Overlord: The Exiled
Disclaimer and Author Notes:
Overlord is not mine. It is the property of Kugane Maruyama and is licensed by YenPress.
Hoo boy, let's start this off. I apologize for the lengthy wait for this chapter. However, given the state of the world at the spring quarter of this year, I hope you have managed to weather this chaos and pandemic as best as you could.
Being a part of Essential Services and having to be on the workforce frontlines during this has been both extremely stressful and tiring. Between people not taking the warnings and practicing Social Distancing, to those not remaining at home and coming into my workplace with impatience during a time where my place of work has been open to assist those also on our frontlines, the medical staff, the grocery workers, first responders, and so on . . . I've been sorely tested. Mainly with those that cannot wrap their heads around the simple concept of what it means to stay distanced.
I have no doubts that we shall weather this difficult year, it won't be pleasant or fun, but we will press on.
That being said, working during all of this has placed me in a poor mindset or physical condition after work and even on days off to sit down and work on The Exiled as I want to. Making ends meet despite these times is Number 1 for me. That doesn't mean that I have not had moments of jotting things down or putting ideas into play, but in regards to a formal typed chapter . . . it's been very slow work.
I hope this chapter pleases everyone who has been patient with me during this year.
Thank you to no end for sticking with this fic.
More notes at the end of the chapter. For now . . . enjoy . . . and stay safe and healthy.
Chapter 40: War of the Dragon Kingdom 3
The Scarlet Hillside Pt. 1
Five days had passed since Draconis's revelations of what the First Sire had done to his mental state. Chronos and his medical staff had managed to keep him from going out to the front lines for a time. Instead, having him command from his strategic planning room. This chaffed him greatly and he made his ire known to Chronos quite well. The man's patience was wearing thin and those who interacted with their liege knew that he was doing his best not to take any of it personally.
They knew that their Lord Draconis was a man of action when it came down to it. He was not one comfortable with leading from a chair. That was not leadership in his book. Being on the front lines with those he commanded, risking the same dangers head on was his way of leadership.
If he was to enjoy the comforts of his home, then so would his troops. It was how he was.
So the news that the messenger brought him late into the night nearly made the Dragon Ascendant blow his fuse . . . literally . . .
Guardian Luserina of The Lair and her contingent of troops had gone completely dark . . .
North Eastern Dragon Kingdom
Luserina could not believe her dismal fortunes. They were on combat assignment to push the northern forces back and scout for survivors. She had received Draconis's orders to return, but she wanted to be certain of a few things before heading for home.
It was nighttime, but they all possessed [Lenses of Darkvision]. The magical contacts allowed them to see in absolute darkness in black and white.
Spotting a burning husk of a village in the distance, she urged her forces forward only to suddenly begin dropping from the sky. Sure, the majority of her forces survived suddenly plummeting several hundred feet into a thick forest canopy via defensive skills and had managed to regroup and form defensive ranks . . .
But they were now being enclosed and there was only a tiny opening to escape through. It may have been nighttime when they fell, but surprised yelps and screams could be heard for quite a distance. Never mind the impacts of bodies hitting the ground and crashing through trees as they plummeted.
Not wanting to attract more attention, she had silently gone about her troops and told them all to hunker down and form a perimeter, ranged units and healers in the rear guards with their melee counterparts up front. That had been more time consuming as they all realized that their magical contact lenses were no longer working.
Signs of an [Anti-Magic Field].
From what she had gathered from her forward scouts before sunrise, they were scattered loosely about a forested hill with a village on the southern outskirts. It was burnt out and still smoking from the fires they had spotted the night before. It was tempting, but her ranged specialist experience told her to avoid that village like wildfire.
Too obvious, and not large enough to effectively cover all of her troops, it was a death trap in the guise of a blessing. The cold was setting in too quickly. Something about this reeked of a druid . . . a really, really powerful one.
[Control Weather] was in probably in play and they were within a massive [Anti-Magic Circle] on a scale unheard of!
Waving over her second in command and his officers, she took out her field map and marked off their location. "Our scouts spotted a huge number of Beastmen forces to the north and west. To our south lies a village of relatively decent size, but no where near large enough to house everyone. I need intelligence on that village. Send a striker team with high mobility and stealth to see if there are any survivors of the Dragon Kingdom there and get them out and back to our main forces back at the capital."
"Ma'am." One of the officers nodded before making his way to gather the men and women for the task.
The Second-in-Command frowned at the map. "Lady Luserina, I mean no disrespect, but we've lost a number of troops due to the falls. We're less than full strength at the moment. The healers are doing what they can, but in this magic nullifying area, they aren't doing well."
All healers knew first aid, triage, and other physical medicinal skills, but nothing could work as well as magic in a hurry. And with the forces the scouts had mentioned . . . she did not like their prospects. This was about to get exceedingly bloody. Time was ticking.
"I know that Knight Commander. We'll have to fight on the assumption that no [Message] or other communication magic will work so long as we are all within the range of that [Anti-Magic Field] But the range is ludicrous. Must be an artifact."
One of the other officers grit his teeth before speaking. "Ma'am. What are we up against? The troops will fight for their lives and each other, but knowing what we're up against is important too."
Luserina knew from her own experiences with Lord Draconis, that telling everything and being transparent did not always work out, but this was different. Did she lie to them to save them the chance of despair? No, she shook her head firmly as she noticed the quiet around them. Anyone within earshot was listening to them talk. Best to be honest.
"I won't lie Knight Officer. The scouts spotted several forces and estimated something to the effect of 8,000 against our five hundred."
The sounds of feverish whispers began to ripple through all of those nearby. She cleared her throat and stamped her foot firmly, quelling them before speaking firmly.
"I have faith in all of you. We are not some band of slapdash, gloryseeking strays forced together by fear. We are a singular, disciplined fighting force with which you have been forged through many battles. I know that you do not have rending fangs or sharp claws with which to fight your enemies. But we have gifts they do not possess: strategy, unity, cooperation, and most of all, the strength of will that binds us together. Willpower is the fiercest weapon . . . our fiercest weapon. Never forget that! All units are to ready for suppressed non-magical warfare."
