In Motion

"You didn't have to come with me."

Bucky gave a deadpanned stare. "And leave you to your own devices? No thanks."

"I feel like I should feel insulted by that." Harry responded, nonchalantly. "In fact I do feel insulted. You make it sound as I'm bad as Uncle Tony or Steve."

Steve seemed to cough under his breath attempting to look inconspicuously by grabbing hold at the end of his cap and pulling it down over his face. The big hipster glasses were riding on the edge of his nose concealing the bemused smile of the argument between Harry and Bucky. The three had been decked out in their civilian clothing to avoid being swamped by fans; more so himself and Bucky than Harry, as they along with the rest of their team made an agreement in keeping their newest addition as far away from the media as possible. The idea of the kid ending up going public and appearing worldwide would end up spelling a great amount of trouble for not only Harry, not only them and S.H.I.E.L.D. but also for the wizarding world which they had learned preferred their secrecy.

The fact that Bucky's grandson turned out to be fairly famous worldwide for the defeat of a magical nazi-esque terrorist group's version of Hitler at the age of one and an important symbol within the magical community as a whole had been a major factor too. Harry did not like the spotlight and rather remain in the shadows.

"Steve is in a league of his own," Bucky commented, rolling his eyes.

"So are you, jerk."

A smirk. "Whatever you say punk."



Smiles and a laugh were exchanged between them with Harry showing a brief moment of bemusement upon his lips pulling over the hoodie he wore to conceal his expression. Steve reached over ruffling his head and grinned wider as the muffled noises and redness of his cheeks entered his line of sight.

Bucky's grinned matched his own.

"So," He rubbed his hands together. "Who has the list?"

Harry's hand jolted upwards. "I do." Holding out the sheet of paper. "Bruce gave it to me before leaving saying something about the two of you forgetting it or chaos and havoc in the store or something along those lines, I wasn't really paying much attention." Cue the careless shoulder shrug and the sheepish smile. Whether the act had been intentional or not had yet to be determined with Harry one never really knew what ran through his head, however, one always knew he put others before himself. "Should we split up or –"

"We just discussed you and being on your own." Bucky astonished. "Like what happened at the Doctor's office-"

"Which I am fully take responsibility for even if I was within my rights to defend myself from a guy with a giant needle about to be shoved into my arm." Harry retorted flatly.

Bucky's eyes narrowed. "And yesterday?"

"That was purely accidental." A pause. "I never meant to fall again from hundreds of feet within the air!" Harry looked away from them. "Sam and Rhodey were able to catch me before I came crashing down onto the pavement, everything turned out alright." He said, calmly.

"It's a store, Bucky." Steven soothed gently. "I'm sure letting Harry explore and grab some stuff from the list isn't going to make the world come to an end."

His boyfriend gave him an agonizing look. "Don't say that Steve, whenever you say things like that things end up going south."

"I'm sure it won't," Steven pointedly stared.

"Fine," Bucky sighed heavily and gave Harry a slight push. "Go, explore and please try not to get into trouble."

"I'll go and grab the vegetables and milk." As he handed the list to Bucky. "I've already memorized that part of the list. I'll catch up with the two of you later." With that Harry grabbed one of the baskets before vanishing from their sights behind one of the aisles leaving the two standing there and exchanging a longer look. Steve personally did not see the harm and allowing their charge some freedom to move around being cooped up with the tower and being around just them had to be suffocating at times. Harry seemed to enjoy being and talking with them however even he had been aware that a boy his age did want to spread their wings and fly from the nest.

Steve made a face. The analogies from Sam and Clint were beginning to rub off on him.

"Why do I have a feeling that we're going to regret this immensely?" Bucky groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

His eyes rolled. "Now you are being dramatic."

"I am not." He retorted. "And you know it."

"Mhmmm," Steven mused.

Bucky sighed. "I'm just worried. Harry's a good kid, he doesn't deserve all this shit he goes through but dammit it's like trouble is magnetically attracted to him!"

"Then we'll deal with whatever problem comes." Steven began, encouragingly. Bucky's perspective and concerns were absolutely understandable given how much trouble they had all gotten themselves into one time or another, Harry seemed to be like a magnetic attracting trouble whether he liked to or not, more on the former than the later. They had been lucky so far that no one had connected Harry to the Avengers otherwise many of their enemies, H.Y.D.R.A. especially. Frankly, Harry seemed fairly content with anonymity among the crowd enjoying being slipping past the people almost indulging being within the shadows. Steve somehow knew his feelings, wearing the get-up that he dawned now had been a way to given himself his own identity away from the Avengers and simply be another normal citizen.

His hand gently raised gently caressing Bucky's cheek leaning forwards as their lips brushed together into a soft and assuring kiss sliding their foreheads together. Steve felt Bucky's arms snake around his waist pulling them closer as they indulged into one another's touch and feel. His own hands were resting near his jaw lip as they shared another kiss and breathed in unison. Everything would be alright. As long as they had each other nothing would tear them apart.

"Do you think Harry knows about us?" Bucky suddenly inquired.

Steve's brows furrowed. "I don't think so."

Neither Bucky or himself hide the affection and love that they had for one another and yet they did not broadcast it either. From what Steve had seen Harry did not seem interested in whether they were or were not together, and even if he had know made no mentioning of their relationship.

"And even if he does, I doubt he minds." Steve continued.

"Kid's too damn observant not to have figured us out," Bucky muttered, eye rolling.

Steve sighed. "You are probably right about that."

"I'm always right," He said smugly with a smirk.

"Asshole." Steve commented, grinning.

Bucky matched. "Bitch."


"Your jerk."

