Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and Gundam Seed.

Thanks to everyone that reviewed. There were so many that I couldn't name them all.

Once Kira finished the Natural OS, he brought it to Chief Simmons.

"Thank you for this" said Erica taking it

"Let's go test it out" she said

Once it was loaded into the M1s, she called everyone to the command room.

"Begin the test" said Erica

The M1s took a few tentative steps before they shot forward. They started jumping around and pulling off battle maneuvers. They then took out their beam sabers and went though some stances smoothly.

"This is awesome" shouted Mayuri

"We have a chance with this" said Cagalli

"Thank you for this" said Erica

"I'm glad that I could help Orb" said Kira

After they left the command room, Birdy took off and flew away.

"Birdy" shouted Kira

"Where are you going" he exclaimed

He chased after it with Cagalli, Harry, and Ginny chased after him. They all went outside where birdy flew over the fence towards 4 'Orb Engineers'. Seeing who they were Ginny grabbed Cagalli and pulled her behind one of the buildings. Cagalli went to shout only for Ginny to shush her.

"Why did you do that" hissed Cagalli

"Those are the ZAFT pilots who stole the Gundams" said Harry

Cagalli's eyes widen as she watched Kira talk to one of the ZAFT pilots as Birdy flew back onto Kira's shoulder.

"How does Kira know him" asked Cagalli

"They grew up together on Copernicus before he had to go to back to the PLANTs due to rising tensions" explained Harry

Once the ZAFT pilots left, Kira came over to them.

"ZAFT knows we are here" said Kira

"We know" said Harry

"We just explained that to Cagalli" said Ginny

"We won't be able to help once you leave" said Cagalli

"I know" said Kira

After the Archangel was finished being repaired, Cagalli came to visit one last time.

"I'm surprised you aren't trying to sneak onboard" said Kira

"I know it is a bad idea to get onboard a ship bound for the Alliance HQ" said Cagalli

"You better take care of yourself" she said hugging him

"I will" said Kira returning it

"You take care of yourself as well Cagalli" he said letting go

"You better come back" said Cagalli glaring at him

"We will meet again" said Kira smiling

"We better" said Cagalli leaving

Outside Kira's room Cagalli saw Harry and Ginny waiting for her.

"What did you want" asked Cagalli

"We wanted to give you this" said Ginny holding out a mirror

"I don't use mirrors" huffed Cagalli

"This will allow you to talk to us" said Ginny

"Really" said Cagalli skeptical

Harry and Ginny quickly demonstrated them. Cagalli's eyes widen as she quickly grabbed the mirror.

"When you want to talk to one of us just say our name into it and when it vibrates that means one of us wants to talk to you" explained Ginny

"Ok" said Cagalli nodding her head

"Thank you for this" she said putting the mirror away

"No problem" said Harry

An Orb defense fleet escorted the Archangel to Orb's border. Along the way Kira, Harry, and Ginny got dressed in their pilot suits and got into their Gundams.

"Why are you ready for battle" asked Murdoch

"We haven't detected anything yet" he said

"ZAFT will attack us once we cross the border" said Kira

Once the Archangel crossed the border, the radar went off detecting the Aegis, Blitz, Buster, and Duel.

"There they are" said Harry

"We plan on using a smoke screen" said Natarle

"The Strike will fire the Agni cannon while connected to the Archangel" she explained

"The Skygraspers will provide the targeting data" she continued

"The Strike Noir and Blu Duel will corral them into the path of the cannons" she finished

"Who is piloting the second Skygrasper" asked Kira

"I am" said Tolle

"What" exclaimed Kira

"Why are you doing this" he shouted

"I wanted to help you out more" said Tolle

"Besides I have done a ton of simulations" he said

"Simulations can't replicate actual battle conditions" said Harry

"I will be just fine" said Tolle

"I am just getting the targeting data" he said

"That better be all that you do" said Ginny

The Archangel deployed a smokescreen as both Skygraspers launched. The hanger remained opened as the Strike was loaded with the Launcher pack and connected the cannon to the Archangel.

Once the targeting data was provided, the Strike fired its cannon causing the four Gundams to scatter. The Strike Noir and Blu Duel launched. The Strike Noir fired its rocket anchors taking out the Buster's and Duel's Guuls. The Archangel fired its Gottfrieds at the falling Gundams who barely dodged the shots.

The Blu Duel flew under the Blitz and took out its Guul. It disappeared as it fell.

"It can go invisible while in the atmosphere" thought Harry

The Strike Noir took out the Aegis' Guul causing it to fall onto one of the small islands surrounding them.

"Don't pursue it and return to the ship" said Murrue

"Understood" said Harry

The Strike Noir and Blu Duel returned to the Archangel along with the Skygraspers as it left the area.

After they got finished changing, Harry and Ginny took Kira to their room and put up a silence ward.

"What did you want to talk about" asked Kira

"I think we need to fake our deaths soon" said Harry

"So, the Alliance doesn't get our Gundams" said Kira

"Yes" said Ginny nodding her head

"It is also not a good idea for you to go to Alaska" said Ginny

"You're right" said Kira

"But where to go" he asked

"We can't go back to Orb after just leaving" he said

"We could go see Lacus" said Harry

"But how would we get up there" asked Kira

"Maybe she would have an idea" said Ginny

She took out her mirror and called Lacus.

"Hello Ginny" said Lacus

"What did you need" she asked

Ginny explained what they were talking about.

"That does make sense" said Lacus

"Where are you currently" she asked

Kira checked their location before telling her.

"Excellent" said Lacus

"You are near the Marshall Islands where a friend of my father lives" she explained

"His name is Reverend Malchio and he is due for a visit" she said

"He could take us up there" said Kira

"Yes" said Lacus nodding her head

"Warn me before you do this" she said

"We will" said Kira

"Good luck, see you soon" said Lacus

"I better warn Cagalli about this" said Kira taking his mirror

"Missing me already Kira" said Cagalli smiling

"No" said Kira shaking his head

"I just thought that I warn you that we are planning to fake our deaths" he said

"So, the Alliance don't get your Gundams" said Cagalli

"But where are you going to go" she asked

"We are going up to the PLANTs to see Lacus" said Ginny

"Lacus Clyne is your girlfriend" exclaimed Cagalli

"How did that happen" she asked

Harry and Ginny explained how it happened.

"Only you Kira" said Cagalli

"I didn't want to tell you…" began Kira

"It's fine" said Cagalli

"I thought of you like a little brother" she said

"Why would you be older" asked Kira

"Because I am more mature" said Cagalli

"Africa" said Kira

"Just tell me before you do this" said Cagalli quickly

Her face then disappeared from the mirror.

"She just proved my point" said Kira

The next morning the radar went off detecting a submarine launching the four Gundams. Harry, Ginny and Kira woke up and Kira looked where they were.

"Are we in the right area" asked Harry

"We are" said Kira

They looked at the map of the area and saw multiple large and small islands.

"Draw your battles out of sight of the Archangel" said Harry

"We need to make it look like we destroyed each other" he said

"What about the Skygraspers" asked Kira

"Wait until they are out of sight or returned to the ship" said Harry

"Ok" said Kira

He contacted Lacus and Cagalli and told them it was about to begin. They then all ran to the locker room and got changed before heading to their Gundams.

"You are heading out the rear hatch since they are coming at us from behind" said Natarle

The three Gundams took off from the rear hatch as the Strike landing on the back of the Archangel. One Skygrasper took off and flew around the ship towards the four Gundams.

"Only one Skygrasper, that will make things easier" thought Harry