The soldiers saluted, their arms and armor rattled as a single unit before they rushed in different directions to prepare for their attackers. The Elven Ranger Guardian only hoped that they had their work done before sunrise. That, and that the diviners keeping communications open between everyone realized they had "fallen off of the grid" as Draconis put it at times.
Meanwhile . . .
Chronos was entering the Command Room of The Lair with disbelief on his face.
"What do you mean we've lost all contact with Luserina's group?!" Samael's voice roared at the messenger who cringed and bowed his head in shame.
Samael stood with his hand gripping the table edges. In his seat, Draconis frowned heavily. The Shadow Dragon Commander fumed and ground his fangs together. Their liege stared quietly at the maps and magical displays. The eerie detached expression chilled Chronos.
"Samael, control yourself. Thank you, you may return to your duties." The messenger nodded in relief as he bowed to their liege and departed, respectfully nodding to Chronos as he passed. Draconis continued to speak as Samael grit his teeth. "They went dark to our Diviners five hours ago . . . I smell anti-flight units or anti-magic relics. Worst case, a combination of both."
His mind was focused on Guild War tactics and PvP mass combat. The 12 volumes of tomes on old combat records and other logistical bits of information were scattered about the table. One volume for every year that YGGDRASIL ran their servers. Their pages held the details of every Guild War Battle ever recorded, which was to say . . . all of them. Small Earth and Wind Elementals held books open around him as he glanced at marks of interest.
He was searching for patterns. Clues as to the stratagems and tactics employed by previous Guild War participants to identify their current opponents. "Hunters of the Bloodmoon" came up with zero matches so it was not a guild name. So far nothing was matching and it was making Draconis more and more anxious per failed match up.
Guild Wars were divided up into Seasons of War. Each Season lasting a month of what Draconis knew was Real World Earth Time. Over the course of which dozens of battles could be fought between paired up opponents and their guilds.
One year of YGGDRASIL time was about 18 real world days, so close to two years of time would pass in the game for a single season. Each instance of battle lasted for 90 minute sessions which converted to roughly a day and a half of fighting in-game.
This was how his mind was wired now from the Transfer, even though his memories also smoothly translated the actual time he felt during a single Season of War.
"[Anti-Magic Fields] are not terribly uncommon in battles like this in scale, but the sheer size of the area being affected where Luserina disappeared with her units is too large for a single caster no matter how powerful. Bring me the [Compendium of Artifacts]."
Samael gaped at his liege. The [Compendium of Artifacts] was a list and explanation of powerful magic items unique in abilities or significant pieces of the history of YGGDRASIL. This included what World Items had been found. Avalon possessed a single World Item, but it was agreed by 100 Percent of the Knights of the Round and Artorias herself that it never be used. Draconis himself possessed none of the World Items, though he had found several Sentient Items. Yet SI's compared to WI's were more varied in power level. Many were weak, but empathetic and chose their wielders. Others were borderline WI, but that exact sentience made them dangerous to use . . . if the item liked you.
If the Sentient Item of such power did not like you . . . oh dear.
"My Lord, you don't believe them in possession of a World Item?"
"Probably not Samael, but I won't risk it. Weaker artifacts used wisely can be just as devastating."
Samael nodded in understanding.
"Chronos, inform the heavy centaur calvary that we may need them to perform a rescue strike. Have their support riders prepared for counter anti-magic combat. Have them go prepared with staves of [Break Enchantment]."
[Break Enchantment] was a Tier VI spell capable of wiping out any enchantment, curse, or other buff or even negative effect on all targets within 30 feet of each other. Though it only wiped out a single magical effect if the targets were affected by multiple effects, just outright losing a buff or negative effect was massive.
Even though it would not destroy any anti-magic field, it would free their targets for a brief enough moment to [Teleport] to safety. Which was what Draconis was hoping for in this situation. The heavy centaur calvary was a fully armored unit capable of long distance forced march and blitzkrieg tactics with high survivability. Equipped with great sabers, lances, javelins, and massive greatbows, their power to move with such fighting capacity was invaluable. They did not rely on magic to enhance their speed and endurance. Though he did have them outfitted to increase their abilities anyway. Once in an [Anti-Magic Field] though, their natural bonuses shined.
It was a sound decision. The question was if Luserina could hold out long enough if they were being sieged.
Dragon Kingdom Northern Front
Mid Afternoon . . .
"Being sieged SUCKS!" A soldier yelled over the sounds of branches breaking and trees splintering under catapult and ballista fire. With the anti-magic field in effect, their magical armor was merely Masterwork High Quality armor and weaponry. Their materials still granted their inherent effects, but the magical auras that enhanced their power no longer assisted them.
It made hits from bolts and boulders dangerous, even near misses wounded troops. Their healers rushed to and fro, providing what aide they could. Without the ability to invoke their spells, it was bloody and painful. Mouth bits were used to quell pained screams and cries. They were all trained and informed of the horrors of anti-magic combat, but it still demanded its toll.
"Where the Seven Hells did they get this level of war machines?" Another soldier asked as dirt flew into the air from another boulder. Fox holes and crude trenches had been dug out by their engineering teams the moment the scouts reported siege machines among the number of beastmen.
"At least they don't possess firearms like our rangers and Lady Luserina does."
Out of all their number, 50 of them had bolt-action rifles. Elegant, far reaching, absolutely lethal. But the noise they generated when fired gave away their positions in this situation. They were issued the Avalonian Arms: [Mad Minute]. A Relic Tier weapon with a rich history and a prided arm of Avalon's history.
Crafted by Merlin and Percival of Avalon, the guild's resident gun nuts . . . well . . . more Percival than anyone else, but Merlin's knowledge of crafting was top notch. The [Fall of Valkyria] expansion made firearms possible, though Avalon and by extension; The Lair had adopted a strict criteria of what divisions of troops would have such weapons.
"Aye to that my friend." Both men shook their heads as another bolt from a ballista managed to find another friendly, her scream for a healer echoed in the air. They crept out of their trench and winced as they rushed to her. Her arm was severed at the shoulder. Dragging her to their trench, they began to stop her bleeding and her pained cries dulled to whimpers.
