Author has written 16 stories for Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Harry Potter.
Name: Based on a t-shirt I saw when I went to San Francisco. I never ended up getting it, however, I do own some pyjamas that says "Got Bail" on the shirt and "Alcatraz Swim Team: Swim For Your Life" on the pants.
I've been coming up with stories for as long as I can remember. Sometimes, I'll just lie awake at night an imagine instead of actually dreaming. I love the worlds that I create and the characters that inhabit them. My friends say that I've got the tendency to slip into my own little world. I correct them and say that I don't have worlds: I have several universes in my head and they all need to be explored to their fullest extent. My mind is so much bigger on the inside.
I promise to reply to your reviews as soon as I can. If you reach out to me, I will reach back to you.
Completed Stories:
Just Konoha: Because we are Konoha. Just Konoha. Come and get us.
Pairings: None
Just Konoha is a tribute to Kishimoto's main cast of characters and their village. Konoha is a lot stronger than the people of the Elemental Nations give it credit for. Madara will learn this the hard way.
Ten Tales of the Uchiha and the Sharingan: Who can tell what's right from wrong - truth from lies - when the storytellers are blind to begin with?
Pairings: None
This is my interpretation on how the Sharingan came into existence and how the Uchiha clan has suffered because of it. This is not for those looking for light and fluffy reading.
The Normals: Not Blind: Spin-off of The Others series. In which Duke Devlin starts to connect the dots and concludes that there is something very wrong with the Bakura twins.
Pairings: Cheershipping, minor Lateshipping
A short oneshot that I came up with while lying in bed one day. I've always liked how the Normals came out and what they are turning into in The Others, so I wanted to give them a little credit. Normals have magic too, just not in the way that Others do. Duke Devlin possesses the power of observation and this is the story of how he uses that rare gift.
The Others: The Lucky Ones: Spin off of The Others. Rex and Weevil don't believe in luck. And when it comes to Others, there are no such things as lucky ones. But maybe there is such a thing as hope. Major spoilers to The Others Series.
Pairing: Mentioned WeevilxVivian
Rex and Weevil deserve so much more screen time than they actually get. They are so relatable to the kids of high school, more so than Bakura is (they didn't see dead people so they didn't think they were crazy).
The Immortal: The Walking Stick: Spin-off of The Others Series. It is a stick that decides her direction after his death. But she will swear to the ends of the earth in later years that the gods controlled how that stick landed. Slight spoilers to the Others Series
Pairings: Darkshipping/Casteshipping
This was originally going to just be a timeline that I posted on the forum depicting the events that happened after theCut Off and before the beginning of The First Year. Then my imagination took over and it became an actual story. I believe that when a character lives and experiences as much as Atem has, they either get a bit quirky or they get incredibly depressed. It also goes to show her love for Bakura and how the events that occurred before the Cut Off effected her so much that he is the only thing that really matters anymore.
The Normals: Hands and Humans: Spin off of The Others series. "Can we talk?" "About what?" "Anything. Just anything." Because sometimes looks aren't needed. Sometimes all you need to here is a voice.
Pairings: Cheershipping, mentions of Darkshipping/Casteshipping
I've always loved that Serenity was effectively blind when she first met Duke, even in canon. That is what attracted me to this pairing in the first place. Duke has always relied heavily on his looks, but when faced with a girl who could only hear his voice, he would be thrown completely off his game. I would like to believe that he was more real to Serenity than he was to any person he's ever been with and they deserve their own story.
The Others: The First Year: It's a coming of age tale filled with love, rebellion, and friendships that last a lifetime. Or something like that. There's always an Other option.
Pairings: Darkshipping, Fem!Atem
The first tale in a series of three, Ryou Bakura is whisked away from his life as a social outcast at Domino High to the magical world of Atlantis: School for the Gifted. But things are darker than they seem, even in a place where everything seems perfect. Things start walking out of his dreams, while the world sits on the end of its seat waiting for war to break out. He knew that things weren't going to be easy for him the moment he started to see dead people walking, but this time, Bakura may just be in over his head.
The Abnormals: Amane's Tale: Amane is four years old and thinks her room is haunted. Little does she know that this ghost will change her life forever.
Pairings: Lateshipping, AbnormalGodShipping, various other Amane pairings
I seem to be on the 'same-story-from-a-different-perspective' train as of late. This will be a short series of one shots dealing with Amane's own personal history and her feelings for Bakura - or rather, her Ryou as well as her introduction to the magical world. Beware, it's going to be pretty graphic with mentions of underage alcohol, drug use, and sex. There will also be some blatant mentions of incestuous relationships. This is not for the faint of heart.
In Progress:
The Others: The Second Year: Several years ago, the sister of my best friend Spoke of a woman who would bring the end to this war and that she could be found in the pages of the Thousand Spell Book. And so, in the final year of peace, the hunt for Heavenly Sound began.
Pairings: Darkshipping, Fem!Atem
The second book of The Others series, Ryou Bakura dives head first into the silent battle that Atem has been fighting for twelve hundred years. As the threat of war looms over them all, enemies from the past walk into the present and the Beast is getting restless in her cage. Now all he needs to do is find that Book.
The Spirits: Resurrection: Spin-off of The Others series. The day Tikal fell, the mirror image of God was shattering into pieces. Each shard has his own reflection, his own story of his rise and fall - his life and his death.
Pairings: Darkshipping, Casteshipping, Fem!Atem
Ever wondered what happened between Atem and the six other Bakuras from The Others? Well, this will be were you can. From Thief King to Akeifa, their lives will be explored and a pattern will become evident. Who were these men and why were they born?
Future Projects:
The Others: The Third Year
Pairings: Darkshipping, Fem!Atem
The third and final story in The Others series, Atlantis is destroyed and the next target on their list is Ryou Bakura, the Necromancer. He realizes just what he is and why he was born the way he was. But when Atem is kidnapped, Bakura must lead a team of Others and Normals across enemy lines and back. Will he succeed, or will the Beast finally triumph in the end?
The God: The Forgotten World
Pairings: MagicxHeavenly Sound, MagicxFem!Yugi, hinted one sided MagicxBeast
This is the tale of the time before human civilization, when the Ancient Ones were not so ancient and Magic was only beginning to walk on two feet. Mu will fall, the Beast will run, and the world will end and begin anew.
Fan Art:
The Last of the Last: http:///#/d372pbn
Out of Suffering...: http:///#/d372po8
The Two Lives of Amane: http:///#/d3f6pfg
Prom Dresses for The Others: The First Year:
Amane: http:///images/10702vintage.jpg
Miho: http:///wp-content/uploads/2011/01/long-strapless-yellow-prom-dresses1.jpg
Serenity: http:///images/dresses/MDSP070.jpg
Tea: http:///wsphoto/v0/438097870/short-purple-prom-dress-2011-WZ1677.jpg
Forum: http://www.fanfiction.ws/myforums/AlcatrazOutpatient/2529379/
If you have any questions about The Others series (characters, the plot, inspiration, etc), just click away. I will get back to you.
Wiki: http:///wiki/The_Others_Series_Wiki
This is a source of information that is constantly being updated. If you wish to contribute, please contact me before you do and use information and facts directly from The Others series.