Disclaimer: I do not own Log Horizon or My Hero Academia. Also, please do not copy this or any of my other stories to another site. I know that some fanfiction authors have been getting in trouble because there are sites out there that are stealing popular stories and putting them up on paid sites, which is illegal and can get you in a lot of trouble. If you see any of my stories on any site other than Fanfiction, I did not give permission for them to be there. The only place that I put my stories is . If you see it anywhere else, please let me know. Do. Not. Copy.
I am sorry about putting out yet another story. I thought that this would just be a oneshot, but then I started writing it . . . and writing . . . and writing . . .
Needless to say, I am just going to post what I have and get it over with. It will probably be about three chapters long in total. Not too plot heavy, but you probably won't understand it if you haven't seen Log Horizon. I was just rewatching a few of the episodes recently and realized just how similar Iida Tenya from My Hero Academia and Shiroe from Log Horizon look. They could be twins! No, seriously.
And as soon as I had that thought, this idea was born . . . and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it. Please let me know what you think!
Summary: In another life, in another world, Iida Tenya could have been a villain. In another reality, he was. Just . . . not the kind of Villain everyone was expecting.
Villain in Another World
Chapter 1
The Villain
Tenya Iida was among the top members of his class, the famous class 1-A. He'd survived through villain attacks twice, was almost murdered by a killer anti-hero, and above all he was the class president. This did not make him the best student in class, though, and he knew that. He was far outstripped by the likes of Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugo, but he honestly didn't really mind. They were amazing heroes in the making, and he would gladly fight alongside them against any villain.
Besides, the top students were also top targets for villains every time they were attacked. Everyone knew who Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo were, and as such they were also kidnapping risks. More than one villain had tried to snap them off of the streets before, to their later regret. Iida was glad to be able to fade into their shadows, in light of that fact. Sure, having the spotlight pulled away from him and his efforts stung at times, but at least he didn't have to constantly watch over his shoulder in case an opportunistic villain attempted to catch him off guard.
Or . . . he didn't usually have to. Today might have been the only exception.
There was something wet running down the side of his face, Iida noted as he slowly came back to awareness. His head was bent downward awkwardly, and a sharp pain shot through his neck as he tried to lift it. He was kneeling on something hard and cold, probably cement, and his arms were wrenched behind his back painfully. He attempted to wriggle them free, but hissed as what felt like rope dug into his arms. His legs were similarly secured, he noted, with the exposed engine pipes wrapped up to keep him from using his quirk.
Iida blinked, black spots dancing in front of his eyes as he tried to get them to focus. The ground in front of him was blurry, but there was an odd line running through it. It took him a moment to realize that the crack was actually what remained of the left lense of his glasses. The other lense was completely gone.
What . . . happened?
It was hard to recall because his mind was still foggy, but Iida vaguely remembered heading out to go shopping for a few things. UA had a buddy system going to help make sure that their students always had backup if something like this happened to them, but Iida couldn't remember who went with him, only that they had split up for a minute to look at something on opposite sides of the small store they were in. It shouldn't have been enough time for someone to get the drop on him. It shouldn't have but . . .
(His vision suddenly blurred as his head jerked to the side with a crack. For a second he stood stunned, and then the world turned black as screams suddenly blurred out around him . . .)
He must have been hit in the head by something really hard, probably from behind. He had never even seen his assailant coming.
Iida tried to shift again, and had to bite back a groan as some of his limbs started burning at the increased blood circulation.
Iida jerked, his head snapping upwards at the sudden noise, and he focused on the blurry figure on the other side of the room he was trapped in. His neck protested the movement, but he ignored it as he tried to get his foggy brian to figure out what was going on.
"I thought that you would be out longer! I did give you a good smack to the head, after all, but no matter! You are right on time to see my newest masterpiece!"
Even with his blurry vision, Iida could still tell that the other was wearing some kind of . . . bag over his face. It was big and round, with red squiggles that he couldn't quite make out at this distance. The villain also seemed a little short . . . oh, wait, he had been crouching.
Clenching his teeth and tasting copper, Iida snarled, "I don't know what want from me, Villain, but it won't work! I am a student of UA, and we are all closely tracked. The Heroes will come down on your head before you can carry out your dastardly scheme!"
As if to completely disregard everything he had just said, the villain laughed happily and clapped his hands together, "Why, Iida - I can call you Iida right? - I already have what I want from you!"
And suddenly, the villain was right in front of him. Iida flinched back slightly. His mind was still unfocused and foggy, probably from a concussion, but he noted that the other was wrapped in a long black trench coat with what looked like chalk streaks smudged into the dark cloth.
"Iida Tenya, member of the infamous class 1-A of UA high school. Quirk: Engine. Younger brother of Ingenium. Last confirmed victim of Stain," the villains voice was hard now, and cold.