"MEDIC! You'll be alright, healer's on their way." She nodded as she whimpered and shivered, her body going into shock as they began to tie off her stump. Blood was everywhere.
Healers where all accompanied by Tank Role fighters and knights who burned defensive weapon skills to keep them safe and unharmed as they tended to wounded who couldn't be moved or as they were taking those that could be moved to safer locations. They were unspoken heroes in this as they were living shields for their healers.
Many of them wanted to fire back, but Luserina had denied them the action.
"Do you want to give them your exact position?! They're carpet bombing us to get us to give away our exact locations. We wait for them to stop and send in their troops. Then we make them bleed for every inch."
Her words made sense, but not being able to retaliate as their brothers and sisters in arms were chipped away was nerve wracking!
How much ammunition did they damn have?! They'd been siege firing for two hours straight.
Outer Perimeter of Luserina's Sieged Forces . . .
Rotfang and Silverwind frowned as their forces launched another boulder into the air with crude efficiency. Every now and then, they would hear a cry of anguish and pain, but it would never last long. Either they died shortly after being hurt, or they had healers that could quiet them down or stop their pain. Neither Khan knew which was more disturbing.
Rotfang and Silverwind were more than a bit disturbed about the power of these war machines that The Magnificent One granted them. Where had they come from? What kind of mind thought to hurl massive boulders at their foe, much less their food? There would be no meal utterly crushed by such weaponry or skewered by shafts of wood and steel thicker than their arms!
Besides, most creatures when faced with these mechanisms fled and scattered to get away. Nothing of the sort was happening with these soldiers. Either they were crazy, paralyzed in fear, or they were used to such things.
That final thought chilled Silverwind. Her feathers ruffled and shivered involuntarily. What kind of hardened soldiers did not flee such abuse and instead dug in?
"Sssssssilverwind, do you think your scoutsssssss could see where they are on that hill?"
The beastwoman nodded and motioned with a hand. Two of her scouts took to the skies and began to approach the densely forested hill. She did not like working with Rotfang, the slippery serpent was too scheming for her liking. The siege weaponry were gifted to them by the Magnificent One, but Silverwind found it . . . cumbersome and overboard.
Yet she could do little with the orders given.
Watching as her scouts flew around the forested hill, she could not help but feel a gnawing sense of dread. They did not know the number of soldiers had fallen down around the hill sides during the night. Only that there had been a great many screams and curses of surprise. All of the night time scouts that had gone to investigate on order had never come back.
After receiving that news, Rotfang had deployed the siege engines and began to fire upon the hill with what sounded like varying degrees of success. Yet there was no sound or signs of return fire. They had purposefully left a gap in their encirclement, the scouts had found no one trying to sneak out of their entrapment.
Silverwind did not like the look of this at all. Had they really sent no one to try and escape to tell others of their situation? She found that hard to believe.
The scouts returned from their sweep and landed before Silverwind.
"Lady Silverwind, we can smell blood and can almost feel the anger and fury of those hidden on the forested hill, but they hide very well. We suspect many of them to be well versed in hiding. We could not see their numbers within the canopy."
Silverwind tapped the top ridge of her beak as she thought on their report. It sounded like they had a number of rangers types among them, well versed in forest combat. Camouflage was a great asset in the densely packed woods on that hill. She did not like the look of this. Her fliers would suffer greatly in the gnarling branches while fighting.
"Perhaps we should send them an offer of surrender for mercy. It would allow us to learn more about this new faction capable of wiping out Terramist with ease."
Rotfang scoffed openly at the suggestion. "Bah, ssssssurender isssss for the weakesssssst of foolsssssssss. We have greater numbersssss and can overrun them."
She bristled and her feathers ruffled and stood on ends as she clicked her tongue at him.
"You slithering serpent! At what cost?! Do not assume that because those damned blackguards of the Hunters of the Bloodmoon easily dispatched these new soldiers, that we would presume to do the same. Tch! Those hills and the woods surrounding them are a death trap for my clan. I will not risk them in a head on assault without knowing what it is I'm flying into."
She brought a wing up to her beak and began nervously preening, a sign to her scouts that she was much more on edge than she let on. Yet it was her nature to be cautious. They were quick, swift, and accurate, but fragile, and prone to lower pain tolerances due to the lightweight, almost hollow nature of their bones.
"Hisisssss . . . fine then. And they blame me for being a coward . . . Sssssend in your group . . . I will wait for the inevitable denial and conflict. Yessssss . . . indeed I ssssshall."
Silverwind bit back a slanderous curse as Rotfang departed to scrounge up more ammunition for the siege engines and order them to cease firing for a while. She could tell he wanted flesh and fresh blood. Her instincts told her this would be a very costly endeavor . . . she only hoped that it would not be too costly.
"You two, gather four of my most trusted and bring them to me." The pair nodded and left as swiftly as they could muster.
Hill Forest . . .
"You were right Lady Luserina, they flew back to the commanders from what we could tell."
One of the two Knight Commanders lowered his brush and leaf covered spyglass from his eye. Quickly dug out trench works were covered by detritus and other remnants of the woods that were scattered about from the bombardments. The works were staggered and zigzagged. Each one creating a makeshift killzone between them that would funnel anyone charging through to be attack on multiple sides by archers and rangers. Knights and soldiers spearheaded the points and guarded their ranged brethren. Gaps from one trench to the next one behind it lay no less than twenty meters unless there was no other choice due to the geography.
The hill made enough of a climbing slope that all the ranged personnel behind them merely had to shoot over the heads of their comrades without trying. Still, they were makeshift, the lack of magic did not allow them to fortify or shape into proper defenses.
The magic casters among them were all extremely nervous. As within the anti-magic field, they were hardly even proficient fighters in melee. Though several of them were not terrible with a crossbow or shortbow, they were not outfitted with them due to their cumbersome natures for magic casters.
"Ma'am? Shall I take the shot? Eliminating their command would deal a huge blow to their morale."
One of the rangers with his rifle was perched in a tree above them. His classes giving him the ability to non magically hide extremely well in forests and grasslands. Luserina bit her lip. He had a point, but something Draconis has warned her about before she departed nagged at her mind.
