny or was it all part of a long con. How much of that motherly love was real and how much of it was a deep cover operation? I don't know but I look forward to finding out!
Endorfinator chapter 1 . 4/15
Oh my God this is amazing. Great Danny and Taylor feels & bonding. Absurdly overpowered Taylor as well. A well balanced sense of levity and seriousness to boot.
I'm really enjoying how you write the shard scenes and your exploration/explanation of Entity biology. Is Taylor's ability to copy Shards unique to her or just something that other entities haven't been able to figure out how to do. I also like the idea of Path to Victory not being a conflict-driven Shard, since I know that comes up as an explanation/excuse in other fanfics for the horrible stuff that Cauldron does.
OmegaUltima chapter 9 . 3/23
And now to wait and hope that you'll come back and continue your stories eventually, because I REALLY want more
Narsil chapter 6 . 3/8
I have to admit, that's a take on Emma's torment of her lifelong friend that I've never encountered. Her reunion with Taylor ought to be equally unique, I'm looking forward to it.
Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 4 . 2/6
i love Tattletale but i'm sorry any story that has Taylor capable of out smugging the little blonde fox (i'm now imagining Tattletale as Naruko, the Oiroke no Jutsu form of Naruto. fuck. dammit that's hot.) even just once, always gets me to giggle.
EP chapter 9 . 1/10
Sefera chapter 9 . 1/11
Very good! I look forward to more!
ChronoMitsurugi chapter 9 . 1/10
Armsmaster about to go Robocop on Coil i see.
Halbeard: *kicks door in* Freeze Punk. Dead or alive, you're coming with me.
shugokage chapter 9 . 1/10
Interesting and fun chapter!
ranma hibiki chapter 9 . 1/10
OMG how have I NOT read this before! this is both hilarious without going crackhead overboard, but still OP "don't bother nerfing, reality will just get stranger" funny!
also, the Xover (an my own habits) have me curious as to what your other Taylors get up to in their spare time 3

keep up the good work!...*slaps fav button* _
InCK chapter 9 . 1/10
awesome chapter :D
AzureLazuli chapter 9 . 1/9
Fun chapter! :D A bit confused by the ethnic profiling bit (unless you simply meant white male), but am totally looking forward to Coil getting his comeuppance! Also, really enjoying all the surveillance in the elevator and Taylor's awareness of it all.
PasiveNox chapter 9 . 1/9
Yeah noce noce
laughingspider chapter 9 . 1/9
I'm super happy you're still writing this. It's so much fun to read! :)


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