Iida felt a tremor run down his spin as the villain whispered the last part into his ear before pulling back. Even if Iida wanted to say something back, the very mention of Stain had formed a clog in the back of his throat. He barely managed to rasp out a gasp of air.
"So why, my dear hero-in-training, are you still alive?" the sneer was clear in his voice, even if it wasn't visible behind the bag-mask. "Master Stain clearly chose to redeem you of your awful torment, to free you from the life of a hero, but here you are before me, alive."
The villain scoffed and strutted away. "Honestly," he commented, "It makes me sick, but!" he sighed, "There really wasn't anything that I could do. You see, I am not a killer, and I could care less about what that pesky League of Villains wants. No. I had to come up with another way to finish Master Stains work, starting with his last target! Oh, it would be so wonderful! You see," the villain spun around to face Iida again and flung his arms out on either side of him, "I would just have to use my quirk to show you the truth!"
Iida twitched, "What does that monster have to do with you?"
No one would ever be able to convince him otherwise, Stain was a monster. He'd held them captive by his very presence, and his words were like poison, infecting the minds of all who heard. After his arrest, all sorts had begun to crawl out of the woodwork and commit crimes in his name. Iida had a sinking feeling that this one was after revenge.
"Master Stain isn't a monster!" the villain snapped and shuddered, fists clenching and unclenching before he sighed, "No, he was an angel trapped in a mortal body, trying to reveal the truth to the world," the villain lifted his head, "My quirk has revealed it all to me. It is just like Master Stain said. This world is full of fake heroes," he chuckled and threw back his head, "My quirk has shown me . . ."
Iida suddenly felt very, very small next to the masked villain, Stains own words echoing in his mind from that night.
"Everyone that is a hero, could have also been a villain."
Midoriya scowled as he looked over the many different maps laid out around them, desperately searching for something. What, he didn't quite know yet. But it had to be there, something that they were overlooking, something that they hadn't seen.
Aizawa-Sensei walked through the doorway, looking just as tired as Izuku felt. "Any luck?"
Izuku shook his head and tugged at his bushy green hair in frustration. "I just don't get it. We were right there when it happened. How did he disappear? Some kind of teleportation quirk? No, we found evidence that he was knocked out first, a teleporter wouldn't have to do that. The cameras were at a bad angle, so we didn't really get a good look at the culprit. What am I missing."
Aizawa sighed, his face unusually grave, "Calm down, problem-child. We will find him. The other pro heroes are working on it as well. They couldn't have gotten far. The others are searching through the local abandoned lots as we speak-" he was cut off as Izuku's head snapped up suddenly.
"Of course!" Izuku gasped, "How could I be so stupid!" He spun to Aizawa with wide eyes, "There is no way this was a planned kidnapping. No one knew that we were going to be there at that time! This was a kidnapping of opportunity which means," his grin was vishous and his eyes were lit up with dark understanding, "The villain is a local. We aren't looking for somewhere abandoned, we're looking for their home."
The lights flickered as the villain flipped on some kind of switch, and the center of the floor, which had been shadowed before, was suddenly revealed. Iida gaped at what looked like some kind of intricate circle etched in chalk on the ground.
"My quirk," the villain grinned, "is called Doppelganger."
"All Heroes, we have located the possible location of Iida Tenya. I am sending the location now."
"Every decision in your life, every twist, every turn . . ."
"We have the building surrounded. The heroes are getting into position. Target should be on the fourth floor. We are just waiting on the arrival of Eraserhead. Does anyone have confirmation on a quirk, yet?"
"Sir," one of the junior slid into the car handed a file over to her superior, "His name is Itsu Yamagami. Quirk: Doppelganger."
The police chief scowled and flipped the file open. They were still in the disguised police vehicle. No point in alerting the villain to their knowledge of his base yet.
"Supposedly, he is able to peer into alternate possibilities . . ."
"They have consequences."
Iida was sure that the villain was grinning under that mask of his, but he was more focused on the floor where the villain had suddenly dropped what looked like a chunk of black hair in the center of the chalk circle. His feeling of dread increased as he realized that it was his hair sitting in the center of that circle.
"In one life, you might have died young."
A candle set at the edge of the circle farthest away from him burst into blue flames, but the room suddenly seemed darker, almost, as Iida focused on the wavering speck of blue.
"In another, you could be an orphan that grew up in a street gang."
A second blue candle flame flickered into existence.
"What if, in one life, you had been born quirkless?"
There were twelve candles total, all set equal distance from each other around the circle. Iida didn't know how he didn't notice them before. Three of them were lit, now, with nine unlit. The Chalk itself had taken on an eerie glow, reflecting the candlelight.
"How about if you never went to UA?"
"What if your brother had died instead of simply becoming paralized?"
"Have you ever thought about turning traitor?"
Iida's next breath came out in a gust of shimmering crystals that fogged up the air in front of him. He was frozen, staring at the candles as the villain walked around the circle, candles lighting up in his wake. The room almost seemed to be growing colder.