"Fanatics are dangerous foes Luserina. Normally, a rational army that loses its command element falls back, but fanatics are different. Losing their leaders . . . only enrages and empowers them to fight like the damned. Be careful in your decisions. Especially if you know you're outnumbered. Getting berserker rushed by waves of enemies with nothing to lose . . . will kill you."
"No ranger, do not fire. If they all enrage at the loss of their command, we'll be beset on all sides by foes with nothing to lose."
The man frowned, but nodded as he kept his rifle at the ready. "Yes ma'am. Can't say I want to be the one to kick over a drake nest like that."
She nodded, grateful for his understanding.
"Ma'am, we're seeing a party being formed, I think . . . I think it's a group for parley."
Luserina raised a brow. Interesting, but she would wait until she knew why they were being sent.
"Get me a squad. This is what I want them to do." The man nodded as he listened to her orders before rushing off to gather the men needed.
The next hour was a blur in the minds of the troops under Luserina and for their assailants alike.
The four birdlike beastmen had approached the tree lines of the hill with a white tablecloth taken from a house of the nearby village. Yet even with their eyesight, they only saw shifting foliage and telltale signs of dirt dug out from the hill.
A voice from the woods met their ears and they followed the instructions they were given after they had stated that their commander Silverwind wished to send a message to their commanding person. They had been ordered to turn about and when they had, blindfolds had dropped over all their eyes.
They nearly bolted in sudden apprehension when one of the voices in their ears had clearly stated, "Under the flag of parley no harm may come to you by any of our forces, but you may not see anything we walk you through. You will remain blindfolded and bound by the hands as we walk you to our commanding officer. On the honor of our Liege Lord Draconis Brightblade."
They were then walked about, lefts and rights, even a full about face they felt.
They were smart, making it random and lengthy to make them unable to guess how far in their commander was from their beginning point. These were no greenhorn humans! These were a veteran force of fighters.
Sounds of weapons and gear rustling were all they heard as they passed. No voices jeered at them or spoke to each other as they were walked through. They were hiding their numbers . . .!
"So a Parley of all the things. After a bombardment of my troops via siege weaponry . . . Hmph. Who is the one in charge of you four?"
Their leader answered, somehow managing to keep his shared surprise under control at the fact that a woman apparently in command like their own Silverwind. "My Khan, Silverwind wished to avoid further bloodshed by an offer of surrender. You will be left unharmed, though unarmed. She makes this generous offer in an appeal to avoid needless battle and blood loss on both sides."
"Truly? And of the other faction among you? My scouts saw more than just your . . . Silverwind speaking with one another."
He swallowed as he realized that they must have seen the scouts report to Silverwind and Rotfang. It was said elves were among the number of forces they now faced from the Dragon Kingdom. It was also said that elves had eyesight rivaling birds of prey and their own Silverwind.
"Khan Rotfang is among his own troops, but Khan Silverwind promises on her name that those under her will not harm you or yours with your surrender."
The hard edge that came over the woman's voice made them tense. "That means nothing when another force and commander sends no one to represent their portion of the militants. You cannot speak for this Rotfang?"
He shook his head. He knew both Khans well enough. They would never see eye to eye on this kind of subject matter.
"No, Khan Rotfang has full authority over all in his own clan."
A heavy sigh left this woman's lips. "That alone makes this offer of 'surrender' a crock of dwarf dung. Ranger, take them back and let them return with this message: N.U.T.S.!"
As they were turned about and guided away, they heard her speak again.
"Pray that you four are not among the attackers. I care not how many, or what powers you bring. We will bleed you dry for every inch you gain. May the gods have mercy upon your souls, for we will not during this fight. You face not farmers and conscripts. You face soldiers of The Lair and Knights of Avalon."
They had been released at the edge of the woods and their blindfolds removed, the light that met their eyes burned and the words of the woman commander they had not even seen the face of haunted their minds.
This was about to become a slaughter . . . but of whom?
Silverwind did not like the looks of this. Her party had been taken in by men and women dressed like the plant life around them. She could see how effective it would be in the dense woods. If they were all like those six . . . this would be a nightmare. No matter how good their senses, eyesight was still needed.
"No small wonder my scouts could not see them. They dress like their surroundings . . . ingenious . . ."
Merely an hour later, they were returned to the point which they had been taken and allowed to return. That alone told her that the information she had gained from Khan Ziang was all true. These were soldiers with training, discipline, and honor. Men and women who would kill without mercy in defense of their own.
Monsters in civil skins . . .
Her parley group returned with concerned expressions in their feathers and eyes.
"I am sorry my Khan. Blindfolded as we were, we could not tell the kinds of defenses they have put up. Even their people remained silent, despite the smell of blood and sweat and grime, they remained quiet. These are no shivering defenders. These are hardened veterans!"
Silverwind ruffled her feathers. She knew this was a bad idea. But not putting up a fight was equally bad.
"So what, they've combat experience? It'll make wiping them out all the more worth it!"
"They all know you and Khan Silverwind by look, they had scouts watch our own scouts land and report to you both. If they see either of you, I've no doubts they will go out of their way to kill or capture you both."
Silverwind's tail went stiff. Being recognized by the enemy was not good, now she had a bullseye on her.
Rotfang only cackled as he hissed. "Let them come. I will sink my fangs into anyone who dares challenge us. I have an attack to order . . ."
"Wait you imbecile! What did their leader say?"
Back upon the hill, Luserina eyed the commanders from her camouflaged vantage point.
"Looks like the bird woman is Silverwind and the serpent like one is Rotfang. I can only guess what such a name would mean."
The rangers in the trees with her waited her instructions. They would be both supporters and messengers in addition to the snipers leading the archers among them. As spread out as they were, runners were needed to keep communications open now that [Message] was useless.
"Ma'am, shall we inform the troops to ready for attack?"
"Yes, I want all archers suppressing those siege machines. Get their range, then counter battery, make use of whatever weapons skills will do. All rifle users are to target leaders, and support those in need of dire close support. And watch for fliers."
The rangers scattered to carry out their orders to everyone. The forces beyond their treeline began to move. Luserina grit her teeth and drew her pistol and short sword.
"Prepare for enemy assault." Her ears heard the response from those around her that could hear her. The readying of weapons and armor, like a ripple that traveled left and right across the whole forested hill.
