Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. I'm Ceres K., if you haven't figured that out already. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, and HBP is awesome! So is the latest movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! I'm eagerly awaiting the next movie, which comes out in a couple of months, and the last book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! About me: I'm 18, although at the time of this update, I'll be turning 19 in a few weeks. I play the violin, and I'm learning to play the guitar. I'm in my first year of college, and I'm hope that I can get into the nursing program at my college. Favs: Movie: PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! Heck yeah! HP Relationships: H/G, R/Hr, D/Hr (if it's well written) My fics: Beast Lord: WIP. This is the first fanfic story I've written and put on the web. When I first posted it, it was just a story in my head that I couldn't wait to share. I did not expect people to actually like it as much as they have. I've been overwhelmed with reviews and fans, and right now, I have over 1460 reviews. For a first fanfic, I believe that is kind of unusual, but not unwelcome. Even with life stepping in to totally screw up the update schedule, its readers have been surprisingly supportive. Beast Lord starts where OotP left off, with Harry messed up after Sirius' death. Luckily for Harry, his faithful owl Hedwig is looking after him. She goes to Fawkes for help, and Fawkes in turn leads an organization called the Beast Council to help Harry out. The Council uses an ancient spell, courtesy of Fawkes, to transfer abilities and power to Harry. The only problem is that Harry is still trying to find out what powers were given to him, while trying to defend himself against Death Eaters, helping his friends become the next generation of Marauders/Animagi, and going to school. It's a good thing that Harry has some good friends and two great, sometimes helpful birds. Fate's Path: WIP. This is a story I've been sitting on for a while. I've been hesitant to post because I was trying to focus on Beast Lord, but after a time of trying to come up with a chapter I could be proud of, I decided to go ahead and post it while I'm waiting for inspiration. This story sprouted because of a conversation with a classmate about a year ago. I took the idea, changed it up and added a bit of my own ideas, and the result is Fate's Path. This story is an AU from the beginning, unlike BL, which became an AU after HBP came out. Fate's Path begins after Dumbledore left Harry on the Dursley's doorstep in the first book in the Harry Potter series, and we observe a somewhat humorous exchange between two mysterious entities, Aureus and his Master. They observe Harry's first day in the Dursley household and when things get a little too far, they take Harry to an unknown (right now...) place to raise the toddler... Quote of this update (2-15) "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow" -Anonymous UPDATE (2-15): I have a Yahoo!group, which I started for Beast Lord. Through it, I also send out notices on updates, and sooner or later, I will post an announcement about a live chat with me. http:///group/beastlord/ Not much there, but there is more to come. The main reason I started it is because doesn't foster much interaction with author and fans. And let's face it, writing fanfic is not as much fun without knowing that people like it. So yeah, check it out! |