Dead, orphan, quirkless, civilian . . .
"And what if in one world," the villain came to a stop at the last candle, and for the first time Iida realized that the red markings on the others mask made some kind of twisted, mocking smile, "You were the Villain."
The last candle sputtered, twisted, and glowed.
"Supposedly, he is able to peer into alternate possibilities . . . and then summon someone from one of those realities, so long as he has a DNA sample from their counterpart in this reality."
"This is Eraserhead. Do we have a visual on the target yet?"
His radio crackled as he looked down at the plain looking apartment building. Honestly, it looked like any other building on the block. They would never have thought to check here at first.
It had already been three hours since Iida was taken. They were running out of time.
"Not yet, Eraserhead. The apartment is dark. We think that there might be some kind of covering on the windows, though. We are just waiting on confirmation on the quirk before we go in."
Aizawa growled softly, and he heard one of the younger heroes on the other end of the radio squeak slightly. Probably one of his former students.
"We don't have time to wait for a quirk analysis," Aizawa scowled and stood, "I am going it. Cover me."
"Eraserhead, wait, we need to go together-!"
One of his students had been in that building for three hours with a villain who had unknown motivations. Aizawa was not waiting any longer. It had already been long enough.
Activating his quirk and unravelling the white scarf around his neck, Aizawa stepped up on the ledge of the building and aimed to anchor his weapon to the other building in preparation to jump through the window. Just as he was about to send it over, however, he noticed something odd.
The window on the fourth floor that was his target had a slightly blue glow flickering out from under what looked like thick black curtains. No one on the ground could see it because of the angle, but Aizawa suddenly felt like there was ice sitting in his stomach.
Without a second thought, he lept.
"In this life, you are a fake hero, Iida Tenya, and just like everyone else, you have your own evil doppelganger."
The entire room was suddenly lit up with blue light, and a sudden wind whipped up around them. Iida had to force himself to duck and close his eyes as everything in the room that wasn't nailed down was suddenly battered with the sudden gusts. He didn't even realize that the window behind him had been shattered until he heard a choked cry from the villain that had been taunting him.
"Iida!" a very familiar voice called out commandingly, "Can you stand?"
Eraserhead was standing before him in his hero costume, dark hair levitating around him as he held the struggling villain deep within the constraints of his capture weapon. His quirk was activated, which meant that the villains should have stopped except-
The lights in the building suddenly flickered and died, plunging the room into complete darkness except for the menacing blue glow emanating from the intricate chalk circle, and in the center of it . . .
The villain cackled, "You're too late, Eraserhead. It's already been activated-"
"Aizawa-sensei, watch out!" Iida yelled desperately, before his vision was overwhelmed with blue.
He didn't hear his teachers cry of shock, too focused on keeping himself as low to the floor as possible as wave after wave of blue and white light washed over him, obscuring his vision. He didn't know how long it lasted but, with a final brush of warm wind, the light was swept away like mist. The last remaining clouds of it hovered ominously over where the circle had been previously, swirling in a counter-clockwise manner around a slightly obscured figure crouched in the very center of it.
Iida didn't even register the villain's insain cackling, his gaze focused on the dark-haired figure in front of him as it slowly stood from its crouch.
The first thing that he noticed was the white. A white cloak completely covered the others form with a high collar. From the angle that he was at, Iida could only see the figures back and the top of his head. One hand stretched out to his right, gripping a tall, odd looking staff. He stared, transfixed, as the figure slowly turned to face him.
It was like time had stopped.
There was no doubt about it. It was Iida's own face staring back at him.
Eraserhead pulled his arm down from where it was covering his face, eyes narrowed. He still had the villain in his grip, but his attention was now focused on the stranger that had appeared in their midst.
The figure shifted, examining the room around them with a dead, calculating expression, before slowly lifting his hand and clicking his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose. It was a familiar gesture, one that Iida knew was a habit of his, every time he was thinking. The lenses flashed, but Iida had never seen a pair of glasses look so menacing before.
As the last of the mist cleared, Iida couldn't help but recall the villain's words and a shudder ran down his spine.
"And what if in one world . . . you were The Villain."
The villain in Eraserheads grasp managed to wiggle free when the bindings loosened slightly in the man's shock. Dancing away from the Pro-hero, the villain turned toward the doppelganger and bowed grandly. "I welcome you to our world," at some point, his mask must have been ripped off, because Iida realized that he could now clearly see the glint of white teeth, "Villain in Glasses."
"Well," the doppelganger spoke in a calm voice, glasses glinting as he tilted his head, "This is certainly unexpected."
Please let me know what you think. Should I continue this, or just leave it off here? What do you think is going to happen next? Would you like to see things from Shiroe's perspective?
Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts on this!
(Posted: 10/18/2019)