The beastmen and women under both Silverwind and Rotfang began to advance. Those under Rotfang began to pick up their pace, eager for blood. They'd all heard the rumors, that they were strong enough to fight any of them tooth and nail, but the Magnificent Ones personal guard tore them to shred with ease so they had nothing to fear.
At least that was the mindset of Rotfang's clansmen. Those under Silverwind were advancing, but at a more cautious pace. All of the scouts lost the night before were of their own numbers, and to not hear from any of them made them nervous.
The hill seemed to loom larger than what it truly was due to the lowland dip in the topography that made it stand out against the horizon. Glints of light twinkled for a split second within that dense foliage. The whistling shriek of arrows met their ears and eyes as shots found their marks, wounding and killing in all directions around the hill.
Another series of glints signaled another volley of fire, but from different angles and locations among the foliage. Many of of Silverwind's clan took to the air to avoid the direct fire, only to be turned into pincushions riddled with arrows even faster than what they were already under attack by!
One dove to the grasses, barely missed by an arrow even as another buried itself in the dirt in front of him.
That was impossible! They were so far out, how were arrows flying this far? They were hundreds of yards away! He plucked the arrow from the ground, other than the ultra fine quality of the projectile, it was wood with a metallic head that was barbed. How?
A fluid filled gargle met his ears as one of Rotfang's clan fell dead beside him. Four arrows pierced him. Two of the shafts broke from the impact of his death fall. One arrow in the eye, two in the throat and one in the heart. Accuracy like that at this range! He shuddered and shivered. This was madness! Numbers aside, they'd suffer so large a loss this would be pointless! He curled up and began to sob as he could hear the dead and dying around him and they were no where near that hill . . .
Others filed in behind the larger members of Rotfang's clan who bore tower shields of thickened hides and reinforced wood and bone. The arrows covered them like a porcupine, but held firm. Even though those farther behind in a line began to be picked off by fire from the sides or arrows that seemed to defy the odds and curve into their flanks, they pressed on.
"We'll get them this way, our brutes prove themselves against arrows of these foods!"
There was a cheer despite the death around them. This was a good plan!
A splattering sound like that of smashed fruit confused some of them before blood and brains spilled upon them. Shocked and confused, they glanced up and swallowed.
"Brute?" His head was not there any longer, a spluttering stump ripped off. Not even his head was to be found, instead scattered like wet paper. A crack like thunder roared from the hill and they saw another brute to their right die messily, the top of the shield shattered and his head went with it for yards behind them. Others hiding like they were scattered, only to be slaughtered by raining arrows.
"Magic?! But, b-but we have Relic!" Panic began to set in for them. Their clever plan destroyed by this mystery roar that decapitated like magic could!
Seeing their burly, defenders fall so easily made everyone around their numbers begin to realize that rushing was better than trying to weather this ranged attack. Surely they could not keep firing though . . . not than any of them coming under direct attack were thinking like that.
The sight of their war machines firing again made them regain much of their morale from seeing this invisible magic slay their toughest members like flies. They all began rushing forward as the arrows did die down and slow their rain of death.
The fastest of them all began to near the treeline after several minutes of rushing towards the hill from so far away. None of the fire seemed to target those quickest to close in.
"Kill them! Kill the men, take the women!" Rotfang's clansmen roared as they met the tree line. The beastman in front of him suddenly split in two from crown to navel as a sharp gust of wind passed his face, slicing his ear off.
"[Air Slash]!" A swordsman in armor swung his sword down at him before the beastman's vision split vertically before he came apart in a pair of bloody chunks.
"Bloody bastards!" The swordsman cursed as he noticed the contents of the beastman's stomach spilling out. Gritting his teeth fiercely, he tightened his grip on his weapon. The bones of a child not yet fully digested could be seen.
He faded back as more beastmen rushed forward seeing him kill two of their own. Arrows whizzed by his face, killing the closest of his pursuers. He was the decoy on this front. Drawing in the overeager blind enough to rush him without checking their surroundings.
[Air Slash] was a mid tiered ranged melee Weapon Skill. It was not magical in nature, so it was usable.
Eager beastmen looked forward to overwhelming this man for the first kill. A cacophonous crack shot searing pain through their sensitive ears as one of their number was thrown bodily backwards, his back blew out from his flesh, a hole the size of a grapefruit ensured he never rose again. Of the three of their group, one stopped in utter shock at the death. What did that?!
He turned to see an arrowhead take up his entire view before pain shot through his skull. The other two were driven by bloodlust and revenge in their minds. The swordsman dove into a trench and they leaped after him, only to see two more fighters in armor swing from behind trees with greatswords, cleaving them both in two as their momentum forced them into the swordstrokes.
"ARGH! My EYE!" The last beastman of their group screamed as he writhed. It burned! It seared in agony! Was this poison?!
One of the archers lined up a killing shot when a spearman caught his hand.
"Don't waste the arrow. Your poison will kill him. Fire on those beyond the treeline as ordered."
The ranger nodded and drew the string taught. His arrow began to shine with the light of a Weapon Skill.
Letting loose the arrow, it shot through the canopy and into the sky. Reaching its zenith, the projectile began to fall as it split and divided into two, four, six, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four . . . ending in a rain of one hundred arrows as [Arrow Rain] took full effect.
Dozens on dozens of beastmen fell as they showered from the skies. More and more bright bolts of death fell from their rising arcs all around the hill, littering the land with dead and the dying. Like a circuit of death. Flying beastmen from Silverwind's clan fell like stones as wings were rent asunder.
Those who raised shields to give themselves cover from the rain of arrows found themselves shot through the body by the riflemen of The Lair.
Behind them, their siege weapons continued to fire into the tree filled hill.
The ground flew apart in chunks as a boulder thrown from the siege engines struck the hill. The defenders in the trenches were showered in dirt and debris. The healer in the area covered her patient with her own body as something wet hit her neck. Glancing down to make sure her patient was okay, she wiped away the wetness, only to feel something slip off. Gritting her teeth, she glanced down and fought the urge the scream. Her partner's finger. His arm was poking out from the boulder, body crushed under the weaponized stone. Saying a prayer for her comrade, she glanced about to see others wounded from the debris and shrapnel from shattering tree branches from the massive projectiles.