"That is true," He admitted with a laugh sliding his fingers into Bucky's the two walked along the aisles collecting the abundance of groceries which had been on the list leaving the vegetables and diary on Harry's end. Going up and down attempting not to cause any scenes as they exchanged some jokes that would only be understood by one another and ignoring the strange bewildering stares from customers, a normal reaction really, not that either of them seemed to care what other people said and looked at them.

Bucky paused near one of the stands picking up a newspaper curling his lips.

"What?" Steve called, grabbing one loaf of bread into their basket. When he did not give an answer his eye sight trailed alongside the headline which stated The Menace of New York City SPIDERMAN! Upon seeing the person whom had written the article, he almost groaned tiredly. This had been on reporter that none of the Avengers had particularly strong feelings for beyond dislike and annoyance; J. Jonah Jameson, the head of the Daily Bugle. Tony had met with him once only to walk out in sheer aggravation and ranted about the man's narrow-minded attitude towards them and any other super hero in particularly the Spider-man. "Oh. Him."

"This guy is an idiot." Bucky declared. "Seriously, the guy ends up saving a whole bunch of people from that electric idiot and from that lizard man almost two years ago. Why is he ripping on him so much?"

"Tony seems to believe it's because he needs to compensate for below the belt." Steve commented, smirking.

His boyfriend barked a laugh. "I can believe it."

"The photographer got amazing shots." His tongue licked his lips eyeing the photo with interest. "The angle he captured and the detail within it is amazing. Whomever did this has real skill!"

"According to the line below," Bucky continued. "Some guy named Peter Parker takes the shots."

Steve tilted his head intrigued. "Maybe we should talk with him and see if he knows anything about-" just as he was about to finish his sentence a sharp scream overrode him snapping the two out of their conversation towards the source and bolted towards the front cash. Upon arrival to the scene there had been four robbers wearing black ski masks over their faces garbed in black leather holding a pistol to one girl's forehead as the other three held out three unzipped duffle bags dropping them in front at three different stations.

"Ain't nobody try to be a hero." The gunner announced. "Otherwise this girl's head is going to go bye-bye. Now…" He cocked the pistol. "How about all of you pile that money in from registers into those bags my boy's have, hmm?"

Bucky growled quietly. "We aren't letting them do this."

"No we aren't." Steve agreed softly, eyes remaining on the four analyzing the area quickly and formulated a plan. "I got an idea-"

"It's going to be trouble isn't it?"

He smirked. "Isn't that what you live for?"

"And keeping you alive." Bucky retorted, rolling his eyes. "Alright I'll back you up."

A grateful smile flickered for that moment before strolling up towards the counter as the sounds of guns clicked towards him as the noises of demands echoed from the robbers. Blue eyes met with the frightened hazel of the cashier before him, tilting his head down slightly giving the woman a look as he watched the realization dawned upon her with in mere moments before quietly nodding. Once down Steve continued to act like nothing had been going on as she scanned the items while watching intently at the robber while the demands and frustration of their confusion grew louder and louder without end. His cap concealed his gaze calculating quietly as the robber approached.

Steve narrowed his eyes just as he took another step forward throwing his arm out.


The cashier ducked.

His hand snapped forwards grabbing into the robbers arm twisting it upwards. The room echoed with a sharp crack of the bone followed by the hoarse squirming of pain taking advantage of the moment of weakness by grabbing him by the collar and throwing him into the chip rack head first, denting the vending machine while his body went limp. The three robbers snapped out of their confusion turning to anger and attempted to mad rush him.

Too bad Bucky appeared from behind two of them grabbing them from and slamming their heads together as they went down instantly.

Leaving one left.

Bucky took one side and Steve took the other cutting him off. The robber's head whip lashed around looking for the nearest exist, moving his body fearfully understanding that he had been caught.

"You have a choice, son." He began using his 'Captain America is disappointed in you voice'. "You can either come with us nice and easy or we can go do things the hard way."

"I prefer the hard way," Bucky cracked his knuckles.

The robber swallowed, legs shaking before darting down the aisles which they had initially came from throwing his head back once getting enough distance from them. Unfortunately, things did not seem to be within his favor as he ended up landing head first straight onto the ground sliding into the neared shelve followed by a bulk carton of cookies landing on top of his head. Stepping out of the shadows had been Harry throwing the robber a deadpanned stare before throwing a wry grin.

"They just don't make bad guys like they used to."

Steve and Bucky merely exchanged a look before shaking their heads snickering quietly. At least this time it had been them that got into trouble rather than Harry, with the police arriving and arresting the robbers; waiting to be questioned in order to give a detail description of what had occurred. With their casual clothes no one had been able to connect their real identities merely believing that they were nothing more than room mates that got caught up in the robbery and ended up being upstanding citizens that fought against the criminals.

All in all it had not been too bad of a fight. Though, Steve could due without the awfully bemused look that his lover currently wore smiling through and through. Almost smugly, know he properly thought about it.

It had been a wonder that no one recognized them. Feeling thank for such a small favor maybe things were starting to go their way for once, though doubting that Pepper and Fury would be too happy due to night's events. As his eyes trailed back towards Bucky reaching over ruffling Harry's hair in an affectionate yet protective manner a soft smile faintly appeared upon his lips.

In the end he had no regrets.

Chapter End.

And so is the end of series 4 of the SHR! Series 5 and 6 are both completed and currently being edited, so make sure that you look forward to them being posted. A whole of things are going to start becoming and being set into motion, so best keep your eyes out!

On a note; I am using Andrew Garfield as my ideal version of Spiderman. So just a heads up on that!

Just like before please make certain to leave constructive criticism in your review!