Author has written 27 stories for Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X-overs, .hack/SIGN, Power Rangers, Persona Series, Pokémon, Prince of Tennis, Digimon, Naruto, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Eyeshield 21, Avengers, Final Fantasy VII, Total Drama series, Fire Emblem, and Young Justice.
This is the formerly Shinigami's Shadow, Abyss of Essence, Sky's Eternity and finally now as Azurez.
My LJ account link:SkyEternity
My Ao3 Account: Skysword
My Tumblr Account: AzurezFiction
I apologize for the long absence of writing this year. This had been due to the fact that I had been finishing up my last and final year at school in which I have now graduated from and currently looking for a job related to my field, however, I have been working on numerous chapters and fics through out the year. They are currently being edited through my beta, whom is also currently in school for the summer session, we both are very sorry for the long wait but wish for you to be patient for future chapters to come.
On that note; several new projects are currently within the works that I hope will be up soon depending on how things go. None of this fics will be posted until they have hit the 10 chapter mark or higher.
Until then please look forward to new chapters and fics for the future!
Update 2016-01-16
Once again, it seems that I haven't been around lately and I apologize for that. At the current moment I am now working two jobs stretching from Sunday to Monday working 50 to 60 Hrs a week in order to get by. While I have been working on numerous works when able, please understand that RL comes first and foremost for me and to try and be patient for the next up date. Thank you.
Update 2016-01-18
I now have a tumblr called azurezfiction. When I am not writing fanfiction I will be there, so please feel free to send me asks or whatever!
Hated Ships
Harry Potter x Any Death Eater related character
Harry Potter x Voldemort or Tom Riddle
Harry Potter x Fenrir Greyback
Sirius Black x Amelia Bones
Sirius Black x OFC; Again due to the whole Harmonia shippers. They and you know why.
Sirius Black x Any Death Eater Character
Harry Potter x The Twins
Snape x Anyone.
Tolerated Ships:
Harry Potter x Hermione Granger; lately I've been growing jaded over the last year or so over this pairing and am struggling to keep my enjoyment of it.
Ron Weasley x Luna Lovegood; as long as it is in the background or decently developed.
Harry Potter x Cho Chang; this has grown on me a bit lately and I feel over the past few years that I understand Cho's character a bit more.
Harry Potter x Fleur Declour; It needs to be done right.
Harry Potter x Hufflepuffs; depends on whom and how good the fic is written.
Charlie Weasley x Nymphadora Tonks
Harry Potter x Parvati Patil
Preferred Ships
Harry Potter x Luna Lovegood
Harry Potter x No one; Does the he even really NEED to be with someone? Can't Harry just have friends and family instead of a girl/boyfriend/harem?
Harry Potter x Padma Patil; This is a guilty ship that I can't help but like.
Harry Potter x Daphne Greengrass
Harry Potter x Angelina Johnson; read a REALLY good one awhile back before HBP and DH came out.
Harry Potter x Bill Weasley
Harry Potter x Charlie Weasley
Harry Potter x Oliver Wood
Harry Potter x Cedric Diggory
Fics WIP:
Summary: Being abandoned by the Dursleys in Japan and ending up saving an innocent woman frm an attack hadn't been in Harry's plans for the summer. However, he will continue to walk down the same path as his family.
Pairings: Pending 80HP Pending XHP, GammaTsu, HaruRon
Chapters posted: 16
Chapters finished: 21
Chapters currently in editing: 17-22
Chapter 23 WIP.
How to save a world:
Harry never thought it would lead him and Sirius falling through a magical curtain into a world of bizarre creatures. As the pair settle in this "Pokemon World" they gain a chance to find love that they'd never have back home.
Pairings: Norman x Sirius, Volkner x Harry.
Chapters posted and completed: 14.
Chapters completed: 17
Chapters in editing: 15-17.
Chapter 18 currently being worked on!
Completed Fics:
Yours, Mine, and Ours
Summary: Five Shot. Each Gundam Boy talks to a Senshi. Complete. Formerly Perfect Love.
Pairings: 1xUsa, 2xMina, 3xAmi, 4xRei, 5xLita.
Chapters completed: 5
Yuletide Dance
Summary: The Yule Ball; the one time people can let loose and have fun. However, Squall's getting a little irritated with Harry taking so long. FFHP crossover; Slash. R and R please! Formerly known as 'Dancing's Temptations'.
Pairings: Squarry
Chapters Completed: 1
In His Eyes
Summary:Sequel to Yuletide Dance. Who knew that Christmas morning would turn out like this?
Pairing: Squarry
Chapters Completed: 1
Summary: Riku really needs to be told how much of an idiot he is.
Pairings: CloRi, LeoSo
Chapters Completed: 1
Five Things
Summary: Balmung knew five things about Kite that Black Rose NEVER would.
Pairings: BalKite
Chapters Completed: 1
When it comes to reviews I personally prefer them long reviews with constructive criticism in order to improve my writing. Any reviews that are 'omg I love this update soon' or 'love the chapter can't wait until you update' do nothing more me and would like to ask you all to refrain from writing such ones. Please inform me of what you liked, what you didn't like and what you personally found have been well done or could have been written better. It would help me write higher quality written works for the future.
Pet Peves
1. Genderbending; there is absolutely no reason for characters to have their genders bent or change for any reason. I've lately been witnessing such an increase in fanfictions. That is not to say there are not any good ones but there are few and far between.
2. Blocks of Text. You have a space bar, kindly use it.
3. MPreg. Do I really need to touch the subject?
4. Bashing. Maybe in the past I might have done a few bashing fics but those days are over, and frankly I find the behavior to be utterly childish.