Tucking away her current patient under a pure white blanket and handing them a sedative, she crawled to others in need of help. This was why she loved magic so much. It was quick and efficient. Physical triage was understood and practiced, but in the battlefield it would never replace healing magic. Gods above and by the First Sire where was their help?!
"Marksman! Kill those siege operators or destroy the machine itself! Use whatever Weapon Skill you have to! We won't last with our numbers if they keep firing with impunity!"
The Knight Commander screamed over the roars of warcries as the tree line began to see beastmen rush their first line defenders in bloody melee. The ranger looked down at him from her position in the trees in her survival cloak.
"It'll take some time to get the range down! I won't be able to provide close in support!"
"It's better than getting turned to paste! Do it!"
Nodding her understanding, she began to shift her position to get a better vantage point among the trees.
"Aye sir!"
The Knight Commander turned to everyone under his command in the area. Having only 50 riflemen and women combined limited their long reach potential with so much ground to defend. Certainly Lady Luserina could deal massive casualties with her powers and weaponry, but they were made to understand that powers like the Guardians of The Lair were to be used sparingly against the unknown unless another just as powerful arrived. She was acting commander, not focusing on fighting alone as she would if Lord Draconis was present himself.
The way all of them saw it, if their commanders had to take to the field, the battle was truly dire. They were . . . destructive forces of nature more than soldiers. As such, for the people of the land and the land itself, they had to prevail before their leaders took to the field if possible.
"Hold the line!"
A roar of affirmation met his ears even as carnage raged. The first wave of attackers began to pour into the trees. Beastmen striking out alone were killed by surprise tactics and the teamwork of archers in farther back trenchlines supporting their front line defenders and melee fighters.
"Argh! My arm!" "Fall back to the medic trenches, I'll fill your spot!"
"Die and become our food!" "You first!"
Frontline fighters engaged with multiple beastmen to beat back their assailants with grit and tenacity, fading back with combat retreats if possible, though several began to fall from multiple claws and fangs to limbs and neck alike, their lifeblood prompting vicious counter strikes from their allies watching them fall.
"[Sonic Thrust]!"
Spearmen and women pinned beastmen to trees, drawing swords to kill any foe close by as archers pin cushioned the impaled beastmen before their spear wielders retrieved their main armaments by ripping them from the flesh of the corpse. Others formed mini-fusillades with their shield and sword brethren, spearing foes as they collided with shield rushes and were knocked off balance.
Beastmen who could fly that managed to finally reach treetops, dove like their primitive birds of prey counterparts, picking off unfortunate or tunnel visioned archers in the tree limbs. Yanking them into the air before dropping them from high up, their curses and screams only stopping with the thuds of bodies hitting the dirt below, or worse, impaled on tree limbs shattered by the siege machines in the distance.
True, many of them had some form of falling defense, but in the heat of combat remembering to use it in a panic or otherwise occupied or distracted still happened. The timing of activation was also a key component. Not seeing your impact point and how fast it was approaching took away the ability to properly trigger their defenses.
The smell of blood, dirt, and violence was everywhere, riling up both sides into a frenzy.
One Ranger tossed to her death below, only grinned maniacally as she fell. Her final gesture to the bird like beastman that managed to catch her was a rude gesture of the middle finger. The beastman only cawed in mocking joy as he held her long, staff/wand like object, was this their source of thunder?
He didn't have much longer to think as the strange object exploded in a blast of splinters and shrapnel, shredding him to pieces as it ripped through him. Wings tore apart and hollow bones splintered. Those beastmen who witnessed it all began to believe their opponents insane. Why wield something that could do that to the wielder?!
The Rangers wielding their rifles were extra cautious, such precious weaponry could absolutely not fall into enemy hands. All of them agreed to rigging their weapons with Dead Man Switches to blow themselves up if they died. Mainly a pull pin connected to their belts with a string, that would set the timed fuse of gunpowder and metallic scraps in the stock and around the bolt.
The Ranger on assignment to destroy the siege engines looped around branches.
Reaching her vantage point, she could make out a set of the many siege engines in the distance. Glancing about for a moment all around her and even into the air to make sure she wasn't noticed among the chaos, she shouldered her weapon. Focusing on the catapult and its flanking ballista she counted the specks in the distance surrounding it. Noting each and every one that she could manage; she took a breath, held it, counted her heartbeats . . .
"[Daisy Chain]." she whispered as she pulled the trigger. Activating her Weapon Skill, the bullet glowed and shot forth. Jumping down from the branch, she felt a talon rip into her hat and she swore as she hit the dirt running.
That was too close! Too bad for you, my shot's already on the way!
The shot zoomed through the sky, attracting the eyes of everyone not yet halfway to the hill. The sheer number of beastmen was both an advantage and curse. They could only throw so many bodies at a time. Otherwise they'd trample themselves to death in their rush.
What bowmen they had shooting at the hill once they were finally in range were stunned by this glowing line that whizzed through the air all the way to their siege engines!
Those at the ballistas saw it coming but scoffed. One glowing bit of whatever that was? It was not the huge, strong boulders they were launching at that hill. What could it possibly do?
"It's too high, it will go by us!"
The shot swerved and plunged downward, its trailing arc mesmerizing those not in its path. The siege workers heeded their comrade's words, ignoring the deadly Weapon Skill until it hit its first target.
The bullet ripped through the neck of the first beastman before spiraling and corkscrewing back into the next one in the group. Into his chest and out his side, taking a lung and half his heart before careening into a third beastman, a massive apeman loading the arm. Slamming through one eye and out the ear on the opposite side. The apeman fell limp, the boulder hitting the ground heavily, rolling over and smashing a panicking beastman to paste as it did so.
The bullet zoomed onto the catapult crew ten feet away, ripping into the leader of this group through the back and out the chest messily, making his crew scream in fear as this specter sought another victim.
Shooting through the next beastman's knees and back into his jaw, it flew to the next target its master had designated. Tearing a leg messily off at the hip before looping up and over and back again to shatter her beak off before it left them. The shot homed in its final cluster of targets at the opposite ballista after boring through the support pillar of the catapult and making it collapse on its side form the unbalanced weight.
Seeing what was happening to their fellow machine operators, the ballista crew began to scatter in fear as this bloodthirsty thing came whistling at them. Those caught died fleeing in vain.
It repeated the process of tearing into its targets, killing two more beastmen before ending its bloodstained journey by smashing into the ballista, shattering the arms of the weapon of war. Those that survived the nightmarish attack shakily stared at the hill that damned attack had come from.
Would there be another one?
The crews did not want to find out, abandoning the only working machine left and gathering their wounded and dead.
Three machines down, too many left . . .
[Daisy Chain] was a long range, homing type Weapon Skill that could lock-on to nine targets regardless of flesh and blood or inanimate. It would strike them all in order of assignment. Chaining together damaging hits that could ignore the rules of cover; thus its twisting, turning, and acrobatic nature. If someone had a defensive counter to projectiles, it would stop at that target, but the beastmen had no such defenses handy, much less active. Since it could lock-on, it was a fire and forget kind of skill, aka, a lazy skill by YGGDRASIL Player standards. Fancy looking and long range, but mid tier in damage.
Silverwind saw the devastation from her vantage point and shuddered. This meant someone in the hillside could potentially snipe her too. She touched the bow on her back. Even her bow with the Arts she knew did not have that level of range and accuracy.
She glared at Rotfang, who actually quivered a bit.
"So much for these weapons of war. One attack has destroyed two of them and slaughtered the crew of another with such ferocity that other crews won't go near it."
Rotfang hissed menacingly. "I can sssssssee that Ssssssssilverwind. I have a solution to that issue. You keep the attack going . . ."
Silverwind had a suspicious inkling of what he meant by that, but remained silent. Contrary to belief, these foes appeared to be keenly aware of anti-air warfare. Far fewer of her clansmen were airborne. Only the most experienced and skilled were managing to remain aloft amid the showers of arrows that she could see.
Glancing back out at the horizon to the west, she noticed that sunset was fast approaching. Her people did fare moderately well for those with nighttime affinity, but there were not that great in number to risk attacking into the darkness.
It would take time to prepare dinner, and as her clansmen did not make like their fellows and feed on humans, hunting took precedence. Given the rancor and chaos of this battle, finding food was to be exceedingly hard tonight if they did not give nature enough time to settle down from all this chaos.
Raising her winged hand into the air, she let loose a shrill cry that carried over the din of war. All her clansmen immediately turned and abandoned attacking. Much to their fellow beastmen of Rotfang's shock and disappointment.
Likewise, the troops of The Lair were also surprised by the sudden turn of events, but they recovered quickly as they realized that something had changed. They captured a few of her clansmen and women with grappling, information would be needed to keep surviving. Those of Rotfang's clan who wanted to keep fighting were culled more easily, though not without a fight without the flying aide of Silverwind's people.
Even though Rotfang's clansmen eventual realized the folly in keeping up the assault without their fellow beastmen, a large portion of them paid the price before finally falling into retreat for the first day of the fighting.
From her place shrouded in foliage, Luserina narrowed her gaze at this turn of events. She grit her teeth at the results that she could tell even without an official headcount. She knew five of her riflemen were dead, their firearms detonated loudly and spectacularly enough to keep any more of them from being picked off via fliers. The Dead Man's rigs taught these fliers quickly, but not quickly enough for her tastes. Being down five riflemen did not seem like much, but with so much ground to cover on all sides of the hill, it now left them bereft of a swath of hillside without rifle support.
She knew Draconis and his peers had spoken solemnly, saying that the firearm was a battlefield multiplier in a realm of swords and even magic, and that a single caster could change the fate of a battle, but now it truly slammed home to her. Being without the power to cast even the basic Orison or Cantrip and seeing the power of the [Mad Minute] in action where magic did not dwell was humbling.
She stared at the pistol in her hands. One of the advanced firearms of what her Master called, "The most terrifying weapons of mankind". Racking the slide, she rested the spine of the weapon to her forehead and prayed.
"Oh Gods above. Preserve us, may you watch over us, guide us and send us a miracle. Oh Goddess Hel, receive unto your bosom the souls of those we send to thee now. And have mercy upon those of us who come unto thee as well." Her gaze sharpened as she opened her eyes and descended from her perch to see to her troops.
Day one was done . . . how many more before their foe finally learned and backed off . . . or they were overrun?
Today alone they had been at it for five hours.
She would not let her foe take advantage of a nighttime sortie. If they were smart enough to try anyway. It was time to organize rest shifts and watches with support. Calling over her second-in-command, she noticed his clothes covered in blood. His eyes were still sharp, being a veteran and Knight Commander, he was made of stern stuff.
"Walk with me. We've duty assignments to plan for the night."
He nodded grimly. It was never pleasant to issue such orders to exhausted troops, but it was a necessary evil. "Yes Ma'am."
Luserina nodded as they plodded towards the closest group of troops. Medical staff rushed back and forth to treat those they could. The dead were given what they could for rites as they lined them up in respectful rows. Luserina spoke silent prayers for all of them as she passed.
"Let us now rendezvous with destiny . . ."
Dragon Kingdom Capital
Collaborative Base of Operations
Two Hours into the Fighting at The Hill
Leinas was watching the training of the people of the Dragon Kingdom by what she now knew was an Avalonian Sword Saint. The man was elven, exactly as the Scarlet Swordsman had described.
She was intrigued more however, by the man teaching spear and lance work. Yet something was off. There was a tension in even the normal troops that the new Martial Lord commanded. Had something happened?
A portal opened at the center of the parade grounds and what marched forth made her and all those not of the man's standing army pale.
Massive centaur warriors clad head to hoof and tail in full plate armor that hid even their faces. Lances, swords, bows of giant proportions and even mages were among their number! Their hooves thundered as the lead centaur took stock.
"You heard our Lord. We ride to the aide of our comrade. Last detected location was two hundred miles northeast. We ride hard."
"We shall be known for our deeds alone!"
They all stamped the ground in respond as a whole unit. There were more than twenty of them, fifty? Draconis himself stepped through the portal and all members of his forces, centaur and otherwise in the area stopped and saluted as one. The noise from the sheer number of them were like a storm.
He spoke to the leader of this group and they all nodded before Draconis motioned to the gates and they began to file out. Their hoof falls echoed through the streets until they reached the gates of the city and broke into open fields. Instantly going full force, they stormed away, massive dust clouds kicked up by hundreds of hooves.
The red haired man gazed up at the skies in frustration before closing his eyes and clenching his fists. She could see the look of a commander concerned that he had not made a correct decision. It was a feeling and look she had seen on her own face more than once in a mirror. But for someone like him to wear such an expression . . .
Building up her nerves, she approached the man with slow steps.
"Can I help you Imperial Knight Leinas Rockbruise?" Somehow, she was not surprised that he knew it was her. Perhaps he had caught a glimpse of her as he exited the portal that was still open behind him?
"Apologies for intruding, but you seem like a man uncomfortable with his decisions . . . I mean no disrespect by that."
A tired smirk crossed his features as he looked down at her with a huff.
"I cannot refute that Lady Rockbruise. The enemy I face I have discovered since my return is of a similar force as my own. I had warned Her Majesty Draudillon that what we face may be of a power level not unlike my own. As such, they have soldiers as capable as my own among their number."
That information made Leinas flinch.
"Walk with me Knight of the Empire." The blond woman did so, falling into step with him as he approached the command tent where Baron Whitepeak looked at them with some measure of concern.
"Lord Draconis, has something happened?"
The Holy Knight said nothing as he walked to the table and updated maps before setting an elvish piece upon a spot to the northeast. Whitepeak flinched. It was a hill on the border of his territory and he knew the village on its outskirts as well.
"No . . . Lord Draconis, is that where you sent your troops just now?"
"It is. My Guardian General Luserina and her forces were carrying out a long range aerial patrol last night and we lost contact with them via their magic signatures. I have my assumptions, but I will not risk a warping or teleporting of forces into an ambush."
The men and women of Baron Whitepeak's soldiers present in the tent with them frowned in confusion.
"Forgive us sir, but would that not be the fastest way to reinforce them?"
Draconis nodded. "Normally yes, that would be the case, but this foe is more like my own power level in scale. As such, anti-magics are in play and my diviners cannot see them or their fates. I will not risk a force via teleporting when there are counter-teleportation spells likely set up. No, I send a unit not of flying capability who are fast and heavily armored against physical and magical foes. Luserina's unit is an aerial force, to drop them from the skies implies anti-magic and anti-air in equal measure."
"Magic that can counter a teleportation spell?!" One of the mages under Whitepeak paled. [Teleportation] was Tier V! Almost mythic! Yet this man was speaking as if it was a normal occurrence to encounter not just [Teleportation], but something that could counter it! The thought made them tremble.
"It will take them five days to arrive Lord Draconis, those are rolling hills and highlands they travel, not plains alone." Whitepeak spoke with a firm level of concern. "Will Lady Luserina's forces hold out?"
Draconis did not mention that all of the centaur heavy calvary possessed [Horseshoes of the Zypher] that effectively doubled their overland speed and endurance and as such, would only take them two and a half if they took a "resting canter" pace. They all possessed [Rings of Sustenance] for this mission, allowing them to forgo the need of food and drink in exchange for speedy marches free from breaks save a three hour power sleep via the ring instead of a full eight hours of rest.
"I hope that they do. They will make anything attacking them bleed every last drop for every foot gained against them. Baron, what is that area called?"
Whitepeak sighed. More than likely the village under his protection there was gone now, its people slaughtered or taken.
Post Chapter Notes
Thank you once again all readers during this Covid 19 insanity world wide.
A few points for the notes and then on to the Review Responses from the previous chapter.
A) Those of my readers out there that play Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder. Care to point out what things are appearing from the Table Top RPGs?
B) Those historians out there as well, points and cyber cookies for those who call out in the reviews the tributes and references throughout this chapter!
C) Once again, sorry for the very, very long wait on this one. Working frontlines of all this pandemic insanity is taking up my sanity and energy. I very much still am writing, but its in chunks and segments whenever I have energy to spare, which right now is far and few between. Thank you again for your understanding and patience. Stay safe, stay healthy, and most of all, we will get through this.
Now onto the Review Responses
Overwarlord: MOAR given!
Silver556: Hmmm . . . were they? Keep reading and thanks for dropping in! Also, Claiomh Solais will indeed be making an appearance as it is an iconic gaming weapon.
Varcisis: Thanks for that! Writing the intricacies of such things is actually easier to write for me than combat . . . Probably due to the fact that combat can get repetitive quickly without descriptors and yet that very descriptiveness can become a slog. It's a challenge even professional writers struggle balancing!
Generation Zero: Thanks again for chiming in. Yes, releasing the Clearwater Scriptures is a gambit, but it's one he'll take due to the circumstances. Though he did not expect Chronos to be so liberal with his orders. Yes, the characters of the past in the game will play a role in the future.
Starlord Master: Lot's of blood indeed on both sides.
Dimension Distorter: Ah, caught that one accessory did you? Good! Keep an eye out, because more than just the items will make appearances, but some of the rulings and powers of classes familiar to table top role players will also make significant contributions as well. With an MMORPG twist for some of the more "restricted" powers.
Their races will also be revealed in due time.
FanGuy59: Keep on reading to find out all the juicy details.
Zandaino-Nova-Ari: Eventually I WILL get back to Avalon's Side of the story. I appreciate your support!
MadDan90: Not at midnight this time . . . And yet it IS midnight somewhere . . .
RagingCajun: Yes, the battles are on now.
Cmnd Yammark Kasrkinstromtrooper: Good grief that handle is STILL massive. Thanks for the support.
Rider126: She is sensing the drain on his power and abilities from Ainz's spell. He's been cursed, and his Karma has dropped dangerously close to Neutral aka Zero Karma.
UndeadLord22: More potential allies and enemies indeed!
Gamma-X: I'm glad you are enjoying the story. Yeah, Lelouch's level of intellect is in a category all its own.
Once again, thank you all for your patience and understanding! Have a good night or day and